Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Biologically determined to be a racist race?

That seems to be the topic for tonight.

First off, I watched my all-time-hands-down-favorite show, America's Next Top Model, and there are some ka-razy girls on this cycle! Actually, they nixed the racist girl who swore up and down that she wasn't racist. Maybe she wasn't racist by virtue of her not liking all non-white, non-heterosexual, secular people equally? Who knows.

Next, my cousin IM'd me:

F16: Do you agree with "There are biological races in the human species, Homo Sapines"? yes or no answers
me: hm, lemme think about this...yes
F16: ok. have you taken an anthropology course ?
me: no
me: so yes, I am guessing at the answers. why, are there no bio races? i don't even know what “biological races” mean…
F16: racism in humans according to my dad. that is the same ? Nat asked my dad
me: what? racism is not the same thing as races. is that what you're talking about?
F16: no
F16: it is just the ? my teacher gave us. I have to do a poll on race
me: wait, what is the question nat asked your dad?
F16: what are biological races
me: o. and your dad said what?
F16: I think he said that racism exist in the human species
me: interesting. that racism is innate/internal/biological?
F16: biological. in all humans I think
me: what do you think?
F16: I think that it is true
me: why do u think that?
F16: because racism does exist but not everyone will be racist
me: b/c they were born to not be racist?
F16: yes. when we are born we are all innocent. racism is not in us it is a choice that we make
me: so you're saying it is NOT biological, then
F16: yes that is what I mean. I can't really think. It has been a long day

Poor cousin. But she sure had me confused and going around in circles. Science has NEVER been my forte. Of course she got me thinking about racism, but I really didn't want to get into that and not w/ her. She also got me thinking about all those language/linguistic theories (i.e., tabula rasa) for a split quarter of a second. My mind can't handle all of that right now b/c it's the calm before the storm. Finals are next week, and for the first time in my life, we have lecture during finals week! In two classes!

I don't mind the first class so much, even though I'll be doing a presentation (which I hate doing). The 2nd class is the one that's a nightmare. The saddest part is that ALL students who had her before, have the same exact complaints. Tonight, I couldn't look at her at all -- b/t the THO and the herpes around her overly-dehydrated lips that she continuously was a VERY traumatizing combo. I kept slouching farther and farther down into my seat. No, those weren't the "same exact complaints" that students have.

I swear the school password-encrypted the wi-fi to torture me.


Anonymous said...

hahahahaha. if it makes you feel any better, i was just as confused...although i came away from that convo with a different understanding of her question..hahah i thought she was asking if races were based on biological differences, as in DNA and whatnot. lol, what a confusing question.

Jacqueline A. Whole said...

hahaha. i'm so confused by that conversation, and yet, i totally understand. haha

Jacqueline A. Whole said...

oooh, nat found your secret blog!

Chanel said...

I still don't know what the question meant...or what the answer is for that matter.
And that reminds me ~ I think I'll check Nat's cool *secret* blog right now. :)

Jacqueline A. Whole said...

no no no. I meant that Nat found CHERYL's secret blog!! If I had meant I found Nat's secret blog, then I would have said: "oooh, nat, found your secret blog!"

See what magic a comma can bring?

But oooh, I didn't know Nat had a secret blog too. Hahaha, now I know ALL the secret thoughts of BOTH of you.