Thursday, August 31, 2006

Wild duckies

This post is like 2 days overdue but it's b/c I didn't turn my laptop on even once yesterday. That has NEVER happened in the face of wireless internet! =O Lotsa things going on, but nothing blog-worthy except Tuesday’s events.

So, Tuesday was a random day of weird natural happenings in West L.A.

I was about to get into my car that morning when I noticed a grasshopper relative on my door handle. How strange, I thought. Not the typical ugly grasshopper; it was actually pretty, almost a fluorescent green in the dark garage. I took a pix w/ my camera phone, but it didn't come out clearly, so I nerdily Blingo'd for a pix. Sorta looked like that, I guess. Except my grasshopper was prettier. ;)

Instead, I went for a short walk, which is when I coincidentally ran into the wild ducks in the alley. These ducks are local celebrities for people who live around the neighborhood. They live almost a mile away in two man-made ponds. A few weeks ago, I even took a camera phone pix of them when I went for a walk and coincidentally caught sight of them at home (finally).

I wondered how in the world they got this far walking. I approached them to take another pix (I'm not really a camera-happy person or anything, but I kinda like these ducks). Unfortunately, I unintentionally chased them across the Bizzy Blondes parking lot and the main busy road we live on. Two gentlemen saw one of them land on the busy road so they got out of their cars to shoo them off the street. They ended up in a side-alley corner of the corner apartment building. So I raced back to my car just to find the grasshopper still on my handle. Okay, whatever. (Still weird and random.)

I jammed over to the duck owners down the street (the grasshopper was still on my car). I told the lady owner where they were and that they almost got run over (because they did!) and that the duckling seemed injured b/c it was walking funny. The owner didn’t care at all. She said, Let nature take its course. I was appalled. Even after I said they almost got run over, she said ever so nonchalantly, Yeah, 3 of the ducklings got run over a few weeks ago. I said, Well, sorry to bother you. And left.

Instead, I met a 23 y/o GF and 28 y/o BF who lived in an upstairs apartment of the building and they helped me catch the ducks. The smaller one was harder to catch; it waddled/flew down a few houses so two more older gentlemen helped us catch the smaller one in their front yard. Another strange thing is that one of them said he is part of some organization that sends him pamphlets, and he was just reading about a bird rescue foundation. I called the IBRRF and went on my merry way, transporting both of them to the IBRRF in 2 cat carriers. It all seemed so surreal (or perhaps it was my lack of sleep...).

But it made me think of one of my favorite flicks, "Crash." Random people’s lives colliding for just that brief moment in such a weird, cosmic way. The organization member had just read about the foundation not 15 minutes before. BG & GF said it was a weird day, too, and thought like me -- maybe doing this good deed would somehow make our lives get better. Y'know, karma.

What are the rules of karma? Does doing a good deed with the expectation of receiving something good in return negate the potential/expected good return?

BF & GF would have appreciated a good return b/c they were having a weird morning. They were on their way to the hospital again because GF's sister had just broken her wrist. They were just at the hospital the day before for her mom because she had a heart attack a month ago.

To finish my good deed, I dropped the two ducks off in San Pedro at the IBBRF. It turned out that the two ducks were a pair. The female was very sick and had parasites in her stomach, which is why she looked like she was limping. The male was a hybrid whom the ladies were afraid would mate with others and “taint” the breed. Heehee.

Apologies to the ex-owner for interfering with Nature’s course. =P It’s just funny – and sad – driving past the pond now…with no duckies. But I know that they’ll be happier and well taken care of.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

C & K: Weekly Mortified Tuesday Column

Tentative news: Mortified Mondays is in the works so stay tuned for more free plugs! (More updates to come after Cool Creator and K3 exchange ideas.)

June 5, 1993

So many thing have happened since the last time I wrote. Mom left for Taiwan cuz Ama died on 25th. Then Dad went 2 China on the 3rd. On the 1st, I went to Universal Studios, and we didn't have school on Mon. Then we had the Swim Party yesterday and it was soo fun.

JW asked me out again, yesterday, but I shrugged and so Jacqueline took over and so she helped me end the whole deal.

CL got me Dizzy Devil at Universal, but he's only my "best buddy." People thing we're going out but nope, not quite. Gotta baby-sit them lil cuzins tmrw. Chow.
For the first time since Mortified Tuesday began, I bring to you a short entry (half the space) AND in indented paragraphs! Wow. I guess that's what a 13 y/o without hormones has space to do. This entry is particularly funny b/c I can't believe that I was already depending on friends to bail me out of those situations. Thanks Jac!

  • Side-story: the way I met Jac was total "mean girls" on my part. At the end of 7th grade, my best friend and I were clowning around. I hardly new Jac but I went up to her and asked her to open up my soda for me. She did not know that I had shook it moments before.
  • She opened it, and it sprayed all over her white Banana Republic t-shirt. I can't believe I was such a meanie! It's not like I was a bully picking on a nerd. Jac's a sweetheart. Seriously, I still have no clue what I was smoking to think that that'd be funny. She had to throw that BR shirt away (hey, spending on a BR shirt back in those days was a big thing).
  • Thankfully, when 8th grade began, she had already forgiven me (enough to bail me out of uncomfortable guy situations). She's one of the 2 people I still KIT w/ from HS.
Re: Swim Party, I don't remember much of it except that I lost my expensive Seiko watch there. It was a gift from my aunt from my Mom's side. :( My bro and I had matching watches. Haha!

Lastly, CL was my best buddy, until we graduated JH and he went off to nerd HS (Polytechnic). So I guess that made us best buddies for a few months. Ha, I was nerdy by association. Yeah! And how teenager is it for a guy to win a stuffed animal at an amusement park for a girl? Funny.

Sunday, August 27, 2006

Meeting my Annual Quota

It's not that I don't like to go out, but it's just that I don't. So whenever I do, it's a big achievement for me, and I always joke about meeting my quota for the year of going out. Usually, I have an annual quota of two events. This year, I've far exceeded it AND BF's bringing me to Vegas in a month. :D

Last night, BF & I headed to a seedier area of downtown to hit up the Broadway Bar (IMO, anything south of 7th Street and east of Grand Ave. is "seedy"). We had the intentions of getting there early (like set-up crew early) and bouncing after he had his homie shot with his best friend (birthday girl). So we waited and waited and waited. As the DD, I was alotted one Jack & Coke, but since we kept waiting both for the jukebox to play our selected songs by the Pixies ("Gigantic" & our fave, "Where is my mind") and Portishead, and for the guests to arrive, I got another Jack & Coke. Birthday girl arrived almost an hour later and after that, the guests started pouring in and we all got tipsier and lovelier.

The interesting part is that I got to put names to a lot of faces. I hear about people so much but never meet them considering my quota for the past years. The craziest intro was meeting someone's wife. Unfortunately, recognition for her gets jacked every time b/c she's "so and so's wife." After we chatted for about half an hour, she said, "Y'know, I've met you before. I have an abnormal ability of remembering faces (just not names). Let me think."

And then she recalled when we met, which was at least 4 years ago at a good friend's house-party...where things got a little out of hand with some people, which is possibly why she remembered me. (I was trying to hold someone back from shanking somebody else. At the same time, I was standing there thinking, WTF am I doing?!)

The ensuing convo took a turn after we relived that moment b/c then BF's homie (another name I think I've heard quite often but have never met before) crashed our convo, asking BF, Wife, and I questions about the event. I said something to the effect of, "I was holding him back, telling him, 'please, no stabbings! I can stand shootings, but not stabbings.'"

BF's homie's eyes got all big: What? Shootings are okay, but no stabbings? Damn, now that's gangsta!

Wow, I don't think I've ever seriously been called gangsta. I mean, my friends joke around and call me a gangsta but that's just b/c I pick up gangsta lingo from the BF just for kicks. So, I'm flattered...yet I don't think I should be. ;)

But yah, as Wife & I had our Stellas, we chatted some more, with a few other friends crashing our convos from time to time.

Okay, so the best part was that we got a few Stellas on the house (I only had one b/c I was DD and for reals, I needed to sober up pronto). I was a little skeptical, but BF lives by the code that if you take care of an opposite-sexed bartender, s/he will take care of you for the rest of the night. So from the get-go, BF was throwing fat tips at her...and sure enough, she started showing him some love. No worries, I didn't get jealous b/c as long as she was charging him Jack & Cokes but pouring doubles for us, it was all to the G. Then the manager or superior bartender kept coming around giving BF poker chips (redeemable for a glass of wine or beer). I don't think the dude was gay, but BF thinks so. I think the dude was just happy about the tips and the business. BF thinks the dude kept giving him chips b/c he was gay. I don't know. I trust my gaydar more than his. I have to admit that BF does get hit on more often than other guys I know. Hey, I'll be the first to admit that when we first started talking and he wore his glasses, I thought there was a chance that he might play on the other team, too.

I'm just a hater b/c his eyelashes are twice as long and plush as mine. =P

BF also laughed heartily at me b/c we were sitting at the bar when our girl bartender poured him another stiff one and said, "It's from her" -- pointing to another girl across the bar. I was like, "Who?!" ready to loke up (yeah right). So what if I got a little jealous then. =P But it was cool; it was one of his homegirls from way back in the days.

So instead of leaving before my bedtime, we chilled until suddenly the "ugly lights" came on and last call was called. I could've had another Stella just out of greed, but I was pretty gone. At least the bar actually stayed open until 2 A.M. I'm hearing more and more these days about bars closing at 1:30 A.M.

For the first time this year, I woke up with a hangover. Definitely exceeded my quota for the year in that category, too.

Lastly, random: they were shooting "Transformers" right on the same block as the bar!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Friday nights

I love going to the gym on a Friday evening...but at the same time, I feel like a loser!

Normally, the 24-Hour Fitness in Santa Monica is jam-packed from 6 - 8 P.M., but on Friday nights, the gym is only 1/5 full. It's great b/c I hate crowds...especially sweaty crowds. On the other hand, I can't help but feel like a loser. All the hip people aren't at the gym on a Friday evening; they're either at happy hours or at home prepping for a night out.

Unless the people at the gym are like how I was as a young 21 y/o. I'd work a full day, hit the gym to prepare for a night out, and finally hit the clubs (sometimes until the early morn). My buddies used to laugh at me b/c while we waited for the whole crew to show up, I'd be lifting light dumbells in my homie's room. WTH was I smoking?

Man, ever since my 21st year of life ended, my body's aged exponentially. These days, I work out to lower my cholesterol...rather than prepare to go out. I definitely can't stay up late any more, either. I think I only made it to "last call" once this year. What a shame.

-:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:- -:¦:-

BF told me something crazy that I said/did last night before I completely crashed. Preface: he swears that I ask him questions about the turtle everyday. BF can usually tell when I'm about to ask a question about our turtle b/c I call his name a certain way. Sometimes, he jumps the gun and says, "yes, what about the turtle?" I guess I was really bombarding him with crazy turtle questions last night before I crashed.

So last night, when I called his name and he asked, "yes? What about the turtle?" Apparently, I said, "Oh, [BF], I love the turtle...." SNORE (less than 2 minutes later).

I totally don't remember that!

Well, I do love our turtle. Does the turtle know how much I love her?

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Almost Famous via Mortification

C & K's Mortified Tuesday concept has actually reached the ears of the Creator and Executive Producer of Mortified! How rad is that! I'm that much closer to being famous, people! ;) JK

K3 & I have only been posting Mortified entries for 3 weeks now. It was really K3 that began it, and I tagged along and added some rules. I have to say, it's been fun and cathartic in a way (just as the Creator intended). In the midst of our busyness with reports, papers, clinic sessions, preparation, presentations, exams, meetings, and LIFE, having a Mortified day of the week gives me something to look forward to. I mean, who better to laugh at myself than myself?

Contrary to what Dr. King of Hearts may think about all of this, it's not like I haven't publicly humiliated myself enough. Hence, my statement of, "it's never too old to get mortified." Hm. Maybe I'll change my MyWhore headline to that (currently set to: I'm starvin! Let's get some fawkin' FRENCH toast! I love the drunk blond scene from 40-year old virgin!)

So, here's my free plug again. :) If you haven't visited the site yet, please do it already (instead of asking me what this is all about).

Hopefully, we'll get to watch the show in L.A. on September 25. When I chatted w/ the cool Creator, Dave, he asked if I've seen a show yet. I admitted with embarassment that I have not yet seen any of his shows that inspired our crazy Mortified Tuesday phenomenon. If all goes well, K3 & I will take a "field trip" to see a true Mortified show on September 25 (for shame! A school night!).

FYI: Our Mortified Tuesdays may just become Mortified Mondays if our phenomenon catches on. Who's interested? :D

BSILF: 22 at heart

Today is BSILF's birthday. Happy birthday, BSILF!

Next to my new-friend (a.k.a. former ESL client), BSILF has quickly become one of my awesomest buddies. Call me cynical, but I don't think it's easy finding -- much more, establishing friendships with genuinely positive people who always see the good in events, situations, and people. Maybe it's b/c BSILF isn't from L.A. ;) 1/2 J/K What I love most about her is that she is contagiously positive! She makes me want to be a better person (e.g., being proactive about volunteering for not-for-profit organizations and events; doing things like writing a tribute for a 9/11 victim).


I am almost done with this quarter so bear with me as I endure another week of stress-induced sappiness. Stress does funny things to people (like me). I almost cried when I got a gift in my school mailbox yesterday...a fancy chocolate bar from my new-friend (a.k.a. former ESL client). Again: phew! My terrible faux pas x 2 didn't cause her to nix me off her list of friends.

Or maybe I almost cried at the relief of the idea of me being forgiven for the faux pas x 2.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ice-Ice-Baby 45

I am so jealous.

I visited Dad and Gramma yesterday. When I was upstairs in Gramma's room, she came in and happily shared, "Your Dad got a fancy Cuisinart Ice-45 from 3B!" (3B is a.k.a. Bed, Bath & Beyond).

(Imagine all dialogue in Taiwanese.)

During dinner, I gawked at it in its box and asked Dad, "What made you decide on getting one? I am SO JEALOUS." (The "SO JEALOUS" in English). He said, "I've been wanting one for so long so Gramma bought it for me!" =O

Aw, lucky!

Note to self for future wedding registry: don't ask for stupid stuff like a $500 Waterford 1 quart mixing bowl. Nope. An espresso machine, ice-cream maker, and a good set of knives.

C & K: Get Mortified Tuesday (Nth entry in a row re: LDC)

Apologies for anybody that's been waiting for me to get mortified today. For the wait, you get a double dose of mortification!

As is the ritual for Get Mortified Tuesday, here is the first dose ~ a la random-selection:

May 17, 1995

We went 2 C Mommy on Sunday after morning service. I spent $50 for food for the BBQ. [Captain Cousin] brought his friend's dog Chloe and his dog Sophie. Sophie was cuter. We also had class elections today. I think JW was (gulp) hitting on me/flirting. I mean, it was more than flirting but less than hitting. Whatta scary, scary thought. I mean we went to Mike's house after school and that's where it began. Then they came over to the condo. All the time, he kept on playing around with me: tripping me and bending my knee. Then he asked 4 my prom pix. Yech. I mean, it was like, I just met you, sorta, today and you want my pix? I don't think so. Amelia gave me 2 computer printout pix of Leonardo from scenes of The Basketball Diaries. Sigh. He's so cute. I'll bet there'll be more to come with JW. Yech. People say the B.B. Diaries is a really good movie. I reeeally wanna watch it, now. Would somebody please bring me? Ugh. My grades are really moving up and down. Ooh. I wonder how many times I've written in a row mentioning Leonardo. He's so fine. I can't believe I'm saying that. Well, he is. JC's still in the back of my mind. GT's still in my heart, but I have so little reminders of him that I rarely think of him. If he or JC were ever to ask me to a dance, I'd answer in a flash, if I were allowed to, [Gramma]. I've been skipping lunches and eating skimpy lunches at school, but not on purpose. I know it's really bad. JW seems to be looking better these days -- it's his hair. Me and my hair fetish.

Dude, this entry cracks me up. In particular:
  • Leonardo DiCaprio, (grainy) computer print-out pixs, and B.B. Diaries? The funny thing is that after BF and I got together, he told me to watch the B.B. Diaries b/c swears it's a "good" movie (for those who like junkies). (Secretly, I think he likes the imaginary contact high...)
  • That "friend" of Captain Cousin was actually his GF at the his wonderful wife. Poor Sophie, R.I.P. Chloe's still a cutie. (Both were/are dachshunds.)
  • I didn't know there was a difference b/t "hitting on" and "flirting." Apparently, I knew that difference as a teenager, though. Hm. Come to think of it, flirting is somewhat less serious than hitting on. Right?
  • Ah, the first sign of teenage angst; I wasn't allowed to go to dances.
  • "Me and my hair fetish." No comment.
  • "I wonder how many times I've written in a row mentioning Leonardo." Again, no comment.
  • OMG, I don't ever remember skipping lunches back in HS. If only I could do that now.
Awesome. Okay, 2nd dosage of mortification.

.·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

Today was my last session of clinic with my ESL client-turned-friend. Rewind 4 weeks: my BF has asked me for 3-4 weeks to ask my client what a certain Vietnamese word means. I'll call it the D-word. The first time he asked, our convo went like this~
  • X: Can you ask your client what the D-word means?
  • C: Why? Is it a bad word?
  • X: No, I swear it's not a bad word. I hear Vietnamese people say it a lot. I think it's a common word.
  • C: How do you know it's not a bad word?
  • X: Trust me, it's not. I promise. It's a common word.
  • C: Are you sure?
  • X: Yes. I promise.
Then for the past 4 weeks~
  • X: have you asked her what D-word means?
  • C: Oh man! I keep forgetting! Don't worry, I'll write it down.
Of course I kept forgetting even though I tagged it all over my clinic notes (I wonder if Ms. L saw it). I actually remembered yesterday, but I chickened out asking b/c I knew my supervisor was observing. Whereas today, for a make-up session, I knew she wouldn't be watching.
    • C: Ms. L, can I ask you what something means? My BF's been asking me to ask you for the past 4 weeks and I keep forgetting. I have no idea what it means, but he promises it's not a bad word, but I don't know. But he says it's not a bad word. [Pause] Okay, the word is D-word.
    • Ms. L: (shocked expression) Don't say that. That is a terrible, terrible word!

    Oh, D-word! (The English translation was pretty much what ran through my mind.)

    I was soOOoOOoOOOOOoOO mortified and kept apologizing profusely. Basically, I gathered that it's equivalent to the F-bomb, but in the Vietnamese culture, I guess it's even more insulting. She explained that only certain classes or types of people say that word but higher class people don't say it. Subsequently, we carried on a fascinating conversation about people swearing and how we both don't know swear words in other languages b/c we don't care to know.

    So after apologizing again for the millionth time, I decided it's time to move onto our lesson. In preparation, I skimmed over a reading passage regarding the Vietnam Memorial. I didn't really read it but I prepared lame questions (e.g., where is the Memorial located?).

    As I began reading it aloud, I had an overwhelmingly bad feeling that this was a terrible topic. When I finished, she was sitting there completely silent. Instead of asking the lame questions, I nervously asked her, "Um, do you think this is an accurate portrayal of the Vietnam War?" The passage described 53,000 Americans dying during this fight against communism and how this war was extremely controversial.

    Ms. L said, "Oh, that war. [Shakes her head.] This is a terrible topic. I don't want to talk about this."

    I could have died right then.

    However, she continued talking about the war and people's attitudes. Then our conversation went onto several interesting tangents about wars in general, being carefree, not watching (sad) news, doing good deeds, fate/destiny, and just making a difference on a personal level.

    At the end, I still felt terrible and thought: great, she probably hates me now.

    On the contrary, she wanted to bring me out to have Vietnamese food after our session, but I had a hearing screening (my hearing is fine, except for 30 dB at 8K Hz in the left ear; I guess too much bass-bumping in the Benzo and Hacienda daze...). So I took a raincheck on that.

    She also said something very sweet. She spoke with her older brother in Vietnam just recently about me. She told him (and me) that she studied English for seven years in Vietnam and had made several friends in those classes. In the U.S., she has studied English for 10 years and she hasn't met any friends b/c here, she'd rush to class, sit quietly and listen, then rush to another class, rinse and repeat. So she was happy that she made a new friend.

    Moi! :)

    I hugged her good-bye and told her I'm looking forward to class together next quarter. :)

    Then ran out to lament to my brother via cell phone how mortified I was...and then rushed through the door and boxed my BF for putting me in such an uncomfortable situation. BF felt bad (he seriously didn't know it was a bad word), but he thinks my Vietnam Memorial passage was a bigger outcry than the D-word.

    Again, one is never too old to get mortified.

    Uber un-hip

    This is an update to my other entry where I first let on that I'm so not rad these days. Law school cousin and I were chatting about both of us not being hip, and I told her how I had no idea what "sex-aisled" meant. The smarty-panties that she is, asked, "maybe it's sexiled?"

    I thought, hm, maybe that's why I couldn't find it on Blingo or Google.

    Sure enough, I won this uber un-hip competition (although her guess at the definition was wrong, at least she got the spelling right).


    Saturday, August 19, 2006

    2074th (out of 2996)!

    Some of you may have noticed that I just changed the title of my blog to a less obnoxious (more grown-up) one...simply by eliminating the "mofo." I have a very good reason...

    I finally signed up to participate in Project 2,996: A Tribute to Victims of 9/11. On September 11, 2006, I will be honoring Mr. Moises N. Rivas by posting a tribute to this young man, who passed away in the World Trade Center on that unforgetable day.

    I hope you will join me and the hopefully 2996+ others by honoring a victim on September 11, 2006.

    From the creator of this project:

    2,996 is a tribute to the victims of 9/11.

    On September 11, 2006, 2,996 volunteer bloggers will join together for a tribute to the victims of 9/11. Each person will pay tribute to a single victim.

    We will honor them by remembering their lives, and not by remembering their murderers.

    If you would like to help out, either by pledging to post a tribute on your own blog, or by offering your services to promote this cause, just [sign up on the website and] I’ll email you the name of a victim.

    Then, on 9/11/2006, you will post a tribute to that victim on your blog.

    But, and this is critical, the tributes should celebrate the lives of these people–kind of like a wake. Over the last 5 years we’ve heard the names of the killers, and all about the victim’s deaths. This is a chance to learn about and celebrate those who died. Forget the murderers, they don’t deserve to be remembered. But some people who died that day deserve to be remembered–2,996 people.

    Thank you,

    D.Challener Roe


    P.S. Many thanks to my BSILF for giving me and others the courage to do this!

    3 A.M. vs. 24/7

    Last week, my classmate asked if I KIT with any friends via snail-mail. I actually never do. On the contrary, I LOVE e-mailing (thanks to the modern marvels of wireless/cable internet and the ability to 80+ wpm). However, I have to admit that there is something that's lost.

    When I was younger, I wrote countless letters and notes to friends. Oh yes, and even cheesy "love" letters. I even partook in the typical note-passing in class, between classes, and locker-drop. Notes were folded into a variety of patterns: hearts, triangles, scrunched up balls resembling trash, etc. I'm sure those notes and letters consisted of my lame rants, raves, and confessions similar to my Get Mortified entries.

    Nowadays, I only snail-mail a card once in a blue moon. It's generally a random "thinking of you card." Only two years ago did I begin a "tradition" of sending out Christmas cards. Maybe next year, I'll start sending out birthday cards.

    As a "grown-up" now, I see the difference between e-mailing and writing. In writing, I put a lot of thought and care into every sentence. Yes, I'll admit that for wedding and birthday cards, I typically draft it out first b/c I'm retarded like that. With e-mails, I can improvise, type exactly as I'm thinking (unfortunately for the reader), delete, cut, paste, respond immediately with two words, etc. In short, it's a really casual act.

    So when I get a heartwarnming e-mail, it really stops me in my tracks. A few weeks ago, I received a really serious, genuine e-mail from a good friend. She's the only one I've ever let get away with calling me her Big Sis (I have strict standards, I guess). It struck me b/c normally, our e-mails are the usual chit-chat, ketchup. We don't call each other much (I am the worst person to KIT w/ via phone) so every so often, I send an e-mail to let her know that I'm still thinking about her despite the distance and silence. In her e-mail, she reminisced about the times we'd hang out well into the night, talking about anything and everything, from relationships to religion. She lamented about the void she feels, since we used to talk all the time. She ended with very loving words and a reminder that she will always be there for me (and I know she is).

    In my response back, I tried my best to keep the improvs and casualness at bay, and kick-up the formal writing a notch, but in the end, I was still my blathering self. However, I did end with the hope that she still considers me a 3 A.M. friend -- as in she can always call me at 3 A.M. (or whenever) should she ever need to -- or more importantly -- want to.

    She responded with, "I don't think of you as a 3 AM friend. Just a 24/7 sis."

    I thought that was real sweet. :*)

    .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·. .·:*¨¨*:·.

    So I'm getting really sappy and sentimental. I can't help it. It's the looming stress of 10th week and finals that always puts me in a funk. Besides, it's nice to get a serious, thoughtful e-mail in the midst of funny forwards and e-mail reminders of assignment deadlines.

    (Un)fortunately, this also means that I'll be posting a lot on random, lame thoughts at least twice a day...

    Thursday, August 17, 2006

    Gettin' Mine

    Today, I learned a few things about myself.
    1. I knew that I was born in a city that started with an "M." I just wasn't sure if it was Monterey Park or Montebello. =P Today, Dad confirmed that I was born free of charge at a Catholic hospital in Monterey Park. Apparently, the doctors were afraid that my Mom wouldn't seek the proper birth-route so they told my parents that when the time comes, get themselves to this hospital; it'll be free.
    2. My Chinese name means nothing, according to Dad and Gramma (although Mom told me that it's the name of a Japanese flower). Yesterday, my classmate told me one of the characters is the name of a Japanese flower (possibly the cherry blossom). The other character might be in the realm of "reputable." I tend to believe my Mom b/c she actually remembers and knows how to write my name. Dad doesn't know how to write my name and often says it's too difficult for anyone to remember how to write. Heck, it took me 4 weeks of Chinese class in college to learn it (5 weeks for my Chinese professor).
    3. One is never too old to get mortified. As a member of the 26-34 age group, I typically consider myself a grown-up. Every so often, however, I get little humbling reminders (mortifying experiences) that I'm still a kid at times. More blatant reminders are like when I wear my platform shoes (a.k.a. "grown-up shoes") just to trip over a crack, like tonight outside of Diddy Riese (in front of college kids who are most definitely younger than me). I am notorious for tripping over imaginary rocks.
    4. I am old. Totally not hip w/ the lingo nowadays (e.g., my attempt to revive the word "rad"). Anywho, I learned a new slang phrase today. It's sad when I'm no longer schooling somebody else on what a phrase means.
      • "Sex-aisled? WTH does that mean?" Wait, it's not in K3's totally rad slang dictionary nor did it come up on the first page of Blingo results. Phew! I don't feel as lame as I did earlier on today.
      • Oh, you don't know what it means either? By all means, take a guess by posting a comment (the whole 2.5 readers I have).
    5. Me intentionally becoming a MySpace Whore is more difficult than I thought. I've received two random MySpace invites (from semi-local indie music bands), and I haven't added them yet.
    Other huge news ~
    BF pulled another all-nighter to start and finish a phawkin' phat website on record time for future cousin-in-law. Check it out!! The content's not all up, yet; bear in mind that the BF's the web designer, not text editor. (Otherwise, I'd be giving him a hard time re: spelling and grammar. Too bad I don't proof my entries very well.)

    Lastly, I will say it again -- BF is famous (by association). (Does that mean I'm famous by 2 degrees of association?). He's in Roscoe's hip-hop video! Unfortunately, it's like playing "Where's Waldo?" though. Prior to viewing the video, I asked BF, what are you doing in the video? BF responded, throwing gang signs. Oh, well that's lovely. He's not talking about his teeth, either.

    Still other news:

    • FBIL got to swim w/ sea turtles every day that he was in Akumal ("The Place of the Turtle" in Maya), Mexico!!! I am soOOooOOOOOOoOOoO insanely jealous!!! (I thought we could only do that in Hawaii.) He even touched the sea turtles!
    • Kuya M texted BF yesterday and called him today, all the way from the Phillippines. I thought that was really cute of Kuya M to think of the BF. Ha!

    Wednesday, August 16, 2006

    Unexpected/Premature Separation Anxiety

    I lifted some major weights (by my own standards) and ran a mile this morning and since then, I've been exhausted and starvin'! Not only that, but I kinda felt bummed. I thought exercising was s'posed to get those endorphins going, giving me that natural high and all.

    Well, I guess sad news is a bummer. My little kiddo didn't make it to clinic on Monday b/c of legal stuff. I got a VM this AM from Mom saying he won't make it today b/c of more legal stuff...and for the rest of the quarter (or ever). Turns out they have to relocate by Sunday.

    Heh: I make it sound like they're in the FBI Witness Program or something. =P Yes, my kiddo is actually Michael Jackson's 6th child. J/K On the subject of MJ, I saw an OLD clip of Triumph @ the MJ trial. Great stuff~

    Anywho, so I guess that's why I'm feeling bummed; I am pretty down and out about not getting to make more progress with him nor say good-bye. (IMHO) he was making good progress...until all the legal mumbo-jumbo began. Then he just clammed up. :( I just hope and pray for the best for the kid and Mom.

    On the other hand, my adult client wants me to be her clinician next quarter, which is flattering (and I'd like to be), but I don't think that'll happen. We typically get new clients each quarter so that we get a variety of experiences.

    Like NYGF said, this point in the quarter is good and bad. The good news is that the quarter is almost over. The bad news is that we're anxious to know which clients we'll have next quarter. The GREAT news is that Crazy Prof is not teaching us this Fall! (I totally called the Conspiracy Theory a few months ago!). The bad news is that finals are coming up.

    Phooey. Not rad at all.

    Tuesday, August 15, 2006

    C & K: Get Mortified Tuesday

    This morning, I woke up with the lovely thought of how I don't have school today. I also remembered that today is Tuesday. That is Get Mortified Tuesday. But then I totally spaced on it until I got a lovely reminder from K3 to get crackin' with the post! :)

    I have to say, I've been getting a lot of flashbacks since I went back to Gramma's and picked up my diary and sifted through HS yearbooks. I received a very heart-felt e-mail from my Lil Sis a few days ago, which reminded me of all the long, late-night talks we used to have...that made it into my diary. (This is to prove that not ALL my entries are about boysboysboys.)

    Today's entry is not exactly 100% random. However, I don't think I'm breaking Rule #1 b/c 1) I haven't read it yet and 2) decided on foregoing it b/c of any content. It's the first entry in this diary that I wrote 2 lines in 1 wide-ruled line so man, I must've had lotsa good stuff to write about so let's see how this plays out (this is the pre-pattern writing phase):

    February 2, 1994:

    Lotsa things have happened. First there was an earthquake on Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Ama wasn't home at that time cuz she was still in Taiwan w/ A.J. until January 23. Then there was the Winter Formal conflict w/ KFC so we decided to not go and all that junk. Anywho, I cut my hair today. I cut about 2.5 inches or something. Actually, Ben cut it right here in the condo. I'm pretty happy about it because it's not too short and it's not too long. I dunno if I still like KFC, after all I didn't want to go to the Winter Formal with KFC. I get my braces off in 2 to 3 months -- so long! I take Word Processing now. Oh, & on my math finals, I got #7 outta the whole 2 algebra classes! Stupid Howard was #6. We've had many aftershocks. I've aced my Math and Spanish finals so I'm happy. If I get an A in T.S. and an A in English, that means I would've gotten straight A's. Oooh, I hope so. RL likes me and IK wants me to get together --haha, only in his dreams. I don't mean to be rude but I don't want him to be anything more than a friend. I can't believe Irvin discouraging me to stop liking KFC and start liking RL. I am most definately not gonna stop liking KFC for RL. Irvin was like, "Well, I think he's your type." How the H-e-double hockey sticks does he know what types of guys I like? I like the guys who go under "unclassified." RL is definately not under that column. I don't intend to get together w/ anyone at this pint of my life. Sure, I'll like someone, but definately not get together with him.

    Boy, HS diaries are great in reminding me of silly crushes and HS drama. To be quite honest, I can't imagine anybody having a crush on me when I think about how I used to look (pre-eyebrow-plucking/waxing days). And the hideous braces! Ugh! 5 years I had those h-e-double-hockey sticks-ish things! Thank goodness I'm not a celebrity who gets her HS pictures publicized on People magazine and VH1. BTW, I didn't learn how to spell "definitely" correctly until prolly a few years ago. That's why I was the Spelling Bee runner-up in 5th grade and was quickly dethroned.

    Actually, it's a good thing I had those h-e-double-hockey sticks-ish things. On Gramma's 80th birthday, Law School Cousin and I relived the moment that spawned the need for me to get those h-e-double-hockey sticks-ish things. We were heading back from the restaurant to A.J.'s house (Dentist Aunty) and it was like literally driving up memory lane. Law School Cousin pointed out a house where Captain Cousin beat up some kid for messing with Law School Cousin. Then at a stop sign, Law School Cousin re-told my tooth story to First Cousin Once Removed.

    One day, we were coming back from church. Captain Cousin was still flossin' the pimpin' Lincoln ride as a 17 y/o. Law School Cousin was on the verge of getting her Driver's Permit. Someone (not me b/c I'm just a follower) had the great idea of us all getting out of the car, popping it in neutral, and pushing it half a block home. Since Captain Cousin was the strongest and the only person who knew how to drive, he deemed Law School Cousin as the driver. Captain Cousin stayed on the driver's side, pushing the car with the door open while Law School Cousin steered. Ben/bro, Dr. Cousin, and I were behind the car pushing.

    We're laughing giddily, having a grand ol' time on a lovely Sunday afternoon in San Marino. As a law-abiding citizen, Law School Cousin sees the Stop sign on the corner of Virginia and Monterey. The thing is, she's never driven a car so she doesn't know to ease onto the brakes. Instead, she STOMPS on the brakes. Me, laughing giddily with my mouth wide open while pushing from the rear...completely EATS it. Full-on. In an instance, my front tooth is chipped and crooked. I can't remember if at that point 10 y/o cry-baby me starts crying.

    It all happened so fast forwarding...

    It's not like I fainted (like I typically did in elementary school...which is another story), but all I remember after that is I was sitting shotgun, looking in the mirror of the visor, seeing a small stream of blood around my crooked, chipped tooth...and a fireman telling me, "You'll be alright." Apparently, a firetruck saw 5 kids pushing a car home and thought we might need help. Captain Cousin explained (fibbed) that we had ran out of gas and that we lived literally 5 houses down the block.

    I don't remember how we ended up getting into Pastor Aunty's driveway, but I do remember someone saying, "Thank God the firemen didn't look at the gas level."

    Law School Cousin still feels guilty about this, but she shouldn't. She's contributed to me having straight teeth. Thanks, Law School Cousin! Besides, it makes for a totally rad story. :D

    So, as evidenced in my diary-writing, I still go on many tangents. =P

    Saturday, August 12, 2006

    Gramma's "real" 80th

    Happy birthday to Gramma
    happy birthday to Ama
    happy birthday Gramma Pearl
    happy birthday to you!

    Today is Gramma's "real" 80th birthday (a.k.a. American birthday). Normally, we celebrate Gramma's Chinese birthday but this year, it was especially difficult for all of her grandkids to gather together in July so for the first time, we celebrated her American birthday. Unfortunately, Captain Cousin got called for duty at the very last second so everyone made it, sans him. :(

    Bro and I started the birthday day by picking up Genius Cousin from LAX (but missed seeing Captain Cousin). Along the way to Dentist Aunty's house, we stopped by 2 Circuit Citys to find a cordless phone that Gramma's been eyeing.

    Dinner was at Empress Harbor Seafood restaurant, where we had 2 large tables (Kids and Adults table; Law School Cousin got promoted to the Adults table. How did that happen?) with a traditional 10-course meal. It was a lot of fun catching up on what everyone has been up to. From the youngest up:
    • First cousin once removed: will be taller than me in like 2-3 years. She had a recital where she played her viola (I'm so jealous).
    • Genius Younger Cousin: took senior portraits a few weeks ago (remind me to ask him for one!); looking for a car. Going through the typical teenage angsty years (or is it called EMO, now?) but he's in denial. ;) I can say that b/c he doesn't read this blog. At least I don't think he does...
    • Johns Hopkins Cousin: just came back from Taiwan a few days ago, after 6 weeks of teaching 3rd and 4th graders how to speak-uh duh Engrish.
    • Berkeley 5'7" anorexic-looking-but-she's-not Cousin: Still not anorexic but looks like it. ;) She just got back from studying abroad in Switzerland for 5 weeks. She shared some lovely pictures of Switzerland, Paris, Monaco, Austria...all those fabulous places that I don't recognize b/c I'm so L.A.-centric.
    • Future Teacher cousin: just got back with parents from visiting younger sister in "all those fabulous places"; passed CBEST and CSET (so I've heard through the "rumor-mill") and studying for RICA.
    • Genius Cousin: only in L.A. for 24 hours before heading back up to the Bay Area b/c he is quite an important man at his company (or he has led me to believe that he is ;). He may get staffed on a project that will put him over in Sao Paulo in Brazil for a year or Tucson for a few months, or I think one other really cool place across seas for a while, too. He's also deciding on whether to apply for a joint JD-MBA program this year or next.
    • Me! I'm the "middle child" of the grandkids. 3 years older than the next younger cousin and 2 years younger than the next older one. I am still in school for another year and have began vying for Gramma's attention come graduation time next year. I am competing against Genius Younger Cousin, Berkeley Cousin, and Law School Cousin (she is so coming to mine, suckaz!)
    • Doctor Cousin: just finished her first year of residency at Yale. Hooray! She will be in Uganda next February for 4 weeks+...practicing international healthcare. OoooO! She has big career plans after she finishes her residency.
    • Bro: flying off first-class to Chi-town tomorrow for business. As a Director at his company, he travels a lot with his boss-man/V.P. to pitch sales (ad time) to large companies. He also gets to travel a lot and fine-dine. I wish he could pack me in his suitcase. I just like the fine-dining part.
    • Law School Cousin: just finished her summer internship at a law firm that was "ranked No. 5 on The American Lawyer’s 2006 A-List of top U.S. law firms." =O She has one more year of law school up North. She's still got her mad musical skillz as demo'd through her Nirvana, Elvis Presley, and Smashing Pumpkins guitar-playing, vocal-abuse singing. :D
    • Captain Cousin's Wife: Still doing the Super-Mom thing, succeeding in her teaching career and home-life...and balancing it all just perfectly.
    • Captain Cousin: unfortunately, MIA tonight. I haven't seen him since he got back from Kosovo in February. He's stationed at LAX beginning supervise the people checking for gel and toothpaste and the likes...and to end terrorism! Go Captain Cousin! He is also looking to work in the O.C. P.D. or one of the cities in the O.C.
    Wow, aren't we a nerdy bunch! Together, we chipped in for Gramma's birthday gift of helping her stay connected with her grandkids. We got her both a cordless phone and a cell phone. :)

    Doctor Uncle also video-taped us and requested that we say something "original" to Gramma, but despite all of our nerdiness, we couldn't think of anything to say except "happy birthday!"

    What I wanted to tell her was what an amazing woman she is. Although Gramma only gives us snapshots of her (pre-America) life, I know that she has achieved so much. As cliche as it sounds, she is truly a walking motto of "what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger." We love you Gramma. You are truly an inspiration to us.

    Pictures to come (when cousins forward them to me).

    Thursday, August 10, 2006


    Today was another day of wasting time (one of my favorite hobbies). This quarter has been really chill since I only have school Mons-Weds. Last Friday, when Dr. Cousin flew in, she asked what I usually do on Fridays. I said, nothing really. And I wasn't kidding. Thursdays and Fridays have been my "weekend," while I do schoolwork on the weekends.

    Instead of doing schoolwork, I exercised my mind with an intelligence test. I'm actually feeling really good b/c it says that if you figure out 19+, then you're a genius! So far, I've figured out 22. It also says on the bottom of the site:

    Believe it or not, this type of test can be a good estimate of intelligence (if you excuse the cultural bias). People who did well on this type of test are likely those who are gifted with verbal ability and linguistic pattern recognition. This sort of assessment would discriminate against those with non-linguistic pattern recognition (like solving jigsaw puzzles) and spatial intelligence (like the ability to use a map or see hidden figures in a drawing).

    I'm actually pretty good at jigsaw puzzles (but not as good as pre-clinic client), using maps (and Mapquest), and finding hidden figures (in Highlights magazine and optical illusions), too. Boy, I'm a well-rounded genius, if I might say so myself. I even got 12 of them while I was faded off of 2 Buck Chuck. Nice. A classy, well-rounded genius.

    Wednesday, August 09, 2006

    Good job

    This is my plug for BF and his work: BF presented the Vlado site on Monday along with some comps that will go in a few hip-hop magazines. I am way proud of him! Good job, BF! I always like seeing his final products...and feel all special that he'll ask for my opinion along the making. I also like that he teaches me to appreciate the finer details of design. I.e., I would never have noticed/appreciated the "flawless rollover" effect if BF hadn't pointed it out; apparently, the way the bar "flawlessly" rolls from one button to the next takes a lot of coding time...time that a lot of designers won't spend. BF, on the other hand, is a perfectionist who loves designing. BF's a G!

    BTW, please bear in mind that BF designed the website, not the shoes. Heh heh...=P

    As for me, I am so not a G. I had half a meltdown today, venting to my clinic supervisor about how frustrated I am with myself as a clinician this quarter (don't I sound like a loser). I have an annoying dysfunction of not being able to stick to my Task Analysis and clearly work towards my objectives. My problem is that I really like to freestyle my sessions this quarter, especially since I have "easy" clients.

    The kiddo is picking up some phrases, but considering he is almost 3 y/o, he is nowhere near having 800 words in his vocabulary; hence, picking up one phrase a session just isn't fast enough. :( He totally made my day, though, b/c at the end of today's session, he spontaneously said, "It's fun." Yay!!

    Mom also told me that he showed off to Grandma yesterday by touching his head, shoulders, knees, and toes. He didn't sing the song (or speak at all) but he performed the actions, and when he was done, he actually said, "Good job." That is classic! I'm always saying that to him after every correct response (or after he correctly touches the appropriate body part as I poorly sing "head and shoulders").

    I'd die if next week, he spontaneously produced, "Good talking." I've been saying that to him a lot whenever he speaks. I know it sounds like crazy talk, but considering that kid doesn't talk much, any talking is "good talking!" =P

    Tuesday, August 08, 2006

    Get Mortified Tuesday

    I can't stop biting K3's cool ideas.

    So, she/we've established (un)written Rule #1 as choosing a random entry. (Un)written Rule #2 is that every Tuesday (until who knows when) will officially be Get Mortified Tuesdays. I decided to adopt (un)written Rule #2 in an attempt to redeem myself from the utter retardation displayed via August 6th blog entry. I'm sure my attempt will completely backfire the moment I open my diary to present to you this next Mortified entry from my diary:

    October 25, 1997:

    LF is strange. Then I think that JL might be strange, too. The heck is wrong with everyone? I hope JL and Co. come visit me and I hope I get to hang with CL and DE sometime. Even though they're only teasing, it's still flattering. It's hopeless: I've lost track of GT. I never see ZK. I just hope that when I see him, it'll be more than satisfying. The more I think about it, the more I don't know about JL. Ok, whatever. It's always hard to move on. Man, I could sure meet my perfect boyfriend any day now. My infatuations are so ridiculous. I hate when I miss someone but they don't miss me. Not that I could really change that. I wish I could go to prom again. Senior prom just didn't happen right. I think MHS is just a mind game player. It's like, you can't tell who he likes. It's like WF: couldn't figure out if he wanted to be alone or not. Now I'm constantly in this curious/inquisitive mood to know people.

    [This is where I get stumped at my odd pattern writing, and I sit here for 5 minutes trying to figure out the last half of my entry.]

    I kinda don't get things. Mostly between LF and I. I went to __HS yesterday and hung with JL for most of the hour. I love JL. He's the one that I hug the most and comfortably, too. I love his hugs. And I see how I affect him so easily. So, suddenly I'm feeling funked like, what if he's getting attracted to me? Sure it's far from home but still. When he and LF were leaving, JL and I hugged and meanwhile I made eye contact with MHS. That was kinda weird so I hugged LF and told him to take care. And then he called me! Last nite! Oh, he's so cute with his brother. He's always like, "HF: Plz go away" and then they carry on and on ("no, I will not say 'pretty please'). It's just so[infinite sign = to the infinite power] cute and hilarious. And dost my ears deceive me? He's willing to ditch SAT tutor (last day) to kick with me on Halloween? Wow. Plus, he's like, "I'll go w/ you to Knott's.' Zowie. In theory, I get insecure wondering what JL thinks of me cuz of 92. Screw 92. Sometimes I think LF is strange. Then I think that JL might be strange, too. The heck is wrong with everyone?

    Ok, so that's the problem with patterns. It can all go in circles. I don't know where I began and ended! When I've read my diary in the past, I think it's all making sense until 1/4 of the way, it totally becomes gibberish. Unfortunately, this entry completely flowed so I didn't catch where I failed at decoding. The only potential sign of failure was in the first few lines where it sounds like I have a crush on JL. I don't recall ever having a crush on JL. Did I hope that it would be "more than satisfying" to see GT or ZK? I think GT, but it sounds like ZK...which also doesn't sound right. Welp, it makes for an even more twisted entry.

    Maybe next Tuesday, I'll type up an entry verbatim so you (secret blog readers) can figure it out for me.

    • I have no clue who"WF" is;
    • MHS is an actual abbreviation in my diary for someone who a few of us boy-crazy girls deemed as "Mr. Hot Stuff." I don't even know where to begin commenting on how lame that was;
    • MHS = LF (don't ask why I switched b/t writing his name and the brev b/c I don't know);
    • What are the odds? I was just e-mailing K3 about my prom experiences last night.
    P.P.S. When I read entries describing the BF that I want, it makes me laugh real hard (out of mortification). At the same time, I think about how my BF now is that BF. I love my BF. (As I sound like I'm still in HS.)

    Clinic Prep

    I'm sitting here trying to prep for clinic, but it's obviously not going well. I've felt like a failure this whole quarter especially since I have "easy" clients and the "most easygoing" supervisor. It's just that when I think I've had a good session (at least w/ one of my clients), I get feedback that makes me think otherwise. :( I think I'm the one that needs to learn to follow directions, not my little kiddo.

    Yesterday, I had interesting sessions. My kiddo was a completely different character! Unfortunately, something traumatic happened over the weekend so he was really "special," as his Mom put it. I didn't ask much about it since she didn't explain the reason for his "special" behavior until more than halfway thru the awkward session. Most of my session was spent on "parent education" (in other words, me pretending to be a professional and talking as if I know WTH I'm doing and telling her how she can best work w/ her kid at home). At one point, she asked me, "Did you teach him the word 'fun'?" I said, "um, I might have said that a lot. Like, 'how fun is that!' or 'wasn't that fun?'"

    As I've previously mentioned, this adorable little kid picks up random words and phrases that I repeatedly say (just not the words that I'm trying to teach him!). So after clinic last Wednesday, Mom brought him to Knott's Berry Farm. At one point, he turned to Mom and said, "It's fun." She just about shed a tear.


    I said, "well, whether I taught him that or not, it doesn't matter. The point is -- THAT'S GREAT!!!" :D

    In my book (and since I need a little self-pep-talk), I totally taught him that... ;) JK

    The session ended with him throwing himself on the floor in the hallway, crying about not wanting to go home. That was also a first. As much as he loves playing Lego cars with me, he's always ready to go find Mom to go home (another phrase he learned from me: Where's Mom?). I tell you, yesterday was such an out of character day.

    A few minutes after, NYGF popped her lovely head in and said, "um, why is it that your kids never want to leave you??" Ha! I've completely fooled her! JK Trust me, they don't want to stay with me, they want to stay with my toys.

    It just hit me today that he also picked up, "it's stuck" from me. Ha. My BF is afraid that the kids I work with are going to learn to talk like me...Me and my sound FX and weird phrases.

    In my second session, my client made me LOL. I asked her about her drawing class and at first, she was reluctant to say anything. Eventually, she told me that something must have gotten lost in translation because when she walked into the class, there was a young lady who was going to pose for the class. As she prepared herself to draw, the model completely disrobed. My poor client was totally mortified! I couldn't help but laugh hysterically when she told me her story. Heehee. :)

    She also made me smile b/c I told her that thanks to her, I signed up for an intro to Piano playing class next quarter. I've been dying to much that I even snuck into the Music Hall a few weeks ago to see if I could access a piano room and play a song or 2. Anywho, she told me that she's signing up next quarter and gave me the 411. Yesterday, I told her I signed up for the 12:30 session. She said she signed up for the 10 AM session, but she's going to switch to the 12:30 session so we can take it together. I thought that was really sweet. Yay, she likes me!

    Sunday, August 06, 2006

    Get Mortified (.com)

    In another attempt to bite K3's blog "games," I decided to get on the Mortified bandwagon, too (and allow the world to see how ridiculously retarded and hormone-charged I was in HS).

    In pathetic preparation, I had to pull out my yearbooks to figure out which year I was a Sophomore (I never remember what year I graduated from HS). When I cracked open my yearbook, the first note I saw began with, "Cheryl, L.D.C. is very cute, yes it is true." I stopped there. Why in the world did I have a celebrity-crush on junkie Leonardo DiCaprio? Barf.

    Preface 1: I chose a completely random entry. Opened my diary and looked down. I had to do it this way; otherwise, I'd keep passing up the ones where I'm uber-retarded. Who am I kidding? Like there are any where I'm not?! They're all retarded and boy-crazed (isn't that what the HS years are about?).

    Preface 2: it took me a while to type this up b/c my Sanrio diary was too new skool to have a lock on it so I "encrypted" it by writing in patterns and 2 code-names.

    Digression/sub-story to Preface 2: Which reminds me -- I have a HS friend that can crack my diary codes b/c she and I used to pass notes in between classes (how HS is that!), and we'd write in patterns lest our notes got into the wrong hands (pu-hahaha!). Then again, everyone knew I had a crush on "L.D.C."

    Alright, time to get mortified.

    July 25, 1996:

    Yup, yup. There's no need to mention the obvious. Things ended, yet things are beginning. I talk to PC on the phone occasionally. [Bro] thinks that MC likes me, MC thinks ML likes me, I think PC's intersted but won't pursue, DH's getting jealous, and I think 13 likes 37 but won't admit it. Twice in one week, MP's surprised me. On 7/21, JT's day, I went to the mall with him to buy her gift. We bought a pix of a boy kissing a girl with a jealous girl (JT) on the other side. First he said it was him and D., a few times...then once he said it was him & I, but we both quickly rejected that. He let me drive his car back...I don't think he's ever let anyone else. He trusts me and thinks I'm a good driver. 2nd time of suprise was yesterday, when we were talking about how I saw ML looking at me twice, yesterday. He then said something like, "so if I were to like you, he'd kick my [@$$]..." Hmm. He & PC paged me good nite and once PC paged sweet dreams while MP does that more often. So sweet. JK said DH looked pissed when ML was flirting with me, and yesterday PC told me that whenever I talk to him (which is rather often), DH gives him a look like he better back off. Imagine that. A little jealous? He hadn't paged me for so long until tonight, when it was "nite-dorkhead." Jealousy got the better of him. But MP is so very sweet. He's so funny! PC's friend is cute. J., I think his name was. I catch him looking at me. Cute, cute. MP left for K___, today. 18 days. I miss his company already. I wanna marry someone like him: so sweet, considerate, patient, caring, kind, and protecting. But, I miss the hugs from DH. It's also awkward cuz that day at Tony's, MP reached his hand out and touched my left cheek. Then I think it was at JT's house that he touched both of my cheeks at the same time. C'mon, what's going on? MP is like 2 DHs. Pretty impressive. Keep up the good work. But I'm confused. About MP. ML told me I was cute and "all that" and nice. Y'know he could never have me. He knows it, too. I'd be so heartbroken if MP were ever to come crying to me about anything. He just seems like such a strong person. Which is good. RL's still so cute. So childish cute. He's so much more decent. So likeable. Oh, well. Welp, at least I know 100% what I want...

    I'd be absolutely mortified if any of the people that I mentioned,
    especially the XBF (AKA "DH"), hit me up. I guess that's all part of the game. Unfortunately, I had to use initials to preserve people's privacy (um, mainly my own?). So I half-cheated. Well, it's not like I'm reading my entry over a mic in front of an audience. That'd be a different story. (The chance that any of my crushes or XBFs show up in the audience are one in a zillion.)

    Saturday, August 05, 2006

    A schoolgirl's night out

    Yesterday, Doctor Cousin flew in to L.A. and spent the night. We had lunch at Souplantation (yummers!), compliments of Dr. Cousin. I have to note the most curious fro-yo eating habit I have ever witnessed. As I swirled my fro-yo in the dish, I saw Dr. Cousin scooping toppings into the dish first, and then she swirled her fro-yo on top of them. At the table, she started mixing it all together, like we were at Cold Stone Creamery. Her explanation was that her method prevented all the toppings from falling off. Very curious. Is that how smart people eat fro-yo? Well, it still looked yummy anyways.

    Anywho, so we planned on heading out Friday night, but since I've been a lame schoolgirl, I've lost all connections to night-life events (and people) (which is probably a good thing). Unfortunately, almost all of Dr. Cousin's homies were all out of town, too. So after telling the BF about 10 times that I was going out with Dr. Cousin and her homies, I ended up watching a few old DVDs at home (Boondock Saints and Pulp Fiction), while he worked, and Dr. Cousin fell asleep on the sofa. That made for an exciting night for the both of us. =P Or the 3 of us. Gawsh, I only live in L.A. where an event happens on every city block, yet I couldn't manage to think of a single place worth going to.

    Dr. Cousin left around noon and I got ready for a weekend with the family. My bro made reservations at Khoury's in Long Beach, a very nice seafood buffet for someone who LOVES seafood (moi). The dinner was actually to celebrate Chinese Father's Day (August 8 = 8/8 = "baba jie" in Pinyin = translation of "Father's Day"). My dad has wanted to bring us there for sometime, so my bro decided on American Father's Day that he'd bring Dad for Chinese Father's Day.

    Dude, that buffet was insane! I love seafood and I love buffets, but apparently there are others who love it more than I. Gramma, Guh, and I each had 2 Maine lobsters (roughly a pound whole) plus an assortment of other seafood. Dad had 4 lobster tails (go Dad!). BUT the teen at the next table ate SEVEN. (Dad likes to keep tabs on what people eat, like at the Dodger's game.) Goodness gracious. At least that kid got his money's worth.

    The sad part about the meal was that our waiter counted two Senior Citizens. Although Dad was happy about the discount, he was also panged with sadness that people think he is that old. My bro later guilt-tripped me about not making him feel any better about his age. :( Poor Dad. Dad kept asking my bro and I in a joking tone, "so, who told the waiter that I'm a Senior Citizen? You? Or was it you?" Poor Dad. He doesn't look that old but considering my aunts and Grandma look very young for their age, he got jacked. Kind of like how my bro jacked all the healthy genes and I got the leftover high cholesterol, iron deficient, low immunity genes.

    On a separate note, I pulled out my old diary in preparation for the next post. Several entries in a row, I wrote about how much I love Dad (and miss him b/c he was traveling for business). Aww. I think I'll send Dad an e-card. I bet he hasn't received one of those in a while. He might just print it out from his new all-in-one printer.

    Welp, happy Chinese Father's Day!

    Wednesday, August 02, 2006

    Cheryl needs

    I'm still pretty worthless at the moment. BF's been up since yesterday morning (like 10 or 11) working on that website. I managed to wake up at 6 this morning, ate 2 breakfasts, and took 2 naps before leaving for school at 11 AM. When I left, BF still hadn't eaten nor slept! I got home at 9:30 P.M. and he still hadn't slept. Gees!

    I even ate when I got home last night and took a nap at school this afternoon. It's like when I have an exam, I can't do anything but sleep and eat. Not only that, I started a detox regime and it's day 2 of the 7 day thing. It's supposed to give me more energy, but I feel like it's doing the opposite. Is it possible to be cleansed even though I'm still pumping myself with toxins (i.e., caffeine)? It didn't give me instructions on what not to eat; suggestions are to eat more fruits, legumes, and nuts.

    WTH, dude, I'm watching Criss Angel Mindfreak, and he just won his cameraman $800 on one round of Vegas roulette. Is that cheating since he's got that creepy mental power going on? I wouldn't care if he made my $20 into $800. He's creepy but I can't help but watch. He's such a trip!

    And to further avoid working on my portion of a diagnostics plan due tmrw, I've decided to end this post "playing" the following blog game (since I don't have my high school diary with me), compliments of my NYGF. I Blingo'd "Cheryl needs" and came up with following:

    • Cheryl needs to write some functions to figure out how that happened. [This Cheryl is not smart enough to write functions on whatever the heck she is supposed to figure out.]
    • But to function effectively in the emerging age, Cheryl needs new study skills, organizational skills, time management skills, research skills, ... [b/c there were ellipses, I didn't click on the link for fear that the remaining needs are true, too. The author might as well have written: God help Cheryl.]
    • Cheryl needs to have an affair. [WHAT! Oh, it's about an HBO show.]
    • Also, Cheryl needs to back off with giving you crap about the show notes. [B/c I'm such a hard-@$$ and love to give people crap.]
    • Cheryl needs to quit sending me dirty emails. [Well, you're no fun.]
    • Cheryl needs a chrome pole and a garter so folks of that kind can place dollar bills in it. [This Cheryl prefers the C-notes please.]

    50 States

    BF's been up since yesterday morning, working on the "Luxury Kicks" site. Kinda good for me since that helped me wake up at 6 AM to cram for my midterm (although I've gotten nothing done in the last hour except pump myself with vitamins, oatmeal, and coffee). I had to stop to blog b/c I thought this was funny. He's been working on a map of the 50 states and he said:
    X: the guy that gave me a map of the 50 states is an idiot. He didn't even give me 50 states AND he gave me states that weren't even states.
    C: What "states" were those?
    X: Like Guam.
    C: What! Did he give you Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands? [giggle giggle]
    X: Yeah! No kidding!
    C: Where is he from?
    X: He's a fu*k.
    C: Huh?
    X: He's a FOB.
    C: Oh. [Apparently, I misheard him]
    Guam? Puerto Rico? That's funny.

    And BF thinks I'm a FOB? No way. I learned the 50 states by 7 (thanks to "Wee Sing") and the capitals by 10. Everyone had to memorize the 50 states and capitals to "graduate" from 5th grade. I may not remember all the states and capitals now, but I know that Guam and Puerto Rico are not states.

    5th grade. What a fun time. I was 10 y/o and 50 founds. I couldn't remember last week how old I am (I thought I was a year younger than I really am). Now, I lift more than 50 pound weights with my legs on those gym machines.

    Okay, back to coffee and studying.

    Tuesday, August 01, 2006

    Caffeine Junkie

    I had a grande in a venti (for extra whip cream) nonfat sugar-free caramel macchiato at 8 P.M. Came home at 10:07 P.M. and was ready to go to sleep. How ridiculous! I've managed to get nothing accomplished in 2 hours (like studying auditory processing and disorder for my midterm tomorrow).

    On a random note, I think my kiddo picked up a few more words and phrases from me:
    It's hot! [as he fans himself with his hands :D]
    Where's Mom?
    Brrrrrr....vroom! [Car noises]
    Alright, I'm going to sleep b/c I am so worthless at the moment. :(