Tuesday, September 19, 2006


If I had began my blog a year ago, my entry would've consisted of how terrified I was about beginning this grad program. Instead, you get an entry a year later and a year wiser (I hope).

Today was the orientation for the new first year grads. Time-out: YAY! I'm officially a 2nd year grad student! Unfortunately, I've been considered a grad student even as a post-bacc student. It is unfortunate b/c it totally messed up my financial aid. I waited in line for about half an hour today in sweltering body heat to find out why I was declined financial aid for the entire year. Something about how I exceeded the maximum units allowed for my degree. So retarded.

Anywho, we had a joint orientation meeting with new and returning students from both specialities. For us 2nd years, it was our re-orientation. Remember to apply for this, request that, complete paperwork, don't forget to graduate, etc. Lucky for the first years, the previous Dept. Chairman didn't give the orientation. Last year, that man left us trembling in our seats. I have to give him credit, though; he was just calling it as it is. Expect to dedicate the next 2 years of your life to nothing but school. Expect to work harder than you've ever worked in your life.

He wasn't kidding. Somehow, we all made it through our first year. It's been rough, but I wouldn't have it any other way. Sure I've lost lots of hair and sprouted fields of stress hairs. Sure I have a terrible habit of relieving stress through junk-food binging at 1 A.M. It's okay, though. I want to go into this field with the certainty that when I see clients, they are receiving the best service possible from me.

I have to say, I am thoroughly impressed that 2 students who graduated 2 years ago, recently opened up a joint practice. I didn't know it was possible to do it that soon. Hey, if you have the resources and experience, more power to you! I ain't mad.

One thing at a time for now. Tomorrow, I'll be enjoying my official last day of vacation...watching the season premier of America's Next Top Model! Yeah!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We did it! Yay 2nd years! (i.e., us!)