Friday, September 29, 2006

Best Show Ever on a "Tragic" Night

I forgot to mention that as I fell asleep Friday night, BF surfed the internet for things for us to do on Friday. We were originally going to go to the Bellagio dinner buffet, but after eating out twice on Thursday, we all couldn't handle another huge dinner.

Instead, we slept in and hit a late lunch/early dinner buffet at Sun Coast (so much for avoiding a huge dinner!). Heehee. :) I think we may retire in Vegas just so we can rack up all the rewards and get comps at every casino. Our meal cost a whopping total of $3.29 for 4 people!!

After our lunch/dinner, BF's parents dropped us off at the Wynn, since I wanted to check it out. I've been hearing and reading about it even before it was built; the law firm I used to work for was representing the whole ordeal. I finally got to see what all the hype was about...and the hype wasn't all that. Frankly, I wasn't too impressed with the inside. I'm sure my eyes would've been popping if we were staying in one of the suites, though. We walked through the faux forest/orchard; that was mediocre compared to Bellagio's Garden. The waterfalls outside were lovely, though. We stood outside on the corner to admire the post-card view of the Strip.

Inside the Wynn was also where I began my quest to find the perfect postcard for Grama Dub (a.k.a. Gram-Cracker). BSILF graciously asked that if I had a moment, to send Grama Dub a post-card b/c Grama Dub really appreciates receiving mail and from all parts of the world. I thought that was soOOOoOoOo sweet of BSILF to always think of her Grama and that it was a unique way of letting Grama know that she is thought of not only by her grand-daughter, but also by people who admire her grand-daughter and show their admiration by carrying out such a simple request by surprising Grama with mail. (Does that make sense?)

The picky Hallmarker that I am didn't like any of the ones there. (This is why I rarely send out cards; I have to pick one that I like! =P) I didn't want to choose a hotel one (i.e., Wynn) b/c it's not like I was staying there. I didn't want one with a showgirl or bronzed buns either. I didn't think that'd be appropriate. So my search continued at the Venetian.

BF had bought us tickets a few hours prior for the Blue Man Group at the Venetian. Since we were all ODing on buffets, he treated us to the Blue Man Group show instead of the Bellagio buffet. We didn't see any gift stores on the way (except the Blue Man Group gift store) so my post-card quest came to a halt again as we posted up at the Aquanox Bar in front of the Blue Man theatre.

As for the show, I really wasn't expecting much at all; just 3 blue men creating beats with PVC pipes. OMG, the show was bangin'! It was absolutely hysterical and mind-blowing! (I'm so glad we went to the show instead of the buffet. We'll always have a chance to eat at the buffet
mamiat.) We couldn't stop raving about it! (And for my SLP-pleasure, they even provided free ear-plugs!)

After the show, we waited in a long line for a taxi. As we recapped the show, our mood was dampened a little by the drunk, angry fewl standing behind us. He was cussing really loudly into his phone at his GF. Normally, I can stand obscenities for the most part. Once in a while, it is extremely offensive, like at that moment. I didn't want to say anything to BF b/c I know he was trying really hard to just ignore the fewl. The last thing I wanted was for the BF to tell the fewl to be respectful of the people around and for that to erupt into a fight. (It was also at that point that I thought, 1) thank God BF is my BF and 2) his Dad gave him his Emerson before we left.) By the time we finally got into a cab (our first female cabbie!), I was nauseous b/c that guy badly wreaked of alcohol. I'm glad he didn't hock his loogie at me or I would've turned around and fought him. He was doing that gross thing of deep-snorting loogies and spitting it over his shoulder into the flowers.

Anywho, we cabbed over to Red Rock to meet his parents. There, we gambled a little more on penny slots. I was still holding onto BSILF's lucky dollar b/c we were having a loser night! We were down about $100 by the end of the night. As we left the casino, all I could say was, "Oh, what a tragic night." Losing that much was an absolute tragedy!

BF stayed up talking to Mom while I sat, listened, and chimed in every so often. It was nice to see and hear that BF's always had a strong relationship with the women in his life. From Lola to GF. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow - so much to see, do and comment on! I am so inspired by your trip and can't wait to go there now fur realz!

Dude - less than $1.00 a person for the buffet? Explain, explain!

And how sweet you are for looking out for my Gram-Cracker! I can't wait to read the next installment (in about 10 seconds!). You are too kind to her and me!

Your trip sounds awesome, minus the 100 bucks! I couldn't have stood it. Although one time we were at a casino with my in-laws and I won $100 for my FIL (with his money) and then he made me continue to play. I kept saying, "No we need to stop." Eventually we lost it all and I was so sad. He is not really a gambler, but he was all, "whatever!" Not me! I am still sad about it and it was at least 8 years ago!

Dude- I love your blog!