Thursday, August 24, 2006

BSILF: 22 at heart

Today is BSILF's birthday. Happy birthday, BSILF!

Next to my new-friend (a.k.a. former ESL client), BSILF has quickly become one of my awesomest buddies. Call me cynical, but I don't think it's easy finding -- much more, establishing friendships with genuinely positive people who always see the good in events, situations, and people. Maybe it's b/c BSILF isn't from L.A. ;) 1/2 J/K What I love most about her is that she is contagiously positive! She makes me want to be a better person (e.g., being proactive about volunteering for not-for-profit organizations and events; doing things like writing a tribute for a 9/11 victim).


I am almost done with this quarter so bear with me as I endure another week of stress-induced sappiness. Stress does funny things to people (like me). I almost cried when I got a gift in my school mailbox yesterday...a fancy chocolate bar from my new-friend (a.k.a. former ESL client). Again: phew! My terrible faux pas x 2 didn't cause her to nix me off her list of friends.

Or maybe I almost cried at the relief of the idea of me being forgiven for the faux pas x 2.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! I love that I not only got a birthday shout out on your blog, but that you made me feel giddy with all the nice statements. I am so glad we are friends! I can't imagine not having you around!