Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Cheryl needs

I'm still pretty worthless at the moment. BF's been up since yesterday morning (like 10 or 11) working on that website. I managed to wake up at 6 this morning, ate 2 breakfasts, and took 2 naps before leaving for school at 11 AM. When I left, BF still hadn't eaten nor slept! I got home at 9:30 P.M. and he still hadn't slept. Gees!

I even ate when I got home last night and took a nap at school this afternoon. It's like when I have an exam, I can't do anything but sleep and eat. Not only that, I started a detox regime and it's day 2 of the 7 day thing. It's supposed to give me more energy, but I feel like it's doing the opposite. Is it possible to be cleansed even though I'm still pumping myself with toxins (i.e., caffeine)? It didn't give me instructions on what not to eat; suggestions are to eat more fruits, legumes, and nuts.

WTH, dude, I'm watching Criss Angel Mindfreak, and he just won his cameraman $800 on one round of Vegas roulette. Is that cheating since he's got that creepy mental power going on? I wouldn't care if he made my $20 into $800. He's creepy but I can't help but watch. He's such a trip!

And to further avoid working on my portion of a diagnostics plan due tmrw, I've decided to end this post "playing" the following blog game (since I don't have my high school diary with me), compliments of my NYGF. I Blingo'd "Cheryl needs" and came up with following:

  • Cheryl needs to write some functions to figure out how that happened. [This Cheryl is not smart enough to write functions on whatever the heck she is supposed to figure out.]
  • But to function effectively in the emerging age, Cheryl needs new study skills, organizational skills, time management skills, research skills, ... [b/c there were ellipses, I didn't click on the link for fear that the remaining needs are true, too. The author might as well have written: God help Cheryl.]
  • Cheryl needs to have an affair. [WHAT! Oh, it's about an HBO show.]
  • Also, Cheryl needs to back off with giving you crap about the show notes. [B/c I'm such a hard-@$$ and love to give people crap.]
  • Cheryl needs to quit sending me dirty emails. [Well, you're no fun.]
  • Cheryl needs a chrome pole and a garter so folks of that kind can place dollar bills in it. [This Cheryl prefers the C-notes please.]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the "Needs Meme!" It always cracks me up. I did one for my 93 year old Grama and some of her "results" were:• -Winnie needs another greyhound (or dog) that she can get confidence from.
-Winnie needs to be "cultured" before she actually goes on the date
-Winnie needs to stir first feelings of delicate passion

That last one if my fave! Actually your last one is pretty good too, especially your editorial remarks that follow!