Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Good job

This is my plug for BF and his work: BF presented the Vlado site on Monday along with some comps that will go in a few hip-hop magazines. I am way proud of him! Good job, BF! I always like seeing his final products...and feel all special that he'll ask for my opinion along the making. I also like that he teaches me to appreciate the finer details of design. I.e., I would never have noticed/appreciated the "flawless rollover" effect if BF hadn't pointed it out; apparently, the way the bar "flawlessly" rolls from one button to the next takes a lot of coding time...time that a lot of designers won't spend. BF, on the other hand, is a perfectionist who loves designing. BF's a G!

BTW, please bear in mind that BF designed the website, not the shoes. Heh heh...=P

As for me, I am so not a G. I had half a meltdown today, venting to my clinic supervisor about how frustrated I am with myself as a clinician this quarter (don't I sound like a loser). I have an annoying dysfunction of not being able to stick to my Task Analysis and clearly work towards my objectives. My problem is that I really like to freestyle my sessions this quarter, especially since I have "easy" clients.

The kiddo is picking up some phrases, but considering he is almost 3 y/o, he is nowhere near having 800 words in his vocabulary; hence, picking up one phrase a session just isn't fast enough. :( He totally made my day, though, b/c at the end of today's session, he spontaneously said, "It's fun." Yay!!

Mom also told me that he showed off to Grandma yesterday by touching his head, shoulders, knees, and toes. He didn't sing the song (or speak at all) but he performed the actions, and when he was done, he actually said, "Good job." That is classic! I'm always saying that to him after every correct response (or after he correctly touches the appropriate body part as I poorly sing "head and shoulders").

I'd die if next week, he spontaneously produced, "Good talking." I've been saying that to him a lot whenever he speaks. I know it sounds like crazy talk, but considering that kid doesn't talk much, any talking is "good talking!" =P

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