Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Clinic Prep

I'm sitting here trying to prep for clinic, but it's obviously not going well. I've felt like a failure this whole quarter especially since I have "easy" clients and the "most easygoing" supervisor. It's just that when I think I've had a good session (at least w/ one of my clients), I get feedback that makes me think otherwise. :( I think I'm the one that needs to learn to follow directions, not my little kiddo.

Yesterday, I had interesting sessions. My kiddo was a completely different character! Unfortunately, something traumatic happened over the weekend so he was really "special," as his Mom put it. I didn't ask much about it since she didn't explain the reason for his "special" behavior until more than halfway thru the awkward session. Most of my session was spent on "parent education" (in other words, me pretending to be a professional and talking as if I know WTH I'm doing and telling her how she can best work w/ her kid at home). At one point, she asked me, "Did you teach him the word 'fun'?" I said, "um, I might have said that a lot. Like, 'how fun is that!' or 'wasn't that fun?'"

As I've previously mentioned, this adorable little kid picks up random words and phrases that I repeatedly say (just not the words that I'm trying to teach him!). So after clinic last Wednesday, Mom brought him to Knott's Berry Farm. At one point, he turned to Mom and said, "It's fun." She just about shed a tear.


I said, "well, whether I taught him that or not, it doesn't matter. The point is -- THAT'S GREAT!!!" :D

In my book (and since I need a little self-pep-talk), I totally taught him that... ;) JK

The session ended with him throwing himself on the floor in the hallway, crying about not wanting to go home. That was also a first. As much as he loves playing Lego cars with me, he's always ready to go find Mom to go home (another phrase he learned from me: Where's Mom?). I tell you, yesterday was such an out of character day.

A few minutes after, NYGF popped her lovely head in and said, "um, why is it that your kids never want to leave you??" Ha! I've completely fooled her! JK Trust me, they don't want to stay with me, they want to stay with my toys.

It just hit me today that he also picked up, "it's stuck" from me. Ha. My BF is afraid that the kids I work with are going to learn to talk like me...Me and my sound FX and weird phrases.

In my second session, my client made me LOL. I asked her about her drawing class and at first, she was reluctant to say anything. Eventually, she told me that something must have gotten lost in translation because when she walked into the class, there was a young lady who was going to pose for the class. As she prepared herself to draw, the model completely disrobed. My poor client was totally mortified! I couldn't help but laugh hysterically when she told me her story. Heehee. :)

She also made me smile b/c I told her that thanks to her, I signed up for an intro to Piano playing class next quarter. I've been dying to play...so much that I even snuck into the Music Hall a few weeks ago to see if I could access a piano room and play a song or 2. Anywho, she told me that she's signing up next quarter and gave me the 411. Yesterday, I told her I signed up for the 12:30 session. She said she signed up for the 10 AM session, but she's going to switch to the 12:30 session so we can take it together. I thought that was really sweet. Yay, she likes me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course she likes you!

I am so impressed with the whole taking an extra class next quarter! I would love to play piano! You will have to come over and play for me!

Also, in my book you totally taught that kid "It's fun!" How amazing for mom to hear him say it in an appropriate context! Way to go C!