Thursday, August 10, 2006


Today was another day of wasting time (one of my favorite hobbies). This quarter has been really chill since I only have school Mons-Weds. Last Friday, when Dr. Cousin flew in, she asked what I usually do on Fridays. I said, nothing really. And I wasn't kidding. Thursdays and Fridays have been my "weekend," while I do schoolwork on the weekends.

Instead of doing schoolwork, I exercised my mind with an intelligence test. I'm actually feeling really good b/c it says that if you figure out 19+, then you're a genius! So far, I've figured out 22. It also says on the bottom of the site:

Believe it or not, this type of test can be a good estimate of intelligence (if you excuse the cultural bias). People who did well on this type of test are likely those who are gifted with verbal ability and linguistic pattern recognition. This sort of assessment would discriminate against those with non-linguistic pattern recognition (like solving jigsaw puzzles) and spatial intelligence (like the ability to use a map or see hidden figures in a drawing).

I'm actually pretty good at jigsaw puzzles (but not as good as pre-clinic client), using maps (and Mapquest), and finding hidden figures (in Highlights magazine and optical illusions), too. Boy, I'm a well-rounded genius, if I might say so myself. I even got 12 of them while I was faded off of 2 Buck Chuck. Nice. A classy, well-rounded genius.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I am highly impressed! And I kow tow to you (at least a little!). I took this test several months ago and could not get past 4 or 5 answers! I am clearly on the far lower end of genius! As in 4 standard deviations from the mean, .01%ile. Dumb, dumb, dumb!

Congrats Genius Girl!