Thursday, August 17, 2006

Gettin' Mine

Today, I learned a few things about myself.
  1. I knew that I was born in a city that started with an "M." I just wasn't sure if it was Monterey Park or Montebello. =P Today, Dad confirmed that I was born free of charge at a Catholic hospital in Monterey Park. Apparently, the doctors were afraid that my Mom wouldn't seek the proper birth-route so they told my parents that when the time comes, get themselves to this hospital; it'll be free.
  2. My Chinese name means nothing, according to Dad and Gramma (although Mom told me that it's the name of a Japanese flower). Yesterday, my classmate told me one of the characters is the name of a Japanese flower (possibly the cherry blossom). The other character might be in the realm of "reputable." I tend to believe my Mom b/c she actually remembers and knows how to write my name. Dad doesn't know how to write my name and often says it's too difficult for anyone to remember how to write. Heck, it took me 4 weeks of Chinese class in college to learn it (5 weeks for my Chinese professor).
  3. One is never too old to get mortified. As a member of the 26-34 age group, I typically consider myself a grown-up. Every so often, however, I get little humbling reminders (mortifying experiences) that I'm still a kid at times. More blatant reminders are like when I wear my platform shoes (a.k.a. "grown-up shoes") just to trip over a crack, like tonight outside of Diddy Riese (in front of college kids who are most definitely younger than me). I am notorious for tripping over imaginary rocks.
  4. I am old. Totally not hip w/ the lingo nowadays (e.g., my attempt to revive the word "rad"). Anywho, I learned a new slang phrase today. It's sad when I'm no longer schooling somebody else on what a phrase means.
    • "Sex-aisled? WTH does that mean?" Wait, it's not in K3's totally rad slang dictionary nor did it come up on the first page of Blingo results. Phew! I don't feel as lame as I did earlier on today.
    • Oh, you don't know what it means either? By all means, take a guess by posting a comment (the whole 2.5 readers I have).
  5. Me intentionally becoming a MySpace Whore is more difficult than I thought. I've received two random MySpace invites (from semi-local indie music bands), and I haven't added them yet.
Other huge news ~
BF pulled another all-nighter to start and finish a phawkin' phat website on record time for future cousin-in-law. Check it out!! The content's not all up, yet; bear in mind that the BF's the web designer, not text editor. (Otherwise, I'd be giving him a hard time re: spelling and grammar. Too bad I don't proof my entries very well.)

Lastly, I will say it again -- BF is famous (by association). (Does that mean I'm famous by 2 degrees of association?). He's in Roscoe's hip-hop video! Unfortunately, it's like playing "Where's Waldo?" though. Prior to viewing the video, I asked BF, what are you doing in the video? BF responded, throwing gang signs. Oh, well that's lovely. He's not talking about his teeth, either.

Still other news:

  • FBIL got to swim w/ sea turtles every day that he was in Akumal ("The Place of the Turtle" in Maya), Mexico!!! I am soOOooOOOOOOoOOoO insanely jealous!!! (I thought we could only do that in Hawaii.) He even touched the sea turtles!
  • Kuya M texted BF yesterday and called him today, all the way from the Phillippines. I thought that was really cute of Kuya M to think of the BF. Ha!


Anonymous said...

This post cracks me up! Which is not too unusual, as your writing typically makes me laugh like a hyena. Today is extra good though.

Sex-aisled? Of course, I have NO idea! I don't even think I could begin to guess. Any context clues you might feel like providing???

Chanel said...

There was no way I could've figured this one out, but here's the contextual clue I got:

So she [her roomate] got sex-aisled like 3 times.


In any event, my reaction to all parts of that conversation topic was borderline nausea and shock.

Anonymous said...

hahaha, what a day of revelations. and it's sexiled...a fusion of the words 'sex' and 'exile'. look it up on blingo, it's there.

sorry to shock you so. imagine actually being there...