Wednesday, February 08, 2006

National Multiple Sclerosis Society Walk

So, I'm really excited b/c for the first time ever, I'm participating in a charitable walk! I always thought my first walk would be for Breast Cancer Awareness, and maybe for AIDS, since I'm a big advocate for breast cancer awareness. I have no idea why or where that came from, but maybe it all started with when my college roomie's sorority promoted Breast Cancer Awareness, and I was forced to buy a pin. ;) Incidentally, I mentioned again to BF last night that I'm doing the MS Walk on April 9th. He said, isn't that the same day as the Breast Cancer Awareness walk? I said, no way! I didn't believe him!

Well, I didn't completely NOT believe him b/c then I dug through my jewelry chest to find the pink ribbon pin to wear this AM, next to my "Team MS Walk Captain" pin and red dress/heart disease awareness in womenpin. I'm secretly trying to go for more "flare." Well, it turns out that Breast Cancer Awareness Month is October (and Heart Disease Awareness month is February). Not to mention April is Autism month, May is Better Speech and Hearing Month, and May 23 is World Turtle Day.

Turns out the BF was messing around w/ me. Seriously, I should have known, though. How would he know when Breast Cancer Awareness Day is? Anywho, so I can focus b/t now and then on the MS Walk. BTW, for more info, pls visit the other blog I frequently update, or better yet, visit my personal MS Walk homepage!

Actually, I know this will sound cheesy, but after Monday night's NSSLHA meeting, I feel even more compelled to get as actively involved in events as I can. It's very inspirational to see when people really do care and want and do make a difference.

On a random note, I had a very cool "what a small world" event on Monday. My classmate/NSSLHA President uses the same cool MTV mug as me. I finally asked her where she got it. Turns out, my bro sent her sister a few when he used to work at MTV! Them 2 actually go way back to the UCLA/Sunset Village/Unicamp days! Haha! Very cool coincidence! Not to mention, both her and I went to UCSD (although she's a year younger than me).

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