Friday, February 17, 2006

Last Friday at work

I mean, this is the last Friday that will be spent at work! Also meaning, I took my last ghetto bus ride this AM. Yay!

Re-capping in rewind mode, last night I went to bed at 11:30 (the earliest yet, since probably the first week of the quarter) just so I could be a little more awake at work (but I'm actually quite the opposite at the moment). I had another midterm yesterday, which I hope went okay. I felt so lame b/c I went up to the professor and asked her, "is this (pointing to, 'What do you find to be the most difficult part of figuring out a phonological process/rule?') a subjective question?"

Before that, I had my session w/ my Big, Small Potato. He was particularly distracted but still managed to pull through. I joked w/ my classmates about how w/ him, I have to interpret his actions and assume that he likes me. I'm just jealous b/c all the other kids, who are high-functioning/can communicate, express their admiration and interest in my colleagues. W/ my kid, I just read into his actions. =P I.e., yesterday, at the end of the session, I cued him, "time to go!" pointing to my watch. He started rubbing his eyes, then his eyes watered, and he started crying! So I'm feeling bad and ask him, "do you want a cookie?"

And the kid was such a trooper; he's rubbing his one eye and signing w/ his other hand, and saying, "I want cookie, please." I looked at his mom helplessly, and the mom says, "sometimes, he starts crying and will cry for a really long time. We don't know why...sometimes he just gets moody like that. Maybe he's thinking of something."

Two thoughts: my classmates of course teased, well, maybe he likes you and was sad to go. That is a possibility b/c I do think he likes me. ;) But on a more serious, second thought, I thought about how as a parent, it has to be so difficult to see your child cry, and you have NO idea why. What could he be thinking about? Either way, it broke my heart. :(

Okay, well, for that particular incident, I don't think he was sad to leave me. But I still think he likes me. Even if I didn't get a box of chocolates and a pot of mini-roses on Valentine's Day from him.

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