Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A first time for everything

I totally ran on fumes today. Again, I went to bed around 3 A.M., after BF insisted I get some rest. Unfortunately, I didn't finish preparing for my Big, Small Potato's session today, so I couldn't sleep well and even DREAMT about messing the session up. I rolled outta bed at 5:20 and had a good few hours at work, despite feeling pretty gnarly in the morning. I was feeling pretty good leaving work...until I got my first stupid traffic violation!

I guess I wasn't awake nor caring about the careless pedestrians walking. Well, subconsciously (or "subcortically") I was b/c I didn't make a sharp left turn (from a one-way street onto a one-way street). In any case, I got the sirens and the stupid policeman telling me that once the pedestrians take one step onto the road, we have to stop. Maybe my Coke bottle glasses prevented me from using my peripheral vision??

Humph. Imagine my surprise in finding out that I have to go to Traffic School! (Yah, yah, when was I born? Yesterday.) Anywho, I actually had a good day at school for once. Possibly b/c I only have one class on Tues/Thurs. Still, I got a 25/25 on my paper (when the classmates that shared their grade, got a 22 or below) AND I actually came up w/ all the final rules to the phonological exercises we did in class. Yahoo! That stuff is actually very interesting and sort of fun. Basically, we sit there and analyze a child's speech/language to figure out what patterns of error s/he consistently make (so that we know what to treat in therapy). At first, errors appear random, but upon closer analysis, you see that kids actually consistently make errors. It's like doing detective work from a different angle. :D

My crazy classmate was totally harping on me today, too. She said, "wow, Cheryl, you look really good! It must be that Ginseng you're taking!" LOL I only mentioned the ginseng to her since she's a Costco pill-poppin' fewl, too. Her excuse is that she's really old. Actually, I think it is (psychologically) increasing my blood circulation b/c I haven't been freezing lately. In fact, I've had lotsa hot flashes. =X Hm.

At least BSP's not-snotty-session went okay, today, despite me running out of activities. He sorta sprayed on me while I had him imitate some words. I wonder if it's always going to be his dad that brings him now. Having his mom observe me and give me input really helped me. Just makes me realize even more, how important it is to have parental involvement, whether your kid is developing "normally" or not. Since she hasn't been around, my supervisor nixed some of my more complicated/optimistic objectives and had me start off at the most basic step of having him do immediate imitations of whatever I said. **yawn** My partner fell asleep while observing us. Hopefully, Thursday will be a little more exciting for us and our observers. =P

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