Sunday, December 10, 2006

God Son's (by association) 3rd Birthday Party

Today was BF's God Son's birthday party (a.k.a. FBM's son, "Keenan," and BBN). It was tons of fun! When we got there, I looked for the birthday boy but he was supposedly at his Grandma's next door. As I went to the Lady's Room, I glanced into his room, where he was sitting alone on the floor eating Skittles. I just about melted after I cracked up. That kid is so much fun and he is super adorable. BF said I had to be "nice" to him today (he thinks that I crack a lot of jokes about/to Keenan -- which I totally don't!) so I made sure I was super-nice to him. I asked if he wanted to say hello to Nino (a.k.a. BF), and he said yes, so I stretched my hand out to lead him. Instead, he gestured that he wanted me to pick him up. LOL I've never picked him up, not even when he was a baby! So up he went, and I carried him out to greet his Godfather. :)

We hung around for a bit and BF taught me how to play "ghetto Dice." Something about rolling a 7 or 11 means you lose and/or snake eyes and 12 means they lose. After, him and the boys played Dominos, and I realized how pathetic my arithmetic skills are. As the scorer, I was pretty slow on adding up the numbers. We ate a lot of good Filipino food and barbeque. After the birthday singing, most of the group left shortly after. The only people left were us and FBM's other FBM and his wifey. That was really nice and cozy.

I had a great time hanging out. FBM made popcorn and Cadillacs -- his coffee creation, which was actually pretty good! My guess is that he mixed Hershey's syrup with coffee and added a marshmallow for good measure. I also got to hold LBN for a little bit. The biggest compliment I got was, "You're a natural!" I tend to secretly get really nervous holding babies because I don't have much experience. I get paranoid that parents will see right through me and bum-rush to grab their babies from me. That has not happened yet, and I hope to keep it that way.

They could have also been saying that b/c they started teasing that BF and I should pop a baby out soon. Um, not until I get this carrying/holding-a-baby-confidently down packed, amongst other important mommy responsibilities. At least LBN didn't cry with me, today. :) He just pulled my hair a few times.

Before we left, BBN opened his gifts which consisted of a bunch of Superman toys and two outfits. BF and I got him a 10-inch action figure and a smaller action figure where Clark Kent doubled as Superman (or vice-versa). He seemed pretty interested in Clark Kent so at least he liked one of his two toys. Woohoo!

We all got a nice little hug and beso from BBN before we left. Happy big 3rd birthday, BBN!

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