Friday, August 17, 2007

K.I.T. with Dad

I love when my dad leaves me random voicemails (i.e., "If you go to a party and you set your drink down to go to the restroom, don't pick it up to drink again.").

Today, my dad impressed me once more with his technological advancement. He e-mailed me, "Mei: please set up your yahoo messenger, my messenger id: _______." Holy snikeys! Dad's on IM!!

So I got all excited thinking we could IM and stuff, but he actually telephones me on Yahoo messenger. I don't even know how to do that. I don't even have a microphone thingy to do that! So what did I do? Call him up on my cell to tell him that.

He tells me, "Oh, you can easily get one from Best Buy." When did Dad start going to Best Buy?? What in the world is going on? Haha. :)

Dad totally rules.

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