Wednesday, August 15, 2007


I can't believe I'm finally done with classes and exams! It's all so surreal! (Well, it will all finally be over when I turn in my business plan...which is hopefully by Monday. Preferably sooner)

We took our last exam together and then had a little party afterwards. We even had a special guest -- K3 made a cameo!! That was such a wonderful treat!! She is totally a missed celebrity. Everyone's been asking moi (I feel so honored) how K3's doing, and I act as her publicist, making statements like, "Oh, she is fabulous." "She is very busy." "Oh, I cannot comment on that." "You have no evidence that she was there that night wearing that; she has alibis." j/k :)

Dude, we're done!! K3 and KGRoo are planning/hosting a "We Made It!" par-tay on Monday. Yeah! A real party with no books to study, reports to write, etc. Freedom! (Until I begin work.)

In honor of me finishing, BF ordered a cell phone ear piece and laptop battery pack...since I broke both of mine. (He asks me every other day, "why do you break everything?").


Mark Reisch said...

DUDE 0 comments! Seriously!??!!

This is FANTASTIC news! Congrats. You better have fun at that party!

You made it! Next stop the GREAT Wall!!!


Chanel said...

Dude, it has been confirmed that there are a few closet blog readers who I think should leave comments but never do! Boo!

Congrats on your new job!!! Meet you at the Great Wall. ;) Actually, before then. Haha!