Saturday, August 18, 2007

ADD Confirmed

I just made some low-fat peach fro-yo and was scraping off the remains from the cooler thingamajiggy in front of the TV ("summer vacation" rules!). BF was channel-surfing and deciding b/t two movies, when he concluded that we could watch one On-Demand later. He switched back to Godfather II and said, "You haven't seen this movie, huh?"

I had a deer-in-headlights-expression because I was embarrassed that he has discovered yet another classic that I have not watched.**

He said, "You haven't! Because you have an attention span of a two-year old!"

=O My ADD is no longer a secret in our relationship!

Just this AM, he was asking me why I always fall asleep during movies. I am beginning to think it is a hereditary thing. When we were younger, my gramma used to always fall asleep to movies. Now, I totally do.

**My bro read me some of his old journal entries a few nights ago from when he was in Japan. One night, he wrote something about how it's nice that BF & I are together now because we watch more movies. Hahahaha!

Update: BF just said, "I know why you can't watch Godfather...because you need subtitles!" Yet another secret that is no longer a secret! I missed about 60% of dialogue in "Shooter" b/c Marky Mark mumbled about 80% of the time he spoke. Yet I understand KidSpeak. Nice.

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