Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year's Eve Celebration

This year, BF and I didn't go out with a "big bang." We almost did go to Giant...but in light of us being sick for forever and a day, feeling too old for massive crowds in cold weather conditions, spending a lot for Christmas (and not wanting to spend more on Giant tickets), and CBnR staying home to watch Godson and Faux Godson, BF and I joined in Bro and FBIL's plans. :)

The day was quite relaxing. BF capitalized on his last opportunity to meet one of his 2007 resolutions of bowling 200. Six games and one ring finger blister later, he relayed with much disappointment that this would be a 2008 resolution. We came home and chilled until FBIL and Bro came over with delicious pizza and mojos! We watched an episode of Dexter (can't wait for the next season!) and then they left. For the next hour, we primped and prepped for our NYE par-tay at Lynnie's. I made a successful batch of brownies** and then they picked us up around 9PM.

**I am clearly not the brownie maker in this relationship, ever since I made a batch -- years ago -- that "tasted like feet." The culprit ingredient? I substituted... olive oil for vegetable oil. I have never been able to live this down! Thankfully, Christy felt for me...she can't live down the time when she made meatloaf...and substituted iceberg lettuce for celery!

We started getting our drink on right when we got in...and we ate some more! There was a nice spread of appetizers in addition to Bro and FBIL making delicious empanadas. Christy joined us around 10 and brought a ridiculous amount of fried chicken. We chilled, talked, and recapped about how our year went. Around 11:50PM, we started Creative Hour...everyone started drawing, coloring, or folding origami! Most of us drew the one thing or scene that we "always" drew when we were little. So of course I drew my random collage: tree, clouds, "m" birds, rabbit, bird, house, and Farmer Bob. Sadly, it really does look exactly like it did when I drew them as a 4 to 7 year-old! (Even more sad was that at that age range, I wanted to be an artist when I grew up!)

Bro had a little origami session going at one end of the table so he taught FBIL how to fold tulips and Christy how to fold a camera. I told them how when we were little, we used to draw "photos" and stick them in our "cameras" and take pictures. What happened after sent everyone over the edge -- Bro and Christy cut out pictures from magazines and took pictures of everyone. It was awesomely cheesy and hilarious. :)

Sometime in between, we counted down with KROQ for the last 10 seconds of 2007. Happy new year wishes, hugs, and kisses went around. Although only some of us had a good 2007, the general consensus was that 2008 will be better. It will be a good year.

We continued on with our Creative Hour (I think the ETOH had a big influence on Creative Hour beginning and continuing on), and I plugged away at a jigsaw puzzle for about 2 hours. I absolutely love doing puzzles and can sit for hours. I got a lot of, "how do you do it?" and really, the only thing I could think of is that I must have autistic tendencies (by proxy). I can find a piece and envision/know that it's the interlocking piece between two others. If I could, I would do puzzles all the time.

Random: BF keeps asking if I miss my kiddos and which are my favorite. I have a couple favorites, but my 320s take the cake. He constantly asks if I have a favorite 320...and I really don't. I love all five of them. Although I am not looking forward to working again, I am looking forward to seeing my kiddos, 320 or "regular special ed."

Shoot, I did tell one of my favorite regular SPED kiddos that one of my new year's resolution would be to be better prepared with therapy techniques and materials -- in his case, it means reading a book on how to remediate a lateral lisp. I better get going...

Happy new year!

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