Saturday, October 28, 2006

Therapy for Therapy

Today, I chickened out of meeting w/ 2T so she came and looked for me and asked if we had to discuss anything. "Um, not really, except about those parent mtgs next week..." I totally pulled a bait-and-switch. Ha! Well, not really a bait-&-switch, but I kind of diverted her attention away from the most recent session eval comments and discussed other stuff. I couldn't believe our meeting only lasted about 5 minutes total.

The best part of therapy today was when I received therapy for therapy. Actually, I received therapy for therapy from BF earlier on in the day, when I started worrying about my sessions. Then when I was absolutely confident I was ready to plow through my sessions, getting through all the activities/objectives, I opened the door and saw my sweet little Miracle sitting on the couch with Mom. She jumped up and hugged me. I just about melted. It was like she knew I just needed a therapeutic hug to get my sessions going.

Both of my sessions went well enough. Miracle was on the ball, making me so proud! I must have cured her! JK Seriously, though, I was really proud of her. When I walked her out, she gave me another hug.

Next was the Riddler's session. My guess is that he may have been a little preoccupied. I tried another colloquial greeting and asked, "So, what's happening?" Again, he took it like I was really asking what was happening and made some reference to how they (him, his mom, and sister) were just discussing something...and then he brushed it off. He was pretty bored today and slacked off a little bit, but in the end, he performed fine. At the end of the session, I made the wrong choice of telling him that it was time to go but he needed to finish three more sentences. He read through them so fast that 2T came in on the last item and said he needed to give it his best and re-read the last sentence. After she closed the door, I joked with him, "Thanks a lot for getting us both in trouble!!" At least he had fun at the end.

Today, I've made peace with myself in terms of anything happening in clinic. Hopefully, this peace stays, especially since we get our midterm grades next week.


What are one or two things you learned about yourself?
I can still have fun with my client even though we are working on something serious.

(P.S. This is probably the lamest and shortest response I've written on my eval. The comment I get back should be interesting.)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually I think that comment rocks and I think she will write something very positive about it. One of the best SLP's I know always says, "If you are bored, then your client is bored." You obviously are a rockin' fun, but great teacher clinician and seriously if 2T does not say something fantastic about your comment, something is wrong and it is not on your end!