Wednesday, October 11, 2006

3rd Week

This late night stuff is seriously cramping my style. Tonight, when I got home, I didn't waste any time. For reals. I didn't surf the internet for like 3 hours or watch TV. I ate, washed dishes, and started right away on clinic stuff. Okay, so I responded to a few e-mails, but it was all school-related. Still, I didn't finish my clinic stuff for tonight until about 10 minutes ago.

I spent a while analyzing the Riddler's results. I'm like at square 1.5 now that I've analyzed my own results (rather than previous ones), but I really don't want to think about that any more since I spent all night looking over every response and dissecting it.

What cracked me up about today were a few things:

1) My "warm-blooded" Miracle was actually cold today so I lent her my pea coat (b/c I was "smart" enough to wear a tank top under my thick turtleneck and nylons under my wool pants). Although maintenance fixed the heater in the clinic, it was only on in the Control Room and for like 3 hours in the morning. By noon, all the rooms were like 50 degrees again.
2) I totally worked my kids today, and they were such good sports.
3) I can't really see the pictures that are shown to the kids as I read the test items on the other side of the booklet (it's propped up on the table). At one point, Miracle says, "Hey, he looks like you." I'm like, "What? Lemme see." So I peered over to her side and almost LMAO. There was a cartoon picture of a boy...with slanted eyes. I seriously said, "Um, yes, he does look like me." Then she ever so sweetly and innocently said, "Because you're china." ("china" said in Spanish.) I just thought that was really cute and hilarious. (I wonder how you say Taiwanese in Spanish?)
4) I made the Riddler chew his beef jerky really quickly during testing. I felt kind of bad about that, but he happened to take a bite right when we were about to begin testing expressive language...meaning he'll be required to talk. I really didn't want to have to comment on that in my stupid session evaluations so I politely requested that he chew fast. He chewed so fast that I said in shock, "Wow, you ate that fast! Um, thanks for chewing that really fast!" How much more lame can my compliments be?
5) Although we were out of time, I quickly examined the Riddler's velum as if I knew what the heck I was doing. Apparently, I have a knack for looking like I know what I'm doing on the observational camera. What a great skill to have. It would've gone faster except that we both kept cracking up. Again, he tried to be a good sport when I told him to open his mouth and stick his tongue out. Since he couldn't, I had to use a tongue depressor and model for him what I wanted him to do. So as I stuck the tongue depressor in his mouth (and peered at his velum as he phonated /a/), he was staring at me sticking my tongue out. That must've been so attractive. I'm so glad I'm not in a room with an observation hall!!
6) People actually recognize me from Monday's meeting and are introducing themselves. I don't know why that's really funny to me, but it is. I also received an e-mail from one lady who thinks I'm in her undergrad class. I have no clue how she is confusing me with someone else but I am curious to know who she is confusing me for.

In closing, I figured out the best/only reasons for having clinic the (unholy) day and time I do:
1) No undergrad & post-bacc observers to laugh at me!
2) No first year grads critiquing my sessions for Advanced Diagnostics!
3) No clinical assistants to worry about! (Sorry, K3! I know if I was a CA, I'd wanna be yours, though. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha - maybe not, since I got asked, "Is this your first quarter doing therapy?" Umm, that would be a no.

I like (I almost wrote love!) your compliments - mine are equally as lame.

My guess is you look like you know what you are doing b/c you do know what you are doing, even if you don't think so.

Good job finding the silver lining in the worst clinic schedule ever. I want to ask each of my observers, "So is this observation for Adv Diag? What exactyl are you writing???"