Friday, October 13, 2006

Evaluating Session Evaluations

I just got home and BF asked, "How was school today?"
"It sucked...but at least I didn't get in trouble."

Now, the challenge is keeping myself out of trouble when I write my session evals. If I was a haiku-writer, I'd write one right now.

I have a love-hate relationship with session evals. When I had to evaluate session evaluations a few quarters ago, I honestly wrote that I love them and hate them. I love them because I learn a lot about myself as a clinician (since I am forced to critique myself). If I didn't have to do evals, I wouldn't realize where I went wrong, why goals weren't being met, what I could do better, what I realy do know, how I'm actually growing as a clinician, etc.

I hate them b/c it's the same questions for both clients every two days. What went right? What went wrong? What did you learn about yourself? Compliment yourself. Expose your weakness.

It's like being on an interview. You have to carefully word everything. You have to pretend you're being completely honest, but you're not really because you don't want to make yourself look like a total loser nor an egomaniac. Or an egotistical loser.

Another thing that bugs is when I get stumped on the same stupid question so I skip it, fill out the rest, think I'm done, scroll up, realize that I still have that darn stupid question to fill out.

I am currently stuck on, "What had you hoped would happen in therapy?" Followed by, "How did it turn out?"...for both clients' session evals!

I hoped time would pass faster because I didn't have enough activities b/c we did not discuss these quarter-long goals and activities until 40 minutes before my sessions began.

It turned out okay because I stretched two activities out long enough.

Like I said to BF when I walked in through the door, at least I didn't get in trouble. My session with Miracle was a bust, but I think my supervisor was too busy with the other sessions going on because all she commented was that Miracle was so lethargic the whole session, except during breaks. In my defense, Miracle was really sick (poor angel didn't go to school today). Seriously, her comments could've been like 10 times worse b/c my activities for her totally bombed.

I can't believe 3rd week is over. I've been so busy yet I've gotten nothing done. It's not like I've been spending all my time blogging either. The saddest part about this week is that I haven't taken my turtle out even once to play. She's asleep now. The greatest thing about my turtle is that she has unconditional love for me. Even though I haven't spent as much time with her this week, she is understanding and still loves me no matter what. BF took a few pixs of Lil F and sent them to me yesterday morning to give me a smile. This one is currently on my desktop.

The best times of this week happened on Wednesday and Thursday. On Wednesday, BF and I went to Cheesecake Factory for a pleasant lunch. The Marina was so clear and gorgeous! Lunch was delicious, too, as usual. For once, I didn't get the Bistro Shrimp pasta, too. =O On Thursday, I finally made it to a SOCK Par-tay! Unfortunately, I was really, really dazed, but I remember having a really fun time just relaxing with the ladies. :) The best story told was about FDC buying a busted scantron machine from ebay.

The best part about today was the rain. I love rain! The bumming part is that it stopped. The good part is that I didn't hit traffic caused by rain or rain-caused accidents.

Back to the session evals... :(


Anonymous said...

Were you inside my brain? I feel exactly the same way about session evals. The quarter we shared clinic they were much better b/c they did not require answering the same questions over and over. I have already started repeating answers.....I agree with you 100% on the love/hate session eval relationship!

Chanel said...

I know! I meant to write "love/hate" relationship, after our semi-discussion re: "love" and "hate." ;)
I definitely liked the evals from the quarter we were together. B/c they were more open-ended, mine were so much more reflective and HONEST!

Anonymous said...

I had these exact same thoughts today! I learned much more from those ones than I am from this quarter!