Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Antibacterial Gel

So every one of my classmates that I chatted/e-mailed with this past weekend had a crappily busy weekend, as did I. I've been running on fumes so much that I go to sleep (more like a nap) w/ a headache and wake up with one. Not only that but I swear I was going to throw-up on my commute this morning. Seriously, I was sooOOOoOo sick that I didn't think I'd make it through the day.

This past weekend consisted of nothing but schoolwork, little sleep, and going to Island's for a yummy, cholesterol-laden lunch (where our waitress complimented my uber-cool sea turtle pendant!). I'm still on a mofo'in time crunch, like my colleagues (as I waste some time blogging).

My bedtime has been on average 5 AM, but I managed to go to sleep around 3 since I had to wake up at 6. Tuesdays are my insane day, especially when there's Dx evals. I have to drive in traffic to get to school before 8:30 (at least I get to listen to Kevin and Bean). Be in clinic from 8:30 - 12. Agonize over meeting with clinic supervisor and prep for clinic from 12 - 3. Meet w/ her from 3 - 4. Meet w/ clients 4 - 6. Class 6 - 9 PM. Get home ~ 9:45.

A re-cap of my day? I was sooOOOoo nauseous. Fortunately, I got to school 20 minutes early so I huddled fetus-position-style in my car and prayed that I'd feel better. Thank God I did. (I noticed, too, that I got a second ding on the passenger's side! Argh!) Our Dx went really well, and I picked up a few tips from my colleague. My Dx Supervisor also called me "cute" for making retarded faces with the adorable kiddo during the oral-mech exam. I seem to be pretty proficient at making retarded faces. :D

The three hours of agonizing over my meeting was just that -- agonizing. In that time, I figured out exactly what I'd say to my supervisor. When it was finally my turn, I immediately fessed u -- I misunderstood her e-mail and didn't have my Task Analyses (a.k.a. "list of only goals and objectives") ready. She was so cool that I was totally floored! She even helped me work out my goal and objectives for Miracle! When my meeting time was up, I told her, "Thank you, that was really helpful!" That was said in both honesty and some kissing-up.

Then before I met Miracle, I received news that the Riddler cancelled. I was so relieved that I hugged the messenger. Miracle's session was alright, although she really pulled 2 on me (double entendre). Halfway through the session, she said she really had to go to the bathroom and winced in pain. Fine, no problem. Well, she was taking forever so I did the proper thing of opening the door a crack and asking if she was okay. Yes, she was. Then I waited outside again. I heard the flush and then the door immediately opened. Suspicious, I asked her, "Did you wash your hands?" "Yes." "Are you suuuuurrreee??" "Yes." "Okay." I was careful about not touching her hands... =P

When the session ended, I walked her and her dad out and stopped by the front desk. Who shows up? The Riddler and his other sister who asked me all these questions I wasn't prepared for (IDK enough re: Regional Centers and District policies about providing early intervention evals and services). I felt bad about that, especially since my Dx supervisor is constantly reminding us about what a shame it is that so many parents get the run-around in these types of situations. :( Hopefully, I'll know more by Friday, since our School and Public Policy midterm is on Thursday night.

Session with the Riddler was aiite. When he settled down, I casually asked him, "So, what's new?" I should know by now that he always gives me unexpected answers. Of course I expected a "nothing." Instead, he said, "I got new baseball cards!!" LOL So I had to pretend I knew something about baseball. The convo went as far as who he hopes will win the World Series (Mets) since the Dodgers are outta commission.

Class ~ I swear I was eating the whole time to stay awake. I also stared at BSILF's shirt (she was self-conscious about whether it was cute or not. I thought she was cute for asking. The shirt is cute, too). Lastly, I applied a serious amount of antibacterial gel. That is one thing that just about all of us use like an OCD person. I wonder if Costco sells a mofo'in "giganto" size. (The Riddler said "giganto" the either day. Oh, and Miracle called a little cartoon Asian girl "China girl" today, too. Ha! :)

In closing, some random accomplishments and news:
  • I actually finished a Chapstick!
  • I am an honored recipient of a $500 scholarship!! :D Two of my other wonderful colleagues, including BSILF, are also proud recipients!! Congrats to us!
  • Late great news -- Congrats to FCIL/Kuya Roscoe! He is a featured artist on MySpace!
Time to work on my second session eval. Call me a loser tonight.


Anonymous said...

Anti-bacterial gel rocks! It is the constant coating on my hands on Mon and Wed, and after I pump gas, and after church after shaking everyone's hands (so gross!), and after touching money and and and...I am such a germ freak!

Congrats on your scholarship - you so deserve it!!!!

Chanel said...

Thank you! As do you!!