Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Silent but deadly

Today is a benchmark day!

I conducted my first session of clinic, and boy was I not ready, in a very unexpected way. My Lesson Plan seemed pretty open-ended so I knew I’d be winging a lot of it b/c I really did not have a good sense of what level my client functions at. He really pulled a couple stops on me which made me laugh.

1) When I told him to sit down, he complied.
2) When I told him to put ______ on the table, he did it.
3) He is a G at putting puzzles together!

What made the observers laugh but made me want to cry was when he passed gas SEVERAL TIMES. The first time was silent, but deadly; I tried to ignore it. But then dude, it was loud enough for the video and audio tape to catch it…and loud enough for the observers next door to laugh heartily.

I KNOW I heard my observers guffaw when he sneezed 4 times straight ahead of him. Thank God I was not sitting directly across from him! I got up to give him some Kleenex, and of course it was just my luck that the box was empty. I yanked out a napkin from my backpack and set it on the table, not expecting him to use it. However, he grabbed it a few seconds later blew his nose, then handed me his booger-rag. What could I do? I had to take it. Ew!

Dude, if only I had noticed that there actually was a trash can in the room! I would have had him just drop it in himself!

Would it be offensive if I brought a can of air freshener and hand sanitizer next time?

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