Sunday, January 22, 2006

Black Angus Break

This weekend, Guh and I visited Gramma Pearl. Saying "this weekend," makes me think it was a long weekend, when it really flies by. I tried to shut myself up in my room to study, study, study, but it's hard when there's a Queen-size bed w/ an electric blanket behind me, taunting me.

Today, we picked my Dad up to go to Black Angus for a belated birthday celebration for both Guh and Dad. I was a little embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to tell the host that we're celebrating both Dad and brother's b-day (b/c we really were) they brought out TWO chocolate lava cakes!! Yummers! I'd post pixs, but we only took pixs w/ Dad's new camera phone/toy.

Lucky for Guh, he got to eat more meat/BBQ for dinner w/ the Navarros. No, not Dave Navarro.

The funniest thing is that Brian's niece asked her mom, "Mom, what's Ben's sister's name?"
She turned to her little 9 y/o gal pal and said, "Cheryl is really cool. She's like a scientist. She does these tests on us." LOL
As Bill Cosby says, kids say the darnedest thing. Well, she thinks I'm a scientist b/c I administered a standardized test on her a few months ago, and I was going to do the same w/ her sister.
She thinks I'm "cool" and I'm a "scientist." Awesome. I feel like a cool nerd.

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