It's amazing how great I feel when I have a good session with my big, small potato.
As usual, he had me lmao (on the inside). At one point, he accrued 5 puzzle pieces and decided that I was rewarding him too slowly so he dumped all the pieces onto the table and redid the puzzle w/ those 5 pieces! What a smarty-pants! Humph! The part that really made feel so bad for him was when he heard the vacuum in the far distance, and he completely froze in terror, even though he was safe from it. Total deer in headlights! Mom mentioned that son is terrified of vacuums. Awww. :( So I tried to talk even louder so he wouldn't hear it. Thank God it went away after a few seconds. Unfortunately, the damage was done; the poor kid was so traumatized. When the session ended about 7 minutes later, he was scared to walk out into the hallway of the clinic. Then we exited the clinic and he was still scared, standing by my side, and trying to hold my hand. I felt so bad for him b/c Dad was nowhere in sight, too. Then he saw the bathroom and ran in to do his business. Poor kid. heehee~
The other thing that cracked me up was when I was trying to teach him "bathroom" and he made a fist while sticking his thumb b/t his index and middle finger. I seriously got nervous and panicked -- WTH is he doing??? Is he about to sock me? After about 5 seconds, it hit me -- he's signing "bathroom" in ASL!! Haha! I could totally hear my partner and observers laughing at me. The joys and embarrassment of being observed through a two-way mirror. Lucky for them, they get my BSP all up in their faces, every time he goes to get a kleenex and blows his nose and picks it in front of the "mirror." HA HA!
He's a good kid, and I'm really proud of him. I really hope and pray I can make a difference. It's funny b/c last quarter, Dr. K told us, if the kid is not getting better, that means YOU have to change your therapy techniques b/c it's not therapy if no change is made in the kid. But, this quarter, Dr. Synthesis keeps telling us that we will come across kids that we just cannot help. Funny how we all have such different perspectives. Me? I just hope I can help the people that God places in my life.
Today is also my best friend's birthday. :) She's a real special someone that God's blessed me with, and I love her to pieces! She's a friend that I can always count on, rain or shine, 2 P.M. or 2 A.M. She's got one of the most compassionate, caring, honest, and genuine hearts and is simply one amazing woman. I'm looking forward to seeing her tomorrow. I figure I should just stop on by b/c if I don't do it now, I'll keep prolonging a visit! (I'm trying to be less stressed and more spontaneous these days). I hope she likes the gift I got her. I know it's not super personal, since it's a GC, but she LOVES this stores (unless her preferences have changed) and I'm absolutely terrible at finding gifts. Not to mention, time is a precious commodity. I had to ask my wonderful bro to get it for me. =P
Alrighty, it's back to work now. I have 1.5 papers to write, another blog to post on, a Chapter and paper to read, and an alarm to wake up to at 5:30 A.M. We'll see how many I get through tonight...Hopefully, I don't keep the neighbors up (they called at 2 A.M. this morning saying we have been too noisy the past few MONTHS). Shhhhh...
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Monday, January 30, 2006
Faux Master Plan Revision
I may have figured out another way to quit work. I just reviewed Firm policy re: sick time, and I came across this:
Any covered employee who is absent from work for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying his/her immediate supervisor will be deemed to have resigned his/her employment with the Firm.
That way, I don't even have to give one or two week's notice!
I doubt I'll do that, though. I'm too much of a chicken.
Today is younger Genius Cousin's birthday! Happy birthday, Andrew! Aunty Genius (1/2 by association, 1/2 from Gramma's genes) said his teachers and classmates all rave about how Genius Cousin's a real (smart) comedian in class! That really surprised me b/c I always think about how quiet he is during our family gatherings, but then I hear about what hilarious upsets he causes w/ his mom. The stories Genius Aunty tells are really funny. =P OooOO, I have to get his dance pix when he receives them! Our little big cousin went to his first dance on Saturday. :) How cute.
BTW, update to The Purpose Driven Life book -- I actually did NOT put it away! It's still in my stack of books to read, next to my school supplies and textbooks! Good for me. Now I just need to read it...
Any covered employee who is absent from work for three (3) consecutive working days without notifying his/her immediate supervisor will be deemed to have resigned his/her employment with the Firm.
That way, I don't even have to give one or two week's notice!
I doubt I'll do that, though. I'm too much of a chicken.
Today is younger Genius Cousin's birthday! Happy birthday, Andrew! Aunty Genius (1/2 by association, 1/2 from Gramma's genes) said his teachers and classmates all rave about how Genius Cousin's a real (smart) comedian in class! That really surprised me b/c I always think about how quiet he is during our family gatherings, but then I hear about what hilarious upsets he causes w/ his mom. The stories Genius Aunty tells are really funny. =P OooOO, I have to get his dance pix when he receives them! Our little big cousin went to his first dance on Saturday. :) How cute.
BTW, update to The Purpose Driven Life book -- I actually did NOT put it away! It's still in my stack of books to read, next to my school supplies and textbooks! Good for me. Now I just need to read it...
Sunday, January 29, 2006
Gong Xi Fa Cai!
Today is Chinese New Year's Day. Out with the old, in the with the new~ :) Happy Year of the WoofWoof!
My oldest and youngest aunt, Gramma, Dad, bro, and I had dinner at Dad's last night to celebrate. Middle Aunt went up North to surprise her middle daughter (I wish I could have visited, too!). The 2 traditional foods we had were a whole fish and chicken, and we made wraps/spring/rolls.
Random: I need to avoid writing in passive voice. I really need to get used to it for my report writing.
Afterwards, I convinced Dad to come to Gramma's w/ the rest of us...b/c not everybody wanted to spend the night there, yet nobody wanted him to spend it alone. So, we all crammed into Pastor Aunty's NICE ride, and she happily chatted away about how she's been doing this really great devotional book with law school cousin. (BTW, I can't remember if this was my first time in her car??) We had a really enjoyable night at Gramma's. Pastor Aunty was being a really cute kid; she was so excited at the sight of Gramma's ginormous TV, that she kept talking about it, and calling me and my bro to come watch "My Fair Lady."
No wait, rewind. Pastor Aunty called my bro and I over to give us the highlights from the first few chapters of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and tell us how we really should get the book and go through it with each other. Poor Pastor forgot that she had gotten this book for many of us, one Christmas. The ironic thing is that I've had it w/ my books under my desk for the longest time (I've tried to go through it at least 4 times, but failed getting past the first 5 chapters) and I finally put it away in my closet just maybe a week ago! I'll dig it out again. I may fair better if I got the book for my best friend and went through the chapters w/ her. Then again, it may be difficult to find a time to reflect with her. I'll have to give this some thought.
Oh, Pastor Aunty eventually remembered and we confirmed/told her that she actually gave the book to us one Christmas. Anywho, that is another thing to add to my list of "things to do AFTER I (finally) quit work."
This morning, we had a Sunday service...around Gramma's breakfast table. :) Pastor Aunty whizzed through the stories of the disciples trying to cast out demons (Matthew), bleeding woman getting healed (Mark), and paralyzed man lowered through the roof being healed (Mark), and summed it up with pointing out the varying degrees of faith these people (and their friends) had, and what having faith in God did for them. It was actually a great power sermon. Pastor Aunty liked the idea so much that she's thinking of having us do this once every while. I think she set February 11 as a get-together day...I duno if for a sermon or to celebrate all 3 of her kids being home. :)
We went back to Dad's to eat some more, and then I brought Aunty of 2 genius kids back to Torrance, for Genius Uncle to pick her up. Aunty Genius is a real character, too. I'm even more fascinated by her nowadays, since she works w/ a kid with autism. She, too, has some great stories.
Dude, the whole family thinks I'm totally nuts and really unhealthy b/c all yesterday and today, I was freezing when all the adults -- who are more than twice as old as me -- were just fine w/ their shirt and sweater/jacket. They all talked about it so much, that I'm sure they're gonna go home and tell them what an old lady I am. =P They suggested I take/drink Ginseng. Ew. I'd rather be cold and wear lots of clothes than drink ginseng (barf).
Come to think of it, I'm gonna blingo that right now and see if ginseng really does increase circulation/make my hands warm.* Dad used to make me take the powder when we lived w/ Gramma in Alhambra. I can still vividly remember. I'd be standing in the kitchen on the brown tile, and Dad or gramma would spoon the ginseng powder right into my mouth. Gag. A fat lot that did me.
*wow, ginseng is widely claimed to be a panacea. =O Dude, I could totally use ginseng for the increasing memory part and decreasing stress factors!
Hm, perhaps I should hurry and go get another blood test before lose my insurance. At least when I quit work, I'll get to start gyming again (also on my list), and getting my circulation going to heat my body up (according to Pastor Aunty, which totally makes sense, right?).
Welp, I better go synthesize some more as I sit here wrapped up in 2 blankets...
My oldest and youngest aunt, Gramma, Dad, bro, and I had dinner at Dad's last night to celebrate. Middle Aunt went up North to surprise her middle daughter (I wish I could have visited, too!). The 2 traditional foods we had were a whole fish and chicken, and we made wraps/spring/rolls.
Random: I need to avoid writing in passive voice. I really need to get used to it for my report writing.
Afterwards, I convinced Dad to come to Gramma's w/ the rest of us...b/c not everybody wanted to spend the night there, yet nobody wanted him to spend it alone. So, we all crammed into Pastor Aunty's NICE ride, and she happily chatted away about how she's been doing this really great devotional book with law school cousin. (BTW, I can't remember if this was my first time in her car??) We had a really enjoyable night at Gramma's. Pastor Aunty was being a really cute kid; she was so excited at the sight of Gramma's ginormous TV, that she kept talking about it, and calling me and my bro to come watch "My Fair Lady."
No wait, rewind. Pastor Aunty called my bro and I over to give us the highlights from the first few chapters of The Purpose Driven Life by Rick Warren, and tell us how we really should get the book and go through it with each other. Poor Pastor forgot that she had gotten this book for many of us, one Christmas. The ironic thing is that I've had it w/ my books under my desk for the longest time (I've tried to go through it at least 4 times, but failed getting past the first 5 chapters) and I finally put it away in my closet just maybe a week ago! I'll dig it out again. I may fair better if I got the book for my best friend and went through the chapters w/ her. Then again, it may be difficult to find a time to reflect with her. I'll have to give this some thought.
Oh, Pastor Aunty eventually remembered and we confirmed/told her that she actually gave the book to us one Christmas. Anywho, that is another thing to add to my list of "things to do AFTER I (finally) quit work."
This morning, we had a Sunday service...around Gramma's breakfast table. :) Pastor Aunty whizzed through the stories of the disciples trying to cast out demons (Matthew), bleeding woman getting healed (Mark), and paralyzed man lowered through the roof being healed (Mark), and summed it up with pointing out the varying degrees of faith these people (and their friends) had, and what having faith in God did for them. It was actually a great power sermon. Pastor Aunty liked the idea so much that she's thinking of having us do this once every while. I think she set February 11 as a get-together day...I duno if for a sermon or to celebrate all 3 of her kids being home. :)
We went back to Dad's to eat some more, and then I brought Aunty of 2 genius kids back to Torrance, for Genius Uncle to pick her up. Aunty Genius is a real character, too. I'm even more fascinated by her nowadays, since she works w/ a kid with autism. She, too, has some great stories.
Dude, the whole family thinks I'm totally nuts and really unhealthy b/c all yesterday and today, I was freezing when all the adults -- who are more than twice as old as me -- were just fine w/ their shirt and sweater/jacket. They all talked about it so much, that I'm sure they're gonna go home and tell them what an old lady I am. =P They suggested I take/drink Ginseng. Ew. I'd rather be cold and wear lots of clothes than drink ginseng (barf).
Come to think of it, I'm gonna blingo that right now and see if ginseng really does increase circulation/make my hands warm.* Dad used to make me take the powder when we lived w/ Gramma in Alhambra. I can still vividly remember. I'd be standing in the kitchen on the brown tile, and Dad or gramma would spoon the ginseng powder right into my mouth. Gag. A fat lot that did me.
*wow, ginseng is widely claimed to be a panacea. =O Dude, I could totally use ginseng for the increasing memory part and decreasing stress factors!
Hm, perhaps I should hurry and go get another blood test before lose my insurance. At least when I quit work, I'll get to start gyming again (also on my list), and getting my circulation going to heat my body up (according to Pastor Aunty, which totally makes sense, right?).
Welp, I better go synthesize some more as I sit here wrapped up in 2 blankets...
Friday, January 27, 2006
That will be my word for the rest of the quarter. Our brand-new prof thinks we don't synthesize at all, or that we don't know how to. I may not always synthesize at maximum potential, but if given the right environment (Piaget) and mentor (Vygotsky), I can do it b/c it's within me (biological determinism/Skinner)!
I'm back at work, today, wondering when will be my last day here. 5 more sick days to use! Today, my 401(k) got matched, which is one more thing I can cross off my list of "things to do before I quit work." I crossed off doing the YMCA annual stair climb (75 flights) I think last in I said, forget about doing it.
This week of school was another tough one full of late nights. After school on Wednesday, I was up until 6 AM yesterday working on a paper and prepping for my Big, Small Potato. I got about 3 hours worth of sleep. Definitely not enough. You know you're tired when spelling simple words looks really funny to you. Yesterday, I wrote "want," and I stared at it, thinking it sure looked weird; did I spell it right?
Today, Stripes walked by asking if I wanted Sbux. I always want to scream, um-yeah! whenever anybody asks out of courtesy, but I never do. He asked: do you drink coffee? Uh, is he kidding? I am one bad caffeine-fiending mofo! Instead, I said, I drink WAY too much coffee. He said, he has TWO 4-shot lattes a day. That's insane!!! I thought I was bad. I have moments of when I really want/need some quadruple venti non-fat whatevers w/ XC, especially yesterday when I spent half the night and most of the day prepping and stressing over Big, Small Potato sucking up all my NRG.
That little chat also made me wonder -- Am I totally sedated even when I've had my double latte? Perhaps. That's in comparison to that partner, who bounces off the walls whenever he has an informal conference with the partner I work for (who has a decaf or split grande percent mocha). The partner I work for is a real sweetheart...and I can't believe she can work the way she does just on decaf or split mochas.
Re: Big, Small Potato sucking up all my NRG -- Thank God he didn't blow snot out his nose this snot session. I think he was bored w/ me, too, so I gotta think about my tx approach and what activities will suit him best. I wonder how he'd do w/ a 50-piece puzzle.
I best go synthesize...
I'm back at work, today, wondering when will be my last day here. 5 more sick days to use! Today, my 401(k) got matched, which is one more thing I can cross off my list of "things to do before I quit work." I crossed off doing the YMCA annual stair climb (75 flights) I think last in I said, forget about doing it.
This week of school was another tough one full of late nights. After school on Wednesday, I was up until 6 AM yesterday working on a paper and prepping for my Big, Small Potato. I got about 3 hours worth of sleep. Definitely not enough. You know you're tired when spelling simple words looks really funny to you. Yesterday, I wrote "want," and I stared at it, thinking it sure looked weird; did I spell it right?
Today, Stripes walked by asking if I wanted Sbux. I always want to scream, um-yeah! whenever anybody asks out of courtesy, but I never do. He asked: do you drink coffee? Uh, is he kidding? I am one bad caffeine-fiending mofo! Instead, I said, I drink WAY too much coffee. He said, he has TWO 4-shot lattes a day. That's insane!!! I thought I was bad. I have moments of when I really want/need some quadruple venti non-fat whatevers w/ XC, especially yesterday when I spent half the night and most of the day prepping and stressing over Big, Small Potato sucking up all my NRG.
That little chat also made me wonder -- Am I totally sedated even when I've had my double latte? Perhaps. That's in comparison to that partner, who bounces off the walls whenever he has an informal conference with the partner I work for (who has a decaf or split grande percent mocha). The partner I work for is a real sweetheart...and I can't believe she can work the way she does just on decaf or split mochas.
Re: Big, Small Potato sucking up all my NRG -- Thank God he didn't blow snot out his nose this snot session. I think he was bored w/ me, too, so I gotta think about my tx approach and what activities will suit him best. I wonder how he'd do w/ a 50-piece puzzle.
I best go synthesize...
Monday, January 23, 2006
Diagnostics Midterm
Today, we took a midterm that essentially served as a Diagnostics Test, although the Prof didn't come out and say it. It reminds me of those Diagnostics Tests in our junior high grammar textbooks, that assessed what we knew before the teacher taught us the next chapter. Only, those weren't graded and those 10-item tests did NOT constitute 1/3 of our class grade. It wouldn't be such a big deal if we all knew the material she was "gauging whether [we] knew," but considering that we may be asked to leave this program if we get less than a B (in any class), having a brand-spankin-new Prof is a curveball we would have loved to avoid.
Today, we took a midterm that 1/2 "tested what [we] knew "-- material that was not based on her lectures nor $90 textbook. Very frustrating, but I won't say too much just yet, until I see my grade. For now, all my colleagues are saying a lot to the Department Chair. I'll save my soapbox moment for a real doozy. Mr. Dept Chair does not like to be bothered at all. Plus, I think he's still mad at me b/c I'm still working.
After the midterm, I went to Ralphs to stock up on some semi-comfort food/semi-reward/reinforcement for myself. I bought 4 cartons of Breyer's ice-cream!!! I believe this is the 2nd time in my life that I've bought 4 cartons at once. If not, then this is a first. I had to stop myself from buying 5 cartons, actually...I can't help it. I love ice-cream, too much. And Breyer's 2 for $5!! That's a steal!




If I were 5 years younger, I'd have ice-cream for breakfast tomorrow. And if I didn't have to be in downtown by 6:40 AM. In a couple years, I'll wonder why in the world would I ever be at work before 7.
Today, we took a midterm that 1/2 "tested what [we] knew "-- material that was not based on her lectures nor $90 textbook. Very frustrating, but I won't say too much just yet, until I see my grade. For now, all my colleagues are saying a lot to the Department Chair. I'll save my soapbox moment for a real doozy. Mr. Dept Chair does not like to be bothered at all. Plus, I think he's still mad at me b/c I'm still working.
After the midterm, I went to Ralphs to stock up on some semi-comfort food/semi-reward/reinforcement for myself. I bought 4 cartons of Breyer's ice-cream!!! I believe this is the 2nd time in my life that I've bought 4 cartons at once. If not, then this is a first. I had to stop myself from buying 5 cartons, actually...I can't help it. I love ice-cream, too much. And Breyer's 2 for $5!! That's a steal!




If I were 5 years younger, I'd have ice-cream for breakfast tomorrow. And if I didn't have to be in downtown by 6:40 AM. In a couple years, I'll wonder why in the world would I ever be at work before 7.
Sunday, January 22, 2006

BTW, I think coffee breaks have become me and my bro's thing. He treated me to SBUX this evening, so I had my grande in a venti nonfat (should have been sugar-free) hazelnut w/ extra whip cream latte. Tomorrow, I'll get his (day-old) grande nonfat sugar-free vanilla latte. He forgot that he can't have caffeine since he's on day 5 of his cleansing process. I'm very tempted to do that for my body, but I'm afraid I can't give up on the caffeine. Maybe when I'm on my Spring Break. Boy am I looking forward to a REAL Spring Break this year!
Black Angus Break
This weekend, Guh and I visited Gramma Pearl. Saying "this weekend," makes me think it was a long weekend, when it really flies by. I tried to shut myself up in my room to study, study, study, but it's hard when there's a Queen-size bed w/ an electric blanket behind me, taunting me.
Today, we picked my Dad up to go to Black Angus for a belated birthday celebration for both Guh and Dad. I was a little embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to tell the host that we're celebrating both Dad and brother's b-day (b/c we really were) they brought out TWO chocolate lava cakes!! Yummers! I'd post pixs, but we only took pixs w/ Dad's new camera phone/toy.
Lucky for Guh, he got to eat more meat/BBQ for dinner w/ the Navarros. No, not Dave Navarro.
The funniest thing is that Brian's niece asked her mom, "Mom, what's Ben's sister's name?"
She turned to her little 9 y/o gal pal and said, "Cheryl is really cool. She's like a scientist. She does these tests on us." LOL
As Bill Cosby says, kids say the darnedest thing. Well, she thinks I'm a scientist b/c I administered a standardized test on her a few months ago, and I was going to do the same w/ her sister.
She thinks I'm "cool" and I'm a "scientist." Awesome. I feel like a cool nerd.
Today, we picked my Dad up to go to Black Angus for a belated birthday celebration for both Guh and Dad. I was a little embarrassed, but not embarrassed enough to tell the host that we're celebrating both Dad and brother's b-day (b/c we really were) they brought out TWO chocolate lava cakes!! Yummers! I'd post pixs, but we only took pixs w/ Dad's new camera phone/toy.
Lucky for Guh, he got to eat more meat/BBQ for dinner w/ the Navarros. No, not Dave Navarro.
The funniest thing is that Brian's niece asked her mom, "Mom, what's Ben's sister's name?"
She turned to her little 9 y/o gal pal and said, "Cheryl is really cool. She's like a scientist. She does these tests on us." LOL
As Bill Cosby says, kids say the darnedest thing. Well, she thinks I'm a scientist b/c I administered a standardized test on her a few months ago, and I was going to do the same w/ her sister.
She thinks I'm "cool" and I'm a "scientist." Awesome. I feel like a cool nerd.
Saturday, January 21, 2006
Working is a drug
After an entire week off, this past week was especially difficult for me since I went back to work at 7 AM and then jammed over to school in the early afternoons until 8PM. I was getting 3-4 hours of sleep a night. I am ashamed to admit that I finally ordered my first anti-wrinkle cream. Sigh...Thank God for MLK Day making this past week a 3-day school week, 4-day work week.
The frustrating but simultaneously funny thing is that on Tuesday, I drove to my regular parking structure and noticed that they no longer had the Early Bird Parking! Wth, parking is now more than $10?! So I frantically circled around downtown, trying to decide what to do. Sometimes, missing a week of work means big changes. As I circled around Wilshire and 8th, I saw all these Japanese Kanji characters on banners that covered all the stores that I normally pass. Then it hit me -- they're filming "Too Fast, Too Furious 3!" Pu-hahaha! :) I only know that b/c some agency called me up, asking if I wanted to be an extra in it. LMAO! I woulda done it for the heck of it, except that I have school and work. Dude, that would've been hilarious, though.
Anywho, a, I gave CH my 2-weeks notice…but rescinded it, since she said I wouldn’t be allowed to use my Sick Hours. Okay, so it bugged me out b/c when I told people my Master Plan, people nodded in agreement and “m-hm, that’s the way to do it!” but when I came back and said, uh, I’m not allowed to do that, they all said, “of course you can’t use your sick hours after you give your letter of resignation…” OKAY, DUDES! It is one of my pet-peeves when people do that --"I told you so" when they didn't. It's already bad enough having someone 'tell you so' when they did. Worse when they didn't and they say they did.
So what am I going to do about work?? Well, oddly, CH suggested I take a medical LOA, if my health conditions are “that serious.” I said, uh, I’ll talk w/ my physician. Dr. Yee is a wonderful doctor…;) My classmates ask me everyday if I’ve quit work yet. Nope. L,A said, “Man, working is like a drug to you. Just a little more, just a little longer! You swear you’re going to quit but you haven’t!” True, true. It can be addicting. What’s not to like about a regular paycheck, free breakfasts and COFFEE, great working env’t, and awesome resources?
Re: paychecks, my co-worker suggested I start selling drugs. As tempting as that is, I don’t think I’d have the time to do that. What am I, gonna make drop-offs after school? I don’t go clubbing on Fridays and Saturday (nor Thursdays); when would I make the deals? But man, to have boat-loads of cash coming in would be nice. I got my W-2s today and was thrilled that I made more than I thought in ’05, but then I got all bummed thinking about how much I actually have in my checkings account…what happened to it all? So, back to the pills, who would suspect me anyways? ;) People make my monthly salary in one night. I wouldn’t mind doing that.
The nice thing is that even though I completely stressed and lost sleep over my big, small potato’s 2 *times* w/ me this week, he done me proud! He really cracks me up at times. Yesterday, he was trying to make a toy airplane fly so he kept throwing it over my head – a little too close for comfort. Oh man, later he started giggling uncontrollably, and I asked him, ‘what’s so funny?’ Well, I smelled what was so damn funny to him…EW. I duno if Mom is giving him potatoes or dairy products or what. I have to say that after 4 "times," I really have learned a lot, even if this is adding on 5x more stress.
Welp, I better get w/ the studying…even though it’s like 2AM! Argh! Maybe I should close the books for the night and head on out to an after-hours scene and sell. I’d be right on time.
No, no, no!
The frustrating but simultaneously funny thing is that on Tuesday, I drove to my regular parking structure and noticed that they no longer had the Early Bird Parking! Wth, parking is now more than $10?! So I frantically circled around downtown, trying to decide what to do. Sometimes, missing a week of work means big changes. As I circled around Wilshire and 8th, I saw all these Japanese Kanji characters on banners that covered all the stores that I normally pass. Then it hit me -- they're filming "Too Fast, Too Furious 3!" Pu-hahaha! :) I only know that b/c some agency called me up, asking if I wanted to be an extra in it. LMAO! I woulda done it for the heck of it, except that I have school and work. Dude, that would've been hilarious, though.
Anywho, a, I gave CH my 2-weeks notice…but rescinded it, since she said I wouldn’t be allowed to use my Sick Hours. Okay, so it bugged me out b/c when I told people my Master Plan, people nodded in agreement and “m-hm, that’s the way to do it!” but when I came back and said, uh, I’m not allowed to do that, they all said, “of course you can’t use your sick hours after you give your letter of resignation…” OKAY, DUDES! It is one of my pet-peeves when people do that --"I told you so" when they didn't. It's already bad enough having someone 'tell you so' when they did. Worse when they didn't and they say they did.
So what am I going to do about work?? Well, oddly, CH suggested I take a medical LOA, if my health conditions are “that serious.” I said, uh, I’ll talk w/ my physician. Dr. Yee is a wonderful doctor…;) My classmates ask me everyday if I’ve quit work yet. Nope. L,A said, “Man, working is like a drug to you. Just a little more, just a little longer! You swear you’re going to quit but you haven’t!” True, true. It can be addicting. What’s not to like about a regular paycheck, free breakfasts and COFFEE, great working env’t, and awesome resources?
Re: paychecks, my co-worker suggested I start selling drugs. As tempting as that is, I don’t think I’d have the time to do that. What am I, gonna make drop-offs after school? I don’t go clubbing on Fridays and Saturday (nor Thursdays); when would I make the deals? But man, to have boat-loads of cash coming in would be nice. I got my W-2s today and was thrilled that I made more than I thought in ’05, but then I got all bummed thinking about how much I actually have in my checkings account…what happened to it all? So, back to the pills, who would suspect me anyways? ;) People make my monthly salary in one night. I wouldn’t mind doing that.
The nice thing is that even though I completely stressed and lost sleep over my big, small potato’s 2 *times* w/ me this week, he done me proud! He really cracks me up at times. Yesterday, he was trying to make a toy airplane fly so he kept throwing it over my head – a little too close for comfort. Oh man, later he started giggling uncontrollably, and I asked him, ‘what’s so funny?’ Well, I smelled what was so damn funny to him…EW. I duno if Mom is giving him potatoes or dairy products or what. I have to say that after 4 "times," I really have learned a lot, even if this is adding on 5x more stress.
Welp, I better get w/ the studying…even though it’s like 2AM! Argh! Maybe I should close the books for the night and head on out to an after-hours scene and sell. I’d be right on time.
No, no, no!
Friday, January 13, 2006
Happy birthday to my bestest bro!

For a while now, I've been teasing and secretly detesting my bro for looking younger than me. Seriously, people are always asking if he's younger than me!! Well, this past week was the first time I ever heard him acknowledge that he's getting old! =O
To me, this is the equivalent of realizing the parental-child inversion -- you have become your parents' parents and your parents have become your children. Or similarly, you realize your parents aren't the invincible superheroes that they once were. Actually, I realized that about my dad years ago, so I pretty much LOL and felt bad for my prior roomie when she just realized that about her dad a few weeks ago.
Dude, I've been feeling old ever since I turned 23. Seriously, at 22, I felt young and alive. 23 hit and I felt old. Past 25, I lost count. Kinda like how I can never remember what year I graduated from HS. I have to first calculate, I graduated from SD in Dec 2000. Subtract 3 years. Oh yeah! I graduated HS in 1997! Good grief. Too much mental work.
In any case, yesterday I went through the same routine as Tuesday. I stressed for hours for my clinic session and then conducted it in a perpetual, heightened state of anxiety, panic, and stress, and then rushed to class afterwards. In class, I simply could NOT focus. It was as if I needed a debriefing in between clinic and lecture. The worse part is that Dr. F is going through these 2 very dense research articles, and I felt like I kept asking dumb questions that were like a lecture behind -- wait, so did they just assume they should test those phonemes? Well, as basic as my questions were, at least I wasn't the only one who didn't know. Therefore, they were not stupid questions. :) Yes, I am a firm believer that there are such things as stupid questions.
After class, I rushed homed to pick BF up -- even though he said he'd drive -- and we went to Lucille's in Torrance, for Guh's b-day dinner. That was yummy and especially nice b/c in the end, it was compliments of Food Network! (As was his big b-day lunch) I don't think MTV even spent that much on Guh's going-away party, so hip-hip-hooray for Food Network! Taste Life! :)
I hope he gets the Director position that he's going for. I just think he's really good at what he does, really great with people, and he's got the personality and character. Today, I even got to participate in a faux "bring your child to work day" -- me being the child -- and watch my bro at work for about 2.5 hours. I even got a very yummy lunch from Callendar's in between.
Random: the AE was funny -- she was sitting on one of those gym balls as a chair. Does that help w/ anything at all?
I hope when I return to work on Tuesday, I'll be giving my 2-weeks notice rather than them telling me they're firing me. Actually, that wouldn't be so bad if they fired me. Then I'd be set up for the rest of the year!
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Silent but deadly
Today is a benchmark day!
I conducted my first session of clinic, and boy was I not ready, in a very unexpected way. My Lesson Plan seemed pretty open-ended so I knew I’d be winging a lot of it b/c I really did not have a good sense of what level my client functions at. He really pulled a couple stops on me which made me laugh.
1) When I told him to sit down, he complied.
2) When I told him to put ______ on the table, he did it.
3) He is a G at putting puzzles together!
What made the observers laugh but made me want to cry was when he passed gas SEVERAL TIMES. The first time was silent, but deadly; I tried to ignore it. But then dude, it was loud enough for the video and audio tape to catch it…and loud enough for the observers next door to laugh heartily.
I KNOW I heard my observers guffaw when he sneezed 4 times straight ahead of him. Thank God I was not sitting directly across from him! I got up to give him some Kleenex, and of course it was just my luck that the box was empty. I yanked out a napkin from my backpack and set it on the table, not expecting him to use it. However, he grabbed it a few seconds later blew his nose, then handed me his booger-rag. What could I do? I had to take it. Ew!
Dude, if only I had noticed that there actually was a trash can in the room! I would have had him just drop it in himself!
Would it be offensive if I brought a can of air freshener and hand sanitizer next time?
I conducted my first session of clinic, and boy was I not ready, in a very unexpected way. My Lesson Plan seemed pretty open-ended so I knew I’d be winging a lot of it b/c I really did not have a good sense of what level my client functions at. He really pulled a couple stops on me which made me laugh.
1) When I told him to sit down, he complied.
2) When I told him to put ______ on the table, he did it.
3) He is a G at putting puzzles together!
What made the observers laugh but made me want to cry was when he passed gas SEVERAL TIMES. The first time was silent, but deadly; I tried to ignore it. But then dude, it was loud enough for the video and audio tape to catch it…and loud enough for the observers next door to laugh heartily.
I KNOW I heard my observers guffaw when he sneezed 4 times straight ahead of him. Thank God I was not sitting directly across from him! I got up to give him some Kleenex, and of course it was just my luck that the box was empty. I yanked out a napkin from my backpack and set it on the table, not expecting him to use it. However, he grabbed it a few seconds later blew his nose, then handed me his booger-rag. What could I do? I had to take it. Ew!
Dude, if only I had noticed that there actually was a trash can in the room! I would have had him just drop it in himself!
Would it be offensive if I brought a can of air freshener and hand sanitizer next time?
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Loose Change


Welp, it's only the 2nd day and I've already dropped change into my new ride! Speaking of which, I haven't thought of a name yet! Any suggestions?
Plus, I'm deciding between another pimp chain, mirrorball, or just my lame CSULA Parking Permit as my rearview mirror decoration. So far, the latter is not my top choice...
I love my new V-Dub!
Sunday, January 08, 2006
My dog ate my homework
After visiting Gramma Pearl for the weekend, I was shocked when I got home. As I walked past our trash can, I noticed my snack-size Cool Ranch flavored Doritos bag in the trash can! =O That was a surprise b/c 1) I distinctly recall BF telling me that he does not like the Cool Ranch flavor and 2) that was going to be my client's primary reinforcer for my first therapy session w/ him!! =O =O LOL
O well. The funny/cute thing is that my client LOVES really specific snacks: French Onion Sunchips, mini Chips Ahoy cookies, etc. I mean, this isn't the typical 'what's your favorite ice-cream flavor?' type of thing. Considering he has severe autism, I can't just bring any flavor chips for my client and expect him to like it.
Anywho, prior to coming home...I FINALLY got a new car! :D :D :D
The past few weeks have been very stressful, trying to decide what car to get. I'm very fortunate that Dad loves me "enough." He had a very tough time, too, b/c he would have rather kept with our budget of $15K +/- 3K. So, going 8K over was a lot to ask him...but in the end, his love for me overruled. Daddy just wants Daddy's Little Girl to be happy. :) I'm so loved. :)
My bro is the man, too!! He's been very patient through this entire ordeal -- even though he swore up and down that he would not get involved. The cutest thing is that he even brought his digicam to take pixs of me, Dad, and my new ride! I know he told me not to stress about hurting my new car in any way, but I can't help it. I stopped by Albertson's and Costco before heading home...and I did the silly thing of parking far away from everybody else. The funny thing is that when I got home, Gramma called and we shot the breeze, and she reminded me that I should try to park farther away from everybody else but still in well-lit areas. :) I wonder at what point do we stop caring and start parking as close to the supermarket entrance as possible? Heehee~
I love my new V-Dub! Farfawknukit all the way!
O well. The funny/cute thing is that my client LOVES really specific snacks: French Onion Sunchips, mini Chips Ahoy cookies, etc. I mean, this isn't the typical 'what's your favorite ice-cream flavor?' type of thing. Considering he has severe autism, I can't just bring any flavor chips for my client and expect him to like it.
Anywho, prior to coming home...I FINALLY got a new car! :D :D :D
The past few weeks have been very stressful, trying to decide what car to get. I'm very fortunate that Dad loves me "enough." He had a very tough time, too, b/c he would have rather kept with our budget of $15K +/- 3K. So, going 8K over was a lot to ask him...but in the end, his love for me overruled. Daddy just wants Daddy's Little Girl to be happy. :) I'm so loved. :)
My bro is the man, too!! He's been very patient through this entire ordeal -- even though he swore up and down that he would not get involved. The cutest thing is that he even brought his digicam to take pixs of me, Dad, and my new ride! I know he told me not to stress about hurting my new car in any way, but I can't help it. I stopped by Albertson's and Costco before heading home...and I did the silly thing of parking far away from everybody else. The funny thing is that when I got home, Gramma called and we shot the breeze, and she reminded me that I should try to park farther away from everybody else but still in well-lit areas. :) I wonder at what point do we stop caring and start parking as close to the supermarket entrance as possible? Heehee~
I love my new V-Dub! Farfawknukit all the way!
Saturday, January 07, 2006
Maybe Dr. K really did traumatize me w/ his parental you-can-do-better-than-you're-doing-now lecture. I had a dream last night that I was with a few classmates and classrooms of random people and at one point, awards and scholarships were being handed out and I was shocked that I didn't receive one...esp since so-and-so got a whopping $1247 or something. Outrage!
My subconscious may be boxing my guilty conscience b/c another "after I quit work" resolution that I made last year was that I would do better. Seriously. It's not that I'm doing terrible, but I'm definitely not up to my own standards...let's just say, I plan to be awarded at least another scholarship for academic excellence. We'll leave it at that.
For now, I can only handle things one day at a time. I spoke briefly w/ my client's parent last night (wow! I have a client!), and I wish I had asked what her expectations are for this quarter. Parents usually have expectations, especially since she's not a newbie. The interesting thing is that I feel that my quarter w/ this client will really benefit me when I very informally interact with BF's first cousin once removed (?)/god-daughter. It sounds like that poor girl has more than mild autism and no expressive or receptive language.
Can you imagine not being able to express yourself or to communicate? I hope I really am able to help others communicate better. I hope I learn to communicate better, too...
My subconscious may be boxing my guilty conscience b/c another "after I quit work" resolution that I made last year was that I would do better. Seriously. It's not that I'm doing terrible, but I'm definitely not up to my own standards...let's just say, I plan to be awarded at least another scholarship for academic excellence. We'll leave it at that.
For now, I can only handle things one day at a time. I spoke briefly w/ my client's parent last night (wow! I have a client!), and I wish I had asked what her expectations are for this quarter. Parents usually have expectations, especially since she's not a newbie. The interesting thing is that I feel that my quarter w/ this client will really benefit me when I very informally interact with BF's first cousin once removed (?)/god-daughter. It sounds like that poor girl has more than mild autism and no expressive or receptive language.
Can you imagine not being able to express yourself or to communicate? I hope I really am able to help others communicate better. I hope I learn to communicate better, too...
Free food
is awesome, especially after I spent $400+ on textbooks yesterday...and I still need to buy 2 more! Thank God I work 30+ hours so I qualify for the $150 textbook voucher!
Re: free food, I was feeling sappy and missing my BF, who's been a sweetheart this past week that I've been in my perpetual state of anxiety and panic (and even lent his sweet ride to me), so I offered to get him Crack-in-the-box. I rolled up and ordered his burger and large fries -- no, no, make that curly fries since I'm about to have some of his. Homeboy didn't respond so I rolled up to the window. Actually, homeboy did hear me. Well, homeboy decided to give me the large fries AND free large curly fries! Awesome!
So yes, my dinner consisted of natural-cut fries, curly fries, and mint-chocolate chip ice-cream. So much for my NY resolution of eating healthier. Actually, I realize that my resolutions are realistically "After I quit work" resolutions. Which I truly intend to do soon.
(Un)fortunately, today I was in a real rut trying to decide when to give my 2-weeks notice. I have the letter all drafted, but then I found out I could only sell 7.5 hours of sick time. Ha! What a joke! That means I have 72 hours of sick time! I guess I won't be quitting in 2 weeks. I'll be calling in sick for like 2.5 weeks...Which I actually feel really guilty about. I tried to generate as many bills as I could today, but the kicker was when I was leaving, (c) sent an e-mail saying she'll be in late next Tuesday and Wednesday AND when I bid her good night, she said, "I'll see you on Monday, right?" It's like "guilty" is tatted on my forehead or something.
Speaking of free food, I went to the lunchroom on 44 to pick up my leftovers and I couldn't believe the audacity of people! My box was slightly opened...w/ literally 2 bites of my omelet/skillet left!!! How janky!!! I suspect the person didn't finish the last 2 bites b/c s/he prolly got food poisoning or sumfn b/c my leftovers were just a smidget old... Double ew.
Anyways, I keep saying I'm going to finish my Lesson Plan, but I keep getting distracted. Now, I'm just getting sleepy...ZzzZzZZzz...
Re: free food, I was feeling sappy and missing my BF, who's been a sweetheart this past week that I've been in my perpetual state of anxiety and panic (and even lent his sweet ride to me), so I offered to get him Crack-in-the-box. I rolled up and ordered his burger and large fries -- no, no, make that curly fries since I'm about to have some of his. Homeboy didn't respond so I rolled up to the window. Actually, homeboy did hear me. Well, homeboy decided to give me the large fries AND free large curly fries! Awesome!
So yes, my dinner consisted of natural-cut fries, curly fries, and mint-chocolate chip ice-cream. So much for my NY resolution of eating healthier. Actually, I realize that my resolutions are realistically "After I quit work" resolutions. Which I truly intend to do soon.
(Un)fortunately, today I was in a real rut trying to decide when to give my 2-weeks notice. I have the letter all drafted, but then I found out I could only sell 7.5 hours of sick time. Ha! What a joke! That means I have 72 hours of sick time! I guess I won't be quitting in 2 weeks. I'll be calling in sick for like 2.5 weeks...Which I actually feel really guilty about. I tried to generate as many bills as I could today, but the kicker was when I was leaving, (c) sent an e-mail saying she'll be in late next Tuesday and Wednesday AND when I bid her good night, she said, "I'll see you on Monday, right?" It's like "guilty" is tatted on my forehead or something.
Speaking of free food, I went to the lunchroom on 44 to pick up my leftovers and I couldn't believe the audacity of people! My box was slightly opened...w/ literally 2 bites of my omelet/skillet left!!! How janky!!! I suspect the person didn't finish the last 2 bites b/c s/he prolly got food poisoning or sumfn b/c my leftovers were just a smidget old... Double ew.
Anyways, I keep saying I'm going to finish my Lesson Plan, but I keep getting distracted. Now, I'm just getting sleepy...ZzzZzZZzz...
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Winter Quarter
I started school the day before yesterday, and I feel like I've been in school for at least 2 weeks already. The first day of school, I waited for the bus in downtown. Leave it to me to be standing at the frickin wrong "northeast corner of Olive St. and 5th St." So I taxied over to school.
As for yesterday, I stood at the right Northeast corner of Olive and 5th. The bus picked me up and we hopped on this super-secret carpool lane for busses. The funniest thing is that the driver suddenly pulled over on this carpool lane and said: Cal State LA stop. I was like, where the heck are we? Well, I got off any ways, after I stupidly asked the driver, "this is the stop for Cal State LA?" Since I couldn't cross the carpool lane, my only choice was to go up this staircase up to Heaven. It literally felt like never-ending. After I climbed 6 flights of stairs w/ my 16 pound backpack, I ended up at another bus stop -- the one that I thought I would get dropped off at, at the edge of campus. It took me another 15 minutes to get to class. I seriously think I trekked a mile. Well, just b/c I walk a mile in 15 minutes on the treadmill. =P
During my second class yesterday, I said right then and there that when I go to work tomorrow, I'm putting in my notice. The workload this quarter is INSANE.
The funny thing is that all my classmates were freaking out, and then wondering why I wasn't freaking out, considering they all don't work (32 hrs/wk). I think I've just been in this hyper-zen mode...not freaking out, but definitely beyond stressed and at such a high level of anxiety that I'm not really feeling anything. Or maybe I'm just in denial that the quarter's started. The thing is, I don't have time to freak out.
Anywho, today I got a good kick in the heinie, too. I went to see Dr. K about last quarter's finals and final assignments. He handed me my kick-@$$ final 10-page paper -- 59/60, baby! But then he totally harped on me and my buddy for doing poorly in his classes last quarter. For the record, I got an A in one of his classes and a B+ in his other. The B+, yeah, I'm not thrilled about at all, but seriously, it was a tough class. If only there were 25 hours in a day. If only I could function on 4 hours of sleep. If only tweaking wasn't illegal, and I could actually get some (and it wasn't addictive). If only I could get Red Bull and coffee IV'd into me while I sleep or study.
Anywho, so he was giving us a really hard time. But honestly? I didn't think his lecturing was a bad thing for me. It was kinda encouraging to me in a twisted way b/c he said that out of all of my colleagues, the profs considered us to be the top what happened??? Why are we not impressing them? In fact, we did worse than the people they thought would do worse than us, supposedly. So I finally blurted out the secret that I've kept from him for a year -- I work. Dude, he gave me the dirtiest look, then drew a big breath of air, and then let me have it. You see, Dr. K's the biggest advocate of how we should NOT be working in grad school. And I'm a prime example why. I could be doing better than I did. At least him and I think.
As for my buddy, he knows her sis got diagnosed w/ MS so he associated her struggle with that. He chalked my struggling up to me working like a dog. I honestly am confident that I will do better since I'm quitting work. (I hope I'm not fewlin' myself.) Really, I'm putting in my notice tomorrow or at least discussing it w/ HR. As for her, the poor sweetheart broke to pieces the moment we walked out of Dr. K's office b/c she wondered whether it was really just her, and that she just can't cut it. I'm not great at being a cheerleader, but I did the best I could.
I didn't do very well b/c she pointed out that even though I've been working practically full-time, I still managed to do better than a lot of my classmates...and I helped her a lot. The thing is, she's a smart girl. I think that if anything, we're just burnt out. Add on the fact that her VERY young sis got diagnosed with MS halfway through the quarter, and Dr. K gets some B's on his record. So what! He's a monster with bad breath (and I hope he doesn't cyber-stalk me and find this post before I graduate). I can't imagine dealing w/ a family member being diagnosed with a progressive disease...especially a sibling.
I told her, y'know, we just gotta look at our studies w/ the same attitude as when we approach our therapy with our clients. If our clients aren't improving, then we have to re-examine our therapy techniques. Obviously, something has to change. Same w/ our studies. If we've been using the same studying techniques and we're not doing any better, then something's gotta change. I know she'll be okay. She's usually the one that keeps me grounded when she sees my eyes glazed over after a couple grenades have been thrown at us. Grenades or bombs - same smell.
For me, I just don't have enough time. It gets really tiring very quickly, waking up at 5:45 A.M. to get to work by 7:30, and then most nights I don't get home until after 8:30. And then I take a day to eat.
Well, I better go draft my letter of resignation. I'll be glad when I'm finally out of there b/c I truly am exhausted. The great thing is that BF is very supportive of me quitting. I'll definitely miss the perks and my homie TK, but it's just another chapter in my life that I'm ending, and another one that I'm beginning.
As for yesterday, I stood at the right Northeast corner of Olive and 5th. The bus picked me up and we hopped on this super-secret carpool lane for busses. The funniest thing is that the driver suddenly pulled over on this carpool lane and said: Cal State LA stop. I was like, where the heck are we? Well, I got off any ways, after I stupidly asked the driver, "this is the stop for Cal State LA?" Since I couldn't cross the carpool lane, my only choice was to go up this staircase up to Heaven. It literally felt like never-ending. After I climbed 6 flights of stairs w/ my 16 pound backpack, I ended up at another bus stop -- the one that I thought I would get dropped off at, at the edge of campus. It took me another 15 minutes to get to class. I seriously think I trekked a mile. Well, just b/c I walk a mile in 15 minutes on the treadmill. =P
During my second class yesterday, I said right then and there that when I go to work tomorrow, I'm putting in my notice. The workload this quarter is INSANE.
The funny thing is that all my classmates were freaking out, and then wondering why I wasn't freaking out, considering they all don't work (32 hrs/wk). I think I've just been in this hyper-zen mode...not freaking out, but definitely beyond stressed and at such a high level of anxiety that I'm not really feeling anything. Or maybe I'm just in denial that the quarter's started. The thing is, I don't have time to freak out.
Anywho, today I got a good kick in the heinie, too. I went to see Dr. K about last quarter's finals and final assignments. He handed me my kick-@$$ final 10-page paper -- 59/60, baby! But then he totally harped on me and my buddy for doing poorly in his classes last quarter. For the record, I got an A in one of his classes and a B+ in his other. The B+, yeah, I'm not thrilled about at all, but seriously, it was a tough class. If only there were 25 hours in a day. If only I could function on 4 hours of sleep. If only tweaking wasn't illegal, and I could actually get some (and it wasn't addictive). If only I could get Red Bull and coffee IV'd into me while I sleep or study.
Anywho, so he was giving us a really hard time. But honestly? I didn't think his lecturing was a bad thing for me. It was kinda encouraging to me in a twisted way b/c he said that out of all of my colleagues, the profs considered us to be the top what happened??? Why are we not impressing them? In fact, we did worse than the people they thought would do worse than us, supposedly. So I finally blurted out the secret that I've kept from him for a year -- I work. Dude, he gave me the dirtiest look, then drew a big breath of air, and then let me have it. You see, Dr. K's the biggest advocate of how we should NOT be working in grad school. And I'm a prime example why. I could be doing better than I did. At least him and I think.
As for my buddy, he knows her sis got diagnosed w/ MS so he associated her struggle with that. He chalked my struggling up to me working like a dog. I honestly am confident that I will do better since I'm quitting work. (I hope I'm not fewlin' myself.) Really, I'm putting in my notice tomorrow or at least discussing it w/ HR. As for her, the poor sweetheart broke to pieces the moment we walked out of Dr. K's office b/c she wondered whether it was really just her, and that she just can't cut it. I'm not great at being a cheerleader, but I did the best I could.
I didn't do very well b/c she pointed out that even though I've been working practically full-time, I still managed to do better than a lot of my classmates...and I helped her a lot. The thing is, she's a smart girl. I think that if anything, we're just burnt out. Add on the fact that her VERY young sis got diagnosed with MS halfway through the quarter, and Dr. K gets some B's on his record. So what! He's a monster with bad breath (and I hope he doesn't cyber-stalk me and find this post before I graduate). I can't imagine dealing w/ a family member being diagnosed with a progressive disease...especially a sibling.
I told her, y'know, we just gotta look at our studies w/ the same attitude as when we approach our therapy with our clients. If our clients aren't improving, then we have to re-examine our therapy techniques. Obviously, something has to change. Same w/ our studies. If we've been using the same studying techniques and we're not doing any better, then something's gotta change. I know she'll be okay. She's usually the one that keeps me grounded when she sees my eyes glazed over after a couple grenades have been thrown at us. Grenades or bombs - same smell.
For me, I just don't have enough time. It gets really tiring very quickly, waking up at 5:45 A.M. to get to work by 7:30, and then most nights I don't get home until after 8:30. And then I take a day to eat.
Well, I better go draft my letter of resignation. I'll be glad when I'm finally out of there b/c I truly am exhausted. The great thing is that BF is very supportive of me quitting. I'll definitely miss the perks and my homie TK, but it's just another chapter in my life that I'm ending, and another one that I'm beginning.
Monday, January 02, 2006
New Family Blog
In my quest to find a name for our potential new family blog, I came across this letter generator; it's like a Mad-Libs for writing letters to a dysfunctional family member (or from a dysfunctional family member).
I miss Mad Libs.
I miss Mad Libs.
Happy 2006!
NYE was a blast!
We went to Ole Tapas Bar in Studio City to support friend/DJ Cornbeef and Brian McGuire. Officially met "hobo-chic" Brian, although I'm sure if I hadn't heard his name 100+ times in my past-life's underground scene, I wouldn't've remembered. I couldn't even remember Ariel's GF's name, who I was talking to for like 2 hrs or so. Not b/c I was plastered, but b/c I'm terrible with names. Besides, I was DD so I couldn't get my party on. "You drink, you drive, you lose." That's the message that was on every Amber Alert Board we passed.
Genevieve and I didn't have the most sophisticated conversation. We sat there and laughed (she laughed on the inside, I straight up guffawed out loud) about how white people really can't dance. Since Genevieve was keen on *noticing* everybody, I'm sure she noticed that instead of wearing heels, I had my comfy, totally not cute nor trendy, tennies on. Tacky, I know, but in my defense, I thought it was gonna be a darker bar/club, and that we really were leaving at 10:30 to go to my bro's where we take our shoes off, anyways. Note to self for NYE 2006, wear heels if we go out.
We stayed at Ole for the countdown and I was supposedly drinking Cristal like the 1990s rappers, but me and Genevieve doubted the bar would really pour that. It ain't no Dom P, but it does sound kinda Valley pimp: Yo, I had Cristal for the countdown! They say, whatever you're doing NYE midnight is what you'll do for the rest of the new year. Guess I'll be in a semi-drunken haze. JK I really wasn't hazy nor drunk. (You drink, you drive, you lose.) We ended up staying 'til the end to help CB take his stuff down. Brian almost killed me w/ a speaker, that 6 foot mofo. That woulda been a terrible way to start '06 -- w/ a TBI. =P
Our last stop was my bro's place to wind down for the evening. He had a more mellow party going on, that included wine tasting, desserts, and cheese. Very sophisticated and 28 y/o ish. :)
Happy New Year! (Uh, my New Year's Resolutions will remain confidential for now.)
We went to Ole Tapas Bar in Studio City to support friend/DJ Cornbeef and Brian McGuire. Officially met "hobo-chic" Brian, although I'm sure if I hadn't heard his name 100+ times in my past-life's underground scene, I wouldn't've remembered. I couldn't even remember Ariel's GF's name, who I was talking to for like 2 hrs or so. Not b/c I was plastered, but b/c I'm terrible with names. Besides, I was DD so I couldn't get my party on. "You drink, you drive, you lose." That's the message that was on every Amber Alert Board we passed.
Genevieve and I didn't have the most sophisticated conversation. We sat there and laughed (she laughed on the inside, I straight up guffawed out loud) about how white people really can't dance. Since Genevieve was keen on *noticing* everybody, I'm sure she noticed that instead of wearing heels, I had my comfy, totally not cute nor trendy, tennies on. Tacky, I know, but in my defense, I thought it was gonna be a darker bar/club, and that we really were leaving at 10:30 to go to my bro's where we take our shoes off, anyways. Note to self for NYE 2006, wear heels if we go out.
We stayed at Ole for the countdown and I was supposedly drinking Cristal like the 1990s rappers, but me and Genevieve doubted the bar would really pour that. It ain't no Dom P, but it does sound kinda Valley pimp: Yo, I had Cristal for the countdown! They say, whatever you're doing NYE midnight is what you'll do for the rest of the new year. Guess I'll be in a semi-drunken haze. JK I really wasn't hazy nor drunk. (You drink, you drive, you lose.) We ended up staying 'til the end to help CB take his stuff down. Brian almost killed me w/ a speaker, that 6 foot mofo. That woulda been a terrible way to start '06 -- w/ a TBI. =P
Our last stop was my bro's place to wind down for the evening. He had a more mellow party going on, that included wine tasting, desserts, and cheese. Very sophisticated and 28 y/o ish. :)
Happy New Year! (Uh, my New Year's Resolutions will remain confidential for now.)
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