Saturday, March 24, 2007

End of Spring Break Celebration!

Okay, so I didn't really celebrate the end of Spring Break. It's just that my student teaching ended at the end of our Spring Break, so yes, people, I did not have a real Spring Break. BoOOo! But it was nice to actually work with the students without worrying about dysphagia.

To celebrate the end the quarter, a few of us went out to dinner at Nyala in Little Ethiopia! How culturally adventurous are we, thanks to BSILF! We met around 5 for dinner and for 4.5 hours, we reminisced about the past 11 weeks of student teaching, talked about what we want to do when we grow up (in other words, where we will work in less than 6 months), and then brought the discussion to the even nearer future -- what is the hospital externship gonna be like beginning Monday (or Tuesday, in my case).

I am not going to think about it yet...until Monday. =P For now, I am simply enjoying my weekend that began with a very fun girls' night out. :)

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