Thursday, July 20, 2006

Red Bull gives you what?

I am, once again, a legendary student clinician! Not b/c I'm a G at this clinic business but b/c both of my clients didn't show up for clinic this week when I had a midterm. Again, it must've been b/c I went to church on Sunday. Ha!

Actually, I'm kinda bummed that this quarter is flying by b/c clinic has been the least stressful in comparison to the other quarters. I have to admit that I semi-prayed that my kiddo wouldn't come today since we had a midterm that I wasn't done cramming for.

I went to bro's office last night to fax a work document to him (he's in Kentucky) and to cram for CAPD. The lamest thing is that at 11:50 P.M., I finally began studying and cracked open a Red Bull, desperate to stay awake. At precisely 12:28 A.M., I called it quits and proceeded home. In my daze, I crossed the Centinela/Washington intersection and about 5 lights flashed. OH NO WAY! I'm getting another ticket?!?!?!?!?! I swear it was yellow thru the whole intersection!

The ironic thing is that I just e-mailed my awesome cherry-saving/Cherry-Saver classmate (who saved my cherries twice last TA and CAPD notes. Thx, K!) about my first and only car accident way back in the day. The irony is that when the thought of getting a ticket crossed my mind, I had a flashback of my accident when homeboy said only one thing to me: in America, we stop at yellow lights.

Well in L.A., we speed through them (and run reds).

Oh, but the point of this post was that Red Bull is such a waste of calories for me. (Thank goodness my bro had a sugar-free one.) You'd think that downing a can at midnight would at least keep me up for 2 hours, but heck, it didn't do anything for me. I was ready to fall asleep when I finished the can; hence, driving thru a yellow was like life in slow-motion (I coulda sworn the light turned red after I finished crossing, though! I guess I'll find out in a few weeks.).

I was trying to explain to my classmates on Monday my weirdness about Red Bull. For some reason, I feel guilty when I drink it. I think I look at it like it's a drug or something (although I am not a RB junkie. It does nothing for me. I'd maul a mofo for Starbucks, though). Or I associate it with the night-life. Yeah, give me a Red Bull vodka. Or it was the rage when RED was still at Hacienda.

I only gave the cocktail example, so my classmates looked at me like I was crazy, and one simply said, "it's just an energy drink."

I guess. But in my case, it's just a waste of calories.

BTW, I tried a tangerine frappuccino from Starbucks yesterday -- only b/c I had a coupon for a free sample, thx to my bro -- and it was pretty good. However, on any day of the week and twice on Mondays, I'd rather get an espresso drink.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are a total caffeine junkie! When we went to SB to use our free tangerine sample coupon they were all out! Anyway, the whole Red Bull thing - curious!

And thanks for the props! :)