Friday, August 08, 2008

Sad News

Yesterday, BF and I were happily on our way to a diner for lunch and then to the adjoined bowling alley, when we received extremely sad news.

Moments before, I was filling BF in on our lovely neighbor's unfortunate medical history and the breast cancer she overcame five years ago this week. That prompted BF to think of a friend also battling breast cancer. Not ten minutes later, BF's best homie called with the news that our friend recently underwent a double mastectomy...but the cancer had quickly spread and fluid had flooded her brain. She was recently declared brain dead and relying solely on a ventilator for life. Parents are pulling the plug this weekend.

Sandy's only 36. A wonderful, sweet, vibrant young woman. Our thoughts and prayers go out to her, her family, and friends. We will truly miss her.

Me, Sandy, and BF's best homegirl.


Mark Reisch said...

oh how sad. =(

I don't even know her, but I am soooo stunned.

Pleas let the family know that they are in our prayers.

Chanel said...

Thanks Mark. Your thoughts and prayers are appreciated. She passed away Saturday night... :*(

rly said...

this is so sad. i remember sandy from efc oc... back in high school and am still somewhat in touch with judy (her younger sister).

Are you going to the funeral on Saturday?
