Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Caution: Rated R Verbal Cat-Calls

Time after time, I vent about how much I hate it when I get cat-calls, honks, and verbal cat-calls. (I'm not sure what to call obnoxious comments yelled at me; I wouldn't call them pick-up lines. Hence the term, verbal cat-calls to me.)

(Do I have a case of neologism? I'm always making up words or phrases.)

My bro recently reminded me of one of the craziest verbal cat-calls I received. I was in Downtown, walking across the street during my lunch hour, when a man rode his bike past me and asked, "Hey beautiful; how's your pu$$y doing today?" I was floored! (Much later, I laughed about it when I was retelling it to my brother).

Today, I was out and about. I usually don't like running errands in the area around Venice and Washington Blvd. and Place. Those few blocks just look and feel so ghetto. BF asked me to stop by his bank (which is super-ghetto). When I exited the bank and was in the parking lot, there were two guys yelling and honking after me, "Hey! Hello! Hey sweetie!" trying to get my attention. I ignored them and the farther I walked away, it changed to, "You F-in $lut!" My heart was beating so fast as I speed-walked to my car. I jumped into my car, seriously ready to run a mofo over if anyone came up to my car. Thankfully, I arrived home safely.

I don't live in the hood or anything, but I can't help being a chicken. :(

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