Monday, April 02, 2007

Beginning Review

BF asked how my studying is going with the Infamous Bohemoth Blue Book (Advanced Review of SLP). I said, "I don't know and I don't want to know." All I know is that I have finally completed 2 chapters of this 735 page mofo.

His response? "Maybe you need the Beginning Review version."

My response? "Are you crazy? If they had one, then it'd be like 2000 pages!"

And I have 3.5 weeks left before the exam. Everyone keeps asking me, "WTH are you doing everyday if you don't have class any more?" I get asked this question at least once a week (usually from the same family members who are wondering why I don't call or visit).

Well, aside from waking up at 5:30 to be in the hospital from 6:45 - 5, I am studying for the huge exam that will grant me my license. That's all.

Lord, I hope I pass.


Mark Reisch said...

I bet yer missing that Monday where you were going to be everyone's errand girl. =)

You will be done before you know it! Keep fighting the fight

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were taking it in April!! I just got my book today, opened it, glanced at its insides and almost fainted. My face is in permanent OMG mode. but you know what? We can do this!! Hope you're doing well! It's weird not seeing everyone on an at least weekly basis!