Thursday, May 04, 2006

Woses ow Wed

I've had a guilt trip since yesterday over my Bawler. Her mom left me a VM yesterday to cancel session, and also said that Bawler's been asking for her "paper" and "necklace."

Last Wednesday, Bawler brought a Target ad and she made another bracelet as a reward for her correct responses. When she erupted into another out-of-control session-end bawl-fest, she forgot her ad and I forgot to give her the bracelet. I saved her bracelet in another box, but the Target ad? Totally trashed it when I was cleaning up!! How in the world was I supposed to know that the Target ad had some inherent value for her? I've learned my lesson, though; with these kids, one's trash is definitely another's treasure.

My mission on Monday is to convince her that this week's Target ad is even more valuable and special than the one she had. *=T

K2 showed up b/c Tia remembered to bring her. What boggles me is, if K2 LOVES coming to clinic, wouldn't she remind her mom to bring her? Anywho, Tia brought her and the kiddo totally surprised me! Like last time, she hid something (that I could totally see) behind her back and said, "close yo' eyes!" (Not trying to be gangster-ish; she just has a few articulation problems going on, including problems w/ "r.") When I opened my eyes, she had a bouquet of 5 red roses for me!

Seriously, I don't know what kind of spell I've casted on her. It's not like I've cured her of the incurable. Although that would be pretty cool to do something that's never been done before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
