Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mini Cousins' Day

I've been lucky enough to have my grad assistant(GA) with me this entire week, so all of my kiddos are getting serviced proper this week. :) Today, I saw my 1st through 5th period kiddos as scheduled.

After my sessions, I actually gave myself a lunch break for once. I was thinking about heading to the gym, but by the time I left (still later than planned), I didn't think I'd have enough time. On the other hand, I didn't want to get to my BCBA meeting so early. Then I had a brilliant idea. Why not call Younger Genius Cousin and see if he was free?

Turns out Older Genius Cousin was home, too! So I headed over to their house (and played with their cutie-pie doggy). We headed out for Chipotle, but ended up having ramen instead. After our delicious lunch, we drove across the plaza and decided at the last minute to have Jamba Juice! (I love smoothies and wonder why I don't have them more often!)

I had a GREAT time just hanging out with them two. I was cracking up every other minute either at our conversations or the interactions between the brothers. Too funny. :) It was really such a special treat for me to hang out with just them, in the middle of the week, and in the middle of a work day!

I reluctantly left for my BCBA meeting. :( I hope to see them again before they head back up North for school. Thanks cousins!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fun day!