Friday, September 12, 2008

Natural Highlights

Apparently, I have some natural highlights in my hair. I haven't had my hair professionally colored since 2003 so my black hair now is au naturale, which apparently is not a common site in L.A. (I've had several people ask me over the years if my hair is dyed black. When I tell them it's my natural color, they don't believe me!)

Today, my troublemaker SDC-BSC girl came in swinging her braids of black and electric blue hair and sat down to my left for speech. We were having "structured conversation" -- asking and answering questions with each other (i.e., having a normal conversation) when she blurted out, "Did you get white streaks put in your hair?"

WHAT?? :(

"No, it's called white hair caused from stress."

I was soOOOo bummed! BF has been pointing out more and more (with a horrified tone in his voice) at how many white hairs I have. For the past two years, I've effectively covered them up, but over the past year, the area has almost doubled.

I recently joked with BF that I should get bold white highlights like Rogue in X-Men (movie). Sadly, maybe I really should consider it!

Sidenote: Bro says that Mom had premature gray hair. If that's the case, then I guess it makes sense. It's not stress, it's just genetics?

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