Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Where's the Daylight?

This Daylight Savings thing is really cramping my style, man.

Actually, I wouldn't've remembered to change my clocks if it weren't for BF's parents (darn him! JK :) We visited his parents on Saturday, and I had to stifle some serious guffawing when I saw his pops changing their clocks at...5 PM! That was cute. I swear his parents have more NRG than me. When we were leaving around 11 PM (technically 10 PM), I was doggone tired. His mom was all bummed and asking, "why are you leaving so soon?" Even though we had been there since 2 PM. I think I would have had more NRG and stayed longer if I was still on vacation.

On the other hand, I had 3 Nestle ice-cream bars at their place. How embarassing. Well, BF had 2 so his mom gave me 2. How can I resist? Then BF gave me another one later on. I could eat ice-cream everyday.

Actually, now that school is officially in fast forward action again, my eating habits are horrendous. Lucky for me, Dad packed me a lunch today so I didn't keel over when I got caught up in an hour Dx meeting that ran an hour over. He also sent me home with 2 cans of Pringles were my yummy, carb-fortified dinner. For dessert, I had an ice-cream cone from McDonald's. I felt so guilty about my "dinner" that I wasn't going to tell anyone, but I stopped by Ralphs and brought my ice-cream cone in (I had to finish it before I got home). As I stood there in front of more carbs (Twinkies & Ding-Dongs aisle), I hear my name called. Oh! It's sweetie-pie pregnant classmate and her husband! (Why does she always catch me eating sweets?!?!?)

Oh well. How awesome (and terrible) it is to eat like a true student. I try to convince myself, the stress will burn the fat. Come to think of it, I've been telling myself that since college...

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