Friday, April 14, 2006

Good Friday

Since I've been with BF, I've had fish on Good Fridays for the past few years. Like last year, we had Filet-o-Fish sandwiches today b/c 1) we're on a very tight budget and 2) It's "Filet-O-Fish Fridays" at McDonald's. :D

I also went in for my new temp job today. At last Friday's Learning Exchange, my bro's friend recruited me for her research and evaluation company. I'm basically entering comments from seniors that evaluate their retirement community. I read the funniest and cutest comments on what they liked most and what they would change. Some were extremely happy because the premises were great and above all, they get to be with their significant other. Similarly, many were extremely grateful that the place really took care of their ill or disabled significant other. Still others loved that they could have their dogs there. But one dude reported that a problem he had was when, "a dog did his business in the hallway and I stept [sic] in it." Poor guy.

I kind of like this because I'm considering working in a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF) or assisted living type of place so it's helpful for me to know these types of concerns.

On a random note, I think this "job" is a piece of cake b/c I've had soOOOOoOoOo much experience reading very messy handwriting from attorneys' timesheets so reading these old folks' writing is a cake walk! Well, for the most part. Not to mention, reading these seniors' narratives are far more interesting than, "Telephone conference with J. Shmoe regarding blahblahblah; draft and revise memorandum; exchange e-mails with J. Doe regarding yaddyyaddy; discussion regarding etc." You get the picture.

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