Monday, April 28, 2008

Throwing in the Towel Update

Perhaps That Crazy Lady has regained an ounce of sanity since she decided on quitting. I have to give her props -- since she set her mind on leaving, her attitude and collaborative effort have been totally rad. She's truly achieved the "I quit" zen, where she just doesn't care any more...and that carefree spirit has really decreased her stress and anxiety the point where it's benefiting me in so many ways! For one, I am hearing less crazy theories. Secondly, she has been on the ball when I need her support.

Today during group therapy (i.e., snack time), J320 was a mess. He didn't get much sleep the night before, so he was throwing a tantrum or on the verge of one pretty persistently through the morning. The moment he sat down for snack, he was fake crying and whining to an even louder extent. I prompted for quiet sitting, but he wasn't having it. So I said, "Okay, you're not ready," and turned to the next kiddo. He acted out even more (mini-extinction burst) so I looked at TCL, and she immediately took him away for a time-out. When she came back I told her that the second he demonstrates "quiet sitting" (whether he realizes it or not), run like crazy to bring him back to snack (differential reinforcement).

Mind you, his time-out area was at the other end of the classroom. I went about my ways with the rest of the kiddos, and then I noticed that it was quiet at the other end of the room. She saw me look at J320, and she immediately sprinted over to him and brought him back to snack.

He was a SAINT for the rest of snack!! High-five to TCL (and J320)! :D

Also a high-five to myself b/c I have gotten good at keeping snack time within 30 minutes. Not to mention both on Friday and today, N320 has needed less prompting for a louder voice for making his snack request to me.

Group therapy during snack time continues to rock!

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