Sunday, May 27, 2007

Not yet M.A., but 1/3 closer to CCC

Great news! BSILF, CHK, and I passed the Praxis! We are that much closer to being nationally licensed and obtaining the CCC after our name.

Congratulations to us!

The day of the news was actually very exciting. I got the day off to attend our Graduate Banquet. That morning, BF and I went to the P.O. to apply for his new passport for our celebratory China trip. On my way to the banquet, BSILF called me up and we chit-chatted. I completely blanked on what day it was. At the end of our chat, BSILF said, "I have an important question for you." "Hm?" "Did you call?" I was like, "What? Call who?" I can't imagine her expression of disbelief on the other line. I completely blanked that friday was the day that we could call in to receive our scores!

Well, a little background. I'm the type that waits to open gifts. If it's a Christmas gift, I like to wait until Christmas Eve or Day. If it's my birthday, I like to wait until then. Same with results. I don't mind waiting until it arrives in the mail. So in my mind, I had already settled on doing that...and completely forgotten about it. =P BF, however, was very intent on me calling in at first chance.

BSILF: Y'know, the Praxis!
Me: OMG! I totally forgot! Did you call?
Me: Congratulations, you must have passed, huh! :)
And she certainly did. Not that I had any doubt! Still, it was very exciting to hear!

At the banquet, we had a mini-reunion with our colleagues and mentors. And I strategically sat near the dessert table. =P Being at the banquet made me realize that we are seriously that much closer to being done with school and becoming professionals. It's a great feeling.

Afterwards, Bruce Lee's Cousin, CIA Rat B, and BSILF came over to (check out Lil F and to) work on our oral defense forms. When BF found out that both Cold-Hearted K (who is really quite the opposite of cold-hearted) and BSILF had passed the Praxis, he (no surprise) insisted that I call in for my results. The (cheap) chicken that I am, had him call.

He heard the results first, and then passed the phone to me. I passed! Yay! The craziest thing is that BSILF and I got the same score (even though traditionally, her score should be higher!) We've been through thick and thin together for the past 2-3 years so what could be better than to have some of them around to share in the good news? :) Unfortunately, CIA Rat B and Bruce Lee's Cousin had to go, but BSILF's Hubby came over and the 4 of us went to Island's to celebrate.

And celebrate we did. Thanks, BSILF and Hubby for the delicious meal and wonderful company!


Mark Reisch said...

Congrats to you indeed! It was a fun night. sorry you had to work the next day.

Anonymous said...

Congrats girlie! I am so proud of you (and us!). I seriously cannot believe the Praxis is behind us forever! It feels good being on this side! :)

I am sooooOOOoOOoooo happy the four of us got to celebrate together, it was the perfect way to honor our achievements. And I am so glad we got the same score! :)


Chanel said...

Thank you, both, and congrats to you, too, BSILF! Kudos to our higher than "really good" (but mediocre) score! Ha!

It was truly the perfect way to celebrate! In less than 2 weeks, we will be "M.A., C" (still need to earn the other 2 Cs ;).