Wednesday, May 16, 2007


On Sunday, BF and I went to FBM's to help prep for their Mother's Day celebration. While I was at the bakery, the boys went grocery shopping. I later took off to celebrate with my family and then went back for a 2nd dinner. =P

Later on, BF told me that at the seafood department in the Chinese supermarket, BF's Godson exclaimed to BF, "Look! Turtles!" =O

When BF realized what Godson was pointing at, he stifled laughter and said, "No, [Godson], those aren't turtles. Those are clams."

"Cyams?" (Godson is slightly gliding his /l/s + he's missing one of his front teeth.)

When BF was telling me this, I reacted in two ways. In my normal-person mode, I was laughing so hard b/c it was funny and cute. In my future-SLP-mode, I thought it was fascinating to hear a classic example of a child learning vocabulary and overextending classifications. Out of professional curiosity, I had to ask, "How did you explain to him?" I mean, I don't blame the kid; both have shells.

"Well, I explained to him that those clams weren't turtles. Turtles have arms and legs." How cute are they both. :)

So after a full fun day of Mother's Day festivities, we came home and as usual, I approached Lil F's tank to greet her..."Hi Clam!"

BF was not amused. But I was. :D

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