Sunday, December 25, 2005

Merry Christmas!

It's as if I'm wishing myself or any random reader a merry Christmas, since I'm a closet blogger. Although, I did admit to cousin Fatyee last night (during all the "you didn't tell me you had a blog" accusations) that I do have a blog that no one knows about or has read. Maybe she'll be the first that I let in on my boring posts. =P

Christmas Eve with the seriously crazy family was a blast. This year, Cousins Dr. Gonads and Sergeant Sumfn weren't here for the holidays, but we send our love to them. Poor Dr. Gonads was on call until 2PM and had leftover Chinese take-out, and Sergeant is over in Kosovo. Re: Dr. we love to say behind the backs of the attorneys: That's why they (will) make the big bucks! Actually, I got to say that to Genius Cousin last night since he's a "consultant" who's on-call via Blackberry and works like 70-80 hours a week. BUT, he does get like awesome yummy snacks and beer 24/7, just like the law firm I work for, sans the beer. I have NEVER heard of a place that stocks their snack center w/ beer. What's next? They totally need like Red Bulls...or tweak. Or both. I'm sure that'd make a scary or entertaining combination.

Anywho, back to Christmas dinner. I bought a ginormous ham, since we finally decided that nobody likes turkey enough. However, all the adults cooked or bought so much food that we didn't need the ham (nor turkey). We did have a wonderful feast, though.

I told my bro that I always look forward to his gifts to me b/c man, he gives me the best gifts! BF does, too, but it's different b/c with my bro, it's always a nice surprise. BF gets me very nice, thoughtful gifts, but I usually get advanced notice b/c he needs my input. This year, I got a Best Buy gift card from Sergeant Cousin's family, another pix frame from the M.D./DDS family, a Coach purse from bro, will get a Passat from dad, cash from Grandma Pearl, a bebe knock-off from the Genius relatives, and a world-wide collected gift from Pastor Aunty with a bag of M&Ms from law school cousin. Also got an iPod Shuffle from my very nice and wealthy attys, a Vuios Luitton from future in-laws* and movie tickets from BF's friend, French champagne from BF's sister, and a nice wallet from my Lil Sis. The older I get, the more expensive and nicer the gifts get. =O

*Last, but certainly not least, BF got me a diamond ring! =O Although I knew about it, I'm still surprised! I mean, he asked me what I wanted for Christmas. It was either a buncha things on my wish list (i.e. anti-aging cream. Yes, u read right) or a diamond ring. The diamond ring graduated from a Christmas gift to a Promise-to-have-grandkids-for-Tita-Flower ring.

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