Monday, December 19, 2005

Lil C. Fawker's 1st Birthday

Although this post is a few days late (2 days, to be exact), I'm still just as excited reminiscing about Lil F's first birthday! On December 17, Lil F had an awesome birthday party! He had like 4 fish, while we had a nice seafood dinner. :) Party guests included Uncles B&B and Aunty Lynn. Uncles B&B bought Lil F exactly what he wanted for his birthday -- 12 colorful feeder fish! He was VERY excited (and greedy)! Daddy X even bought an ice-cream cake for the Lil Green Guy. Unfortunately, we didn't have a camera to capture the moment, but the icing on the side of the cake said "happy birthday Lil e Focher" in green (the lady misread my 'c' for an 'e'). He'll probably grow a quick inch w/i the next week, after eating all that fish!

So Christmas is only a few days away! It's weird, but I think for the past few Christmases, my bro and I say, it doesn't feel like Christmas. What do we mean by that, though? I don't quite know how to explain it. Sometimes during the year, it feels like Christmas for me. Maybe it's the cold weather one day. Or a place garnished with lots of lights. Unfortunately, it doesn't have much to do with people. It's funny b/c at Christmas, I even expect people to be in the holiday spirit -- nice, joyful, peaceful. That's hardly ever the case, especially when we do last minute shopping in the crazy malls. Although, I have to say, my bro and I had excellent customer service last night at Westside Pavilion at the men's counter in Robinson's May.

My other Christmas reflection came a few nights ago when BF asked me if I say "merry Christmas" or "happy holidays." I admitted that last year and especially this year, I'm more conscientious of being politically correct and culturally/religiously-sensitive, so I opt for the latter. Then again, when I say "happy holidays," it's also an abbreviation for "merry Christmas" and "happy new year." But he did remind me that as cliche as it sounds, Jesus really is the reason for the season. So, I'm back to saying Merry Christmas, regardless of people's religions or beliefs. I know, how insensitive of me. =P Well, we're all entitled to our own beliefs.

And yes, I do think it's strange that people who don't believe in Jesus and/or God celebrate Christmas. Well, maybe the equivalent is me wearing green on St. Patty's Day. I just vaguely know it has something to do with the Irish, but it's not like I'm Irish. I just wear green b/c I don't want strangers pinching me. People give gifts for Christmas b/c that's the popular expectation.

Well, happy first birthday Lil Focher and Merry Christmas to all my loved ones!

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