Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Visiting the In-Laws

It sounds so official to say that. :) I must admit that I get all dorky-giddy when my husband and brother refer to each other as "brother-in-law."

On Saturday morning, Maxwell and Bro dropped Husband and me at LAX to fly out to Vegas to visit the in-laws. We haven't seen them since our wedding so we were looking forward to it...also because it meant a mini-vacation. We arrived and met up with in-laws at Mandalay Bay, our usual meeting spot, and then went to have lunch at a Filipino restaurant. It was soOOOo delicious...but so much red meat!

Afterward, we went to in-laws and rested a bit before meeting up with MIL's best friend at Red Rock. We played (i.e., gambled) for two hours and then headed home to have more delicious Filipino food for dinner. Hubby and I turned in early that evening.

On Sunday, we slept in and then headed back to Red Rock where I checked in to the Spa for a deep tissue massage treatment. It was my first deep tissue massage, and I thoroughly enjoyed it, especially at 30% off! My masseuse was very interesting, too; she is from Hawaii, where she was previously a social worker who received speech therapy when she was little. After my treatment, I alternated between the steam room (with eucalyptus aroma), hot and cold jacuzzi, and lounge area. When I got bored, I left and ran into Hubby. We checked into our room (with VIP elevator access -- perhaps compensation for rooming us 250+ feet away from the elevator lobby?) and got ready for dinner.

Dinner was another enjoyable event. We had reservations at T-Bones to celebrate Father-in-Law's birthday and parents-in-laws 38th wedding anniversary. Hubby and I went overboard, ordering all sorts of dishes (at 25% off!). I started with lobster chowder and then had a few slices of my petite filet mignon with a side of spinach and cheese on roasted tomatoes. The awesomest part is that we received a delicious slice of carrot cake and creme brulee, both compliments of the house. We were stuffed...and thought that the best way to work it off was to gamble a bit.

The pinnacle of our slot-playing experience was when Hubby and I walked past some $1 slots. We looked at each other and said, "why not?" Hubby put in $15 and kept hitting the button to bet more lines. Before I could stop him, he had placed a max bet...of $5! With full commitment, he hit play...and won $10! We couldn't resist...intermittent reinforcement is powerful. In a matter of minutes, Hubby reaped in over $150 in three $5 hands! Gotta play to win!

We turned in pretty early and woke up the next morning to meet in-laws for a brunch buffet. A few hours later, we were on our way back to LAX.

I have to say that it was great to be vacationing on a Monday...that is usually spent in M.B.

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