Tuesday, June 19, 2007

It's not fair

Two injustices~

First injustice: California law deems a domestic partnership as a legal relationship between same-sex couples and opposite-sex couples in which one partner is 62 years of age or more. When I was working in the 2nd law firm, I was fortunate to have BF deemed as my Domestic Partner simply b/c we had been living together for at least 3 years. Therefore, he was legally covered under my insurance policy. Recently, I asked a potential employer if Domestic Partners are covered under my potential insurance policy. She indicated that whatever California deems as a Domestic Partner is likely what they consider. After I checked out California's law, I chuckled to BF, telling him that the potential employer may think that he is a she because I had forgotten/adopted the law firm's definition, rather than California's definition.

Well, now that I am pretty set on working for this other potential employer, I was very upset to see that they, too, go by California's definition. Re-phrase: I am upset by California's definition. I find it unjust for same-sex couples to be recognized as a domestic partnership, regardless of how many years they have been together (as long as they have filed an application with the registry) whereas BF and I, who have been together for 5.5 years and meet Criteria 1-4 and 6, cannot file the same application and be considered as Domestic Partners.

This may force us to elope before September. Maybe we'll elope in China. I already told him, no cheesy elopement (i.e., TV-style: drive-thru in Vegas with an Elvis impersonator).

2nd injustice: I have more white hairs than Aunt and Uncle of Genius Cousins (53 and 58, respectively). Along the same note, people often ask, "who's older?" when my bro and I are side-by-side. He is almost 3 years older than me. Fortunately, he has bought me a spa package, and he testifies that the 3rd treatment got rid of his wrinkles! I am looking forward to that treatment. Come to think of it, that means I must look like 5 years older than my bro right now (or he looks 5 years younger).


Anonymous said...

You should just get married! Being married rocks! I highly recommend it! You can totally plan a wedding in 8 - 12 weeks, just ask me or NB.

In all seriousness, if you know you love this man, and you know he loves you, and you know you each want to spend the rest of your lives together, than what are you waiting for?

You know where to send my invitation! :)

Chanel said...

Well, I can't use the excuse, "I want to first finish school," any more!

Shoot, I'll hand-deliver the invite. ;)

Mark Reisch said...

Ohhhh do I hear a great wall Wedding?!!

I'll bring my tux!