Friday, December 19, 2008

Winter Break!!!

I am officially on Winter Break! Yahoo!!

It has been a rough week...and past few months. It didn't really hit me until this morning that I would soon begin Winter Break. My morning began with a quick visit to my beloved class in Lawndale. I got to the site early, ghetto-decorated the dining area, set a box of a dozen donuts and frosted holiday cookies on the table, and spread some Hershey's kisses around. I also brewed a pot of Starbucks Holiday Blend (yummers!) and dropped off my Secret Santa gift to an aide in his mailbox. I was on my way out to my MB site when the SDC-LS teacher popped in and re-invited me to her holiday party tomorrow afternoon. After her, I ran into the County SDC-teacher...who surprised me when he revealed that he was my Secret Santa! Lastly, I got to see J320 so my morning started off very nicely. I left a little before 8 to work in MB for the day.

The day was busy, fun, and crazy. I was very surprised at receiving a few gifts from some of my students. It is such a thoughtful gesture. I remember last year, my cousins were floored when I said I didn't receive any gifts (when I was full-time in Lawndale). I didn't really think much of it...which is why I'm so surprised this year to receive some. Unfortunately, it's really another blatant difference between cities with such drastic socioeconomic status differences. Truth be told, I still feel like a fish out of water in MB.

In reflecting on the past few intense months of work, I have learned sooOoOOoo much, risen up to the challenges to the best of my abilities, and exceeded my own expectations of my capabilities. That's not to say I don't still ask stupid questions or do dumb things...

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