Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Non-Post: Shea Butter and Chapstick

Since I've grown wiser and less greedy over the years, I've gotten much better at not taking every freebie offered to me. A few weeks ago when I was at the ASHA Convention, I selectively picked up a few cool freebies, like some cold putty for kiddos with sensory needs and a "Toobaloo" for voice and fluency kiddos. My one and only "junkie" freebie was this lip moisturizer:Suffice it to say, I am so loyal to Chapstick -- can't leave home without that and iPhone -- and generally do not take free lip moisturizers b/c they usually suck. Well, two things happened after I got back.
  1. H2B told me about a new shimmery/glossy lip moisturizer by Blistex so I picked up the Silk & Shine. Total disappointment at full-cost! It smells nice and it has a sweet taste, but it doesn't give any glossy finish and the moisture is gone after a few minutes. Shortly after, I saw a commercial for Chapstick True Shimmer. That's when I realized that I should have stayed loyal to my Chapstick brand all along!
  2. I've been on a huge shea butter/L'Occitane craze so I was so surprised so see that in the generic lip moisturizer from Phoneix Children's Hospital, one of the ingredients is shea butter! I was shocked and disappointed to see that Chapstick doesn't even have shea butter!
I may need to redefine my lip moisturizer brand loyalty. The True Shimmer Chapstick may be its only redemption.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm addicted to Chapstick.

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