Friday, July 24, 2009

Baby Sitting

I baby sat (non-family members) for the first time in my life. This must be what early intervention therapy is like...only I didn't walk away with $2-300.

Hubby and I had dinner with Pastor Aunty, Gramma, and cousin Lani at a tofu house on Las Tunas. The meal was delicious -- Korean BBQ chicken and beef, tofu pots, and all the yummy side dishes. Afterward, the two of us headed a few blocks down to CBNR's house. Right when we got there, CBNR rushed outside and said, "you two need to stay here and watch the boys. [Wifey's] car broke down. I'll be back 15 minutes." Husband looked at me and said, "You stay here; I gotta go with him in case he needs help." Say whaaaaaat??? Before I could protest, CBNR said to his boys, "You both better be good to Aunty Cheryl. No punching her in the balls..." (He meant it b/c the 3 year-old actually does that to his Dad!) Next thing I know, the grown men were gone and two little boys were in the entry way screaming, "Hello!!!" Well, at least I got a nice, warm greeting.

For the next 2.5 hours, we moved back and forth from the 5 year-old's room (where all the toys are) to the family room (to sing to Wii High School Musical) to the kitchen area for snacks and drinks. I can't say that the 2.5 hours felt like the 15 minutes that CBNR had said, but we were definitely entertained! I am not accustomed to being around such little kids so it was really a fun and neat experience. First of all, the boys have energy off the charts. Secondly, they were vying for my attention every other second, pulling me in different directions (literally). But above all, these boys know how to act around adults (that are not their parents). At one point, Hubby's Godson said, "I have to pee! you have to pee? Because you can go first." How thoughtful. Haha!

When they finally returned, we rushed over to bro's house to feed poor Max, who had been outside the entire sweltering day. We spent an hour with him, too, before finally getting home around midnight.

As we settled in, it donned on me that today was the first time that I have ever baby-sat (alone). I almost felt proud...except that I'm turning 3 decades this year. I've entered baby-bearing age, not baby-sitting age...

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