The performance was spectacular and very entertaining. It features several actors and actresses from TV shows such as the daughter from "Desperate Housewives" (*shrug*: I don't watch it) and one of the "Dukes of Hazzard" which I did watch growing up, but I didn't recognize the Duke.
This was also my first time at the Hollywood Bowl; a very great experience! Now, I can't wait to hear the LA Philharmonic perform at the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Last summer, one of the summer associates I assisted brought me and my team to the Hall. The specificity and ingenuity of the architecture is breathtaking. I would love to listen to them just perform b/c even though tonight's performance was spectacular, I was more focused on the singing than the symphony music.
Do I sound like a total yuppie??
Local news: There goes the neighborhood.
So, Home Depot Homie told us about the gang-related shooting from a few weeks ago around Venice and La Brea. Apparently, there's been lots of activity (related or not). This morning in Mar Vista there was a shooting (innocent people according to the local internet news) and a drive-by at a local HS 2 weeks ago. What gives man? The heat must be seriously bringing out the crazies. :(
I wonder where in Mar Vista b/c it happened at 11:30 A.M. I take walks around Mar Vista Hill in the mornings! I guess I'll be going to the gym more often vs. walking around the hood. I think MVH is safe, but MV is a little more sketchy. Then again, people in this neighborhood aren't very friendly. I always smile and say hello to passerbys but they either look at me or ignore me. Either way, I receive no response.
Do I look shady??
I never listen or watch the news b/c there's just too much sad stuff like this.