Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Freak out

I spent a lot of time with my ESL client this week to make up for missed sessions. On Monday, to work on past tense, she told me that she watched Miss Universe on Sunday and how the ladies are beautiful, and that I should be a contestant for a pageant. I'm like, ha! Me? No, I don't think so but that is very kind of you to say that (as I freak out about my potential snaggletooth which will hopefully be fixed on Friday).

Today, we discussed how English is a difficult language to learn. A part of my explanation was that the written form can differ so much from conversation (which I guess happens with all languages). She lamented about how she learned a few slang phrases and idioms, but forgot them all so it can be a challenge keeping up with English conversations. No, no, wait, she remembers two:
"Freak out..."
"That sucks!"
Isn't that tight? Well, maybe you had to be there to get a kick out of hearing the sweetest 55+ y/o ESL lady say those two phrases emphatically. To be honest, I was a little nervous about which phrases she was gonna bust out. A grip of ghetto-slang or gangsta rap lyrics ran thru my head. At least she knows those two phrases since they're still pretty common. (Or am I the only one who still says those phrases?)

On another separate note -- or part II of Turtle Soup Saga -- I took Lil F out for a walk this AM. When I picked her up to put her back in her tank, she had a hair stuck to her leg. My hair. That tends to happen b/c I shed a lot. :( I started pulling the hair from her leg...when I realized it was coming from her butt!! OMG!!! I was completely freaking out. How and when did she eat a 3 inch hair? I'm gonna have to wear a hair net around my turtle!! :*( I almost didn't tell BF since he swears I try to kill the turtle that I love so much (especially after yesterday's incident).

No way!

Since it's been earthquake weather, I've been really nervous for my turtle. I asked BF last week that if any natural disaster happens (I make it sound like a typhoon or tornado will hit) and I'm not home, please remember to grab Lil F and my Hello Kitty.

He said he doesn't have enough hands. :(


Anonymous said...

I agree - why not at least try out for Miss Universe - although I don't think you can just go straight to the big-time. I think you have to be Miss City, then Miss County, then Miss State, then Miss America, THEN Miss Universe. So actually, C, you better get on it! That is a lot of pagenting to get going on.

I say "that sucks" but always with a hint of guilt because we were never allowed to say that in my house growing up. How funny is that?

And seriously, there is earthquake weather? Why don't I know this? Why didn't someone inform the poor girl from NY of this????

Chanel said...

Everytime I say, "this is earthquake weather" I think about my poor homegirl from NY. No joke. That being said, I've been thinking about you a lot lately...=X

You forgot to mention Miss Chinatown. LOL Actually, 2 of my friends have been named Miss Chinatown or Princess or something of that sort. Ha! I'm Miss Chinatown by association! 1 down, how many more to go?