Thursday, November 19, 2009


I have to admit that I get really excited when I see the read Starbucks holiday season coffee cups. It's another happy reminder that Thanksgiving and Christmas is near!

This morning, I went to Starbucks for a decaf nonfat White Chocolate Mocha with a dollop of whipped cream...and it is heavenly. So good that I have to blog about it, (after weeks of nothing blogworthy).

You see, I've been a coffee-fiend for well over ten years. The fact that I haven't had any coffee since August is a record, since I first started imbibing in such sweet delights. Yes, I am breaking my rule (rule: no point in getting Starbucks if it's decaf), but it's worth it.

My coffee this morning is better than I anticipated.

Sigh...So delicious. A great way to start the second to the last day before my one week Thanksgiving Break! Yahoo!!!

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