I have to admit that many times this year, I couldn't see this day coming...but we made it! The last day of the academic year!
I say "we" because Hubby has been by my side day in and day out as my loyal therapist, companion, guidance counselor, and friend who always knows how to help me through the rough times and celebrate the mini-victories (even if it's a persnickety, "I told you so" from him).
Last night, Hubby still had to give me a pep talk for my last and final day in MB. He also said, "I'm really proud of you. Not once did you say you wanted to quit." That really caught my attention, and I kind of surprised myself when I said, "Oh no, I would never say that." It's interesting because there have only been a few times that I have said I wanted to quit at something. Actually, I can't remember any other time except during my hospital externship at Cedars-Sinai. True, I learned the most from that time...things that I still employ as a professional even while I work with kids. But for reals, I never want to go through that again.
This year was especially challenging in so many ways, but in retrospect, I've been able to see the major positive outcomes. I have tremendously grown in my profession, and I have established new friendships. I see that no matter what, the same still rings true: God will not give me more than I can handle, and He is always with me. (Oh, and I have really strengthened my faith this year...probably through all the prayers out of despair and desperation.)
My last day was a little anti-climactic but alright considering there was drama all week and not too much today, so this day was relatively easy. I got to work early and finished up my last IEP paperwork, completed end of the year procedures, packed the room, and checked out with my administrator and the District. There was a minor hiccup when at noon, a parent called for an IEP that my co-worker had asked me to hold at 1 PM, but we never got confirmation. I was sitting there, sweating in my jeans and long sleeve shirt, thinking, wow, really?? Thankfully, it didn't happen.
At 2:30 P.M., I left the room for the last time. I'm horrible at saying good-byes so I pretty much snuck out since most of the staff expect me back next year. Parents have been more keen and asking me if I'll be back. The most I do is smile and say, "nothing is for certain."
As I drove home, I was hit with a wave of exhaustion. It's been a monumental year of stress and I couldn't believe it was finally over.
Around 4 PM, Hubby and I went to celebrate with happy hour at Enterprise Fish Co. It was so nice, just sitting on the patio and relaxing. At one point, Hubby said, "I have a little surprise for you. Since I can't get you a dog right now, I thought that I'd bring the next best thing..." and in through the patio gate came my bro, FBIL, and Max! I was so giddy that I caught myself tearing up! It was a total surprise that all three showed up! I had left my bro a voicemail an hour before to see if he could join us, and I assumed FBIL was working late. Lastly, I had no idea that guests could being their dogs into the patio dining area. Sweet.
(Throughout our dinner, I realized a sad truth -- Maxwell totally likes Hubby more than me! Boo!)
Our celebration went on for a few more rounds and yummy appetizers, and then hubby went home to finish up a project while I went lolligagging at the dog park with bro, FBIL, and Max. It was my first time at a doggy park, and it was pretty cool, especially since there were some friendly labs. Our last stop was to CeFiore for frozen yogurt before we headed home.
Oh wait, just kidding. My last stop was Yoku Yoku...when I went back out to get hubby frozen yogurt since his wifey kind of forgot to bring CeFiore home for him. Oops!