Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Semantics and Other Blabberings

The majority of my kiddos have goals in the area of semantics (vocabulary), but I am still constantly amazed at how much (or little) they know. Today, I continued with identifying the main idea/topic. After asking a bunch of Wh-questions, I threw out, "Who can tell me what 'hollow' means?"

I really think my kid was just messing with me (b/c they'll do that) but in any event, he said: Oh! I know! You mean like, HOLLA!!!! Like you holla at someone!
Me (LOL): No! What you're saying is 'holler' -- spelled 'h-o-l-l-e-r' and colloquially -- or in conversation -- 'holla' as in h-o-l-l-a. I am asking what 'hollow' h-o-l-l-o-w means...

So I explained to them what hollow means and the crazy kid redeemed himself by saying, "Oh, like when you carve a pumpkin and you take out all the guts and it's hollow inside?"
Me, proud that he understood my definition, exclaimed, "Exactly! Great example [Kid]!"

We continued on for a few more minutes. After I signed their call slips, I said, "Okay, gentleman, I'll see you next time!"
Kid: Alright! Holla atcha later!

I was LMAO! Which reminds me, last time my other kid said to me, "Peace!" and flashed the deuces at me. Which also reminds me that my kids actually let me call them by the nicknames that their friends call them by. I offer to call them by their "real" name, but they just shrug and say I can call them by their nicknames. I feel so special sometimes. :)

Anywho, there's more. The real adventure came at the end of the day. I got to participate in my first fire drill. Thankfully, I didn't have any kiddos; otherwise, I would have had no idea where I was supposed to line up. I found the SDC class, who was teacher-less (long story), so the kiddos clung to me and we all moved over to where they were supposed to be. I cashed in on another "teachable moment" and explained to one kiddo what a fire drill was/meant and the purpose of it. All the while, I stole glances at the next line over b/c FFB was in that line. I felt sorry for him, though, b/c he is soooOOOOoOOo anxious when it comes to fire drills.

Okay, last story: today at the SPED meeting, the psych asked all the teachers if FFB looks at their feet. One said no but another said, "Yes! Just recently, he was standing right next to me and stared straight down at my feet...and said, 'Miss [Teacher with open-toed heels], you have webbed feet!'" LOL

Kids...{shake head!}

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